The solution to the woman problem is to kill all beta males

The solution to the woman problem is to kill all beta males.

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shut up nerd

huh? ok just start killing then

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The immediate result would be a new assortation of the remaining males into a ratio of alphas to betas similar to the previous one. The qualities are relative, not absolute.

How about ugly people have no rights? Vote for Vega 2020

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>women only readily try to have sex with the top 20% or less
>kill the guys not fucking
>nothing changes
wow that's fucking retarded

>women now have nothing to fall back on now
>they get fucked by their old age and die alone with no simp for beta bux
on second thought, you're onto something

>kill all beta males
The skillful employer of men will employ the wise man, the brave man, the covetous man, and the stupid man

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Beta males are the only thing keeping all the women from flunking out of school or getting fired from their jobs
>Stacy I need this done by 5
>hey Steve can you do this for me? I considered going out with you this friday(but I’m going to stand you up)

Fuck off, I'm not harming anybody. I don't make any big decisions that effect you. Leave me alone.

That would be every democrat male.

That's inhumane. Better to just end their lineage. Based women are already doing this though.

i think ppls that belive the 20 /80 theory got it wrong , its true that women look for men that can provide a better life , thing is you guys forgot one variable "mens".Women want mature and experienced males ,things is , there alot of it but mens look for young womens 20-25 top. so you have mens from the age of 20-60 competing for the 20-25 womens , guess what they will chose the men that have a house and a stable job. So thats why all the incel complain , they have nothing to offer at the age of 18-25 vs what a men of 30-50 can offer to theses womens and since the population is older on average in the west , there more competition on the male side.

Tell me more, leaf

Who counts as a beta?

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Betas build society lol, so if you want more decadence and destruction then go ahead and let tyrone/chad fuck Stacy's like rabbits

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That's a strange way to spell sex bots. When the value of pussy for 99% of holes drops to zero. Women will have to fix themselves.

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>80% of mens between the age of 20-60 figth over 20% of womens between the age of 18-25
the more experienced mens wins
the least experienced mens lose (thats why the incel boards are filled with 20 something kids)

this version make more sense than 80% of womens figthing over 20% mens , womens never fougth over anything in life and never will

>kill all beta males
No user. Beta males should be turned into qt twinks and traps for fucking. Dominating another male isn't gay at all, its only gay if you are on the receiving end

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is this some american thing or cope from old geezers? i never can tell. save one exception i have literally never seen this situation of a girl being with an old man. women are the same as men, they go for men who look good and fresh. physical attributes are much more important than this whole narrative about security, jobs, house etc.

shocker, turns out hot girls like being dicked properly by guys with chad cocks that can actually bring them to orgasm. they fucking LOVE that.

even that cute "nice" girl you have a crush on at work or school prolly sees you as a "smalldick" and is super frickin creeped out by you. like "ugh, theres that weird smalldick again, i feel so sorry for him, he's so small and weak. hes just so beta and pathetic, i feel so bad that guy has to exist. hurts looking at him. why is the world so cruel that it made tiny, weak guys like that? and hes so desperate and horny and he can't get anything he wants haha. must suck so bad. EW GROSS, I think he wants to have sex with me. YUCK! what a fucking loser! that's so fucking disgusting. so fucking gross and creepy. makes my skin crawl. i bet his tiny cock cums in 30 seconds, ew. so pathetic. he'll never please a woman. he wouldn't know what to do with me. haha he's literally sexually worthless. the harder he tries to more weak and pathetic he seems. everyone knows his dick is tiny."

and you say, "fucking CUNT!" haha.

come at me bro

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womens tend to date older than they are and mens look for the fresh meat . i dont say all 60 years olds have a 20 something 10/10 gf , they dont ,both sex become undesirable has we age but the factor is much higher on the women side , women past 30 are undesirable but men can go to 40 + before the undesirable effect take place.

Did you really write that all out by hand?

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>Implying beating women to a bloody pulp is not the solution to the woman problem

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I would gladly take a 3, 4, or 5 but they are too busy lusting over 8 to 10 chads

no, it's to regulate female behavior like it is with males

why is it always the godamned males fault for everything? AINT WOMEN FINALLY FUCKING EQUAL YOU MOTHERFUCKING DUMBASS CRUEL HYPOCRITES?

>women past 30 are undesirable but men can go to 40 + before the undesirable effect take place.
lines like this are always why i think people like you are merely coping. i dont know why, it always seems like some excuses and make-believe narratives. the norm is that people date around their age, period. there are weird guys who are into older women and there are weird girls who are into older men. both cases are a rarity though because its a fetish.

>implying it is

>eliminate the bottom 80% of men
>remaining 20% are the new 100%
>women fight over the top 20% of remaining men
>eventually decide the only solution is to kill the bottom 80% again
>repeat until there is only one man left
>some roastie kills him in a fit of jealousy
well, humanity had a nice run

Absolutely this.

>not the final solution
Am disappoint. A poetic justification for eradicating Jews down to the last child, is that contact with them destroyed perhaps a billion instances of the expression of love between virgins getting married for life. ''
environment --> genetics --> culture --> politics.

The only solution to the Jewish problem is extermination, that is to say genocide, which the Germans were too nice to do. Those genes are too harmful to everyone else. The second half of the 20th century demonstrates the need for Jewish extermination very well.

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>kill all beta male
start by killing yourself
>women problem
if you can't find girlfriend it is your fault