Is she right Jow Forums?
Is she right Jow Forums?
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yeah, pretty much.
Lmao what a mess drumpf is
Why won't she say it?
"Saudi Arabia"
say waht?
Except it’s not saudi, it’s israel.
Trump is right. They would have bought weapons from Russia and China anyways.
sure thing Mohammed.
>Is she right Jow Forums?
Saudi is the key to the US empire. That's why you are Saudi's bitch.
Well Trump just sold them nuclear tech behind the back of everyone.
oh right. Jow Forumstards answer to every 5W1H questions.
There’s another country she forgot to mention.
The Saudis literally killed all the saudi family members who were linked to 9/11 to keep a good relationship with America!
There are no good countries in the middle east, just oil! *cough* & Israel *cough**cough*
>being Israel's bitch is not America First
Being israels bitch isnt putting america first
needs moar brackets
Just ignore that Trump is surrounded by literal Zionist Jrwz and gave them cabinet positions, nothing to see here goyim.
And the US empire is bad for Murican people since they get basically nothing out of it, only good for the NWO.
Murica has 300 years worth of oil in its own land. Infact, there is no country on Earth that could be self sufficient as well as the USA could.
She doesn't want to accidentally suicide herself
>No you are the npc!
Democrats are children.
Obviously she's wrong. Also thats a fake account.
who, what, where, when, why, how
I thought it was Russia?
thnx m8
Call me when she questions his attitude towards Israel.
no one mentioned you, leaf. Why do you feel offended?
Based kebab
Trump didn't give Saudi Arabia $400 billion US tax dollars. Trump didn't say we need to keep troops in the Middle East for Saudi Arabia. Trump didn't say Ilhan Omar should resign for wrongthink about Saudi Arabia.
take a look at the correlation between:
Apparently, """children""" govern way better than republicans. Weird! Enjoy your 3rd world shithole excuses or """States""" where your child is more likely to end up a teen mom or a drug addict than they are to get a job. As a rich yankee, i think its perfect--trumplovers deserve to live in squalor like the rodents they are.
Well, ((partly))
>How did that work out for her?
She was wrong you know. 6 months ago
And in the meanwhile you'll vote for him anyway, right?
Has Tulsi called out Israel yet or is she still putiing all the blame on islamic states?
>DC and Maryland that high on the list
Thanks for confirming that HDI is pure bullshit.
nice, she avoided becoming antisemite
checked, kek'd and saved
>y- you must feel offended if you call me out as the faggot i am !
is leftism a mental handicap ?
No, it is you who is wrong.
SEETHING magapedes in the comments
Neither is being Israel's bitch
projection, the post.
>critique of Israel is anti-semitism
lol k
Only retards who believe Hillary Clinton got caught up in that.
Everyone who wasn't a pleb on either side knew it was drivel from day one, that's why people like Jimmy Dore called it out as bullshit.
Yes. He would actually be a pretty good president if he stopped sucking so much Saudi and Israeli dick
She knows. Notice how the only group she didn't mention as being victims of Wahhabi terrorists is the kikes. And she's right. Kikes are never attacked by terrorists, it's always either Christians or Shias.
Then I have even less respect for her. Everyone knows its not the saudis she should be talking about. Take a new screencap OP. 92 retweets and that shit avatar look fake as fuck.
>twitter screencap thread
Fuck off.
>Everyone who doesn't like Blomp is a Dem.
I tell you what those demoCRAPS have gone too far this time, absolute madman Trump is going to tweetstorm the hell out of them...!
Trump is Israel first, Saudi Arabia second, USA third.
Didn't vote for him the first time nigger.
Like Iran does you mean. Except that it doesn't blow up skyscrapers.
Trump is smart enough to play ball with the leaders who play ball with him.
Saudis are buying our weapons. We should help them out.
Dems are just trying to isolate trump with this move. Don't be a sheep.
>Leading politician posting on twitter
>He doesn't understand that social media is more important than legacy media
Get with the times daddio!
She tweeted that shortly after he'd just done an arms deal.
And in the past week Trump vetoed the bill that would end US support for the Saudi war in Yemen. Aka, the US directly funding Wahhabist terrorists. I assume she cares about this a lot given that she was in the military and was told to fight them only to see draft dodging neocons supporting the same terrorists these days.
The Saudis are directly involved in the spread of wahhabist terrorism all over Europe and the rest of the world too. They can only do this because of the US's help.
I am soooooo over reading between the lines. Give me a candidate with balls.
>Saudis are buying our weapons. We should help them out.
>Supporting terrorism is okay if it makes me money!
>They can only do this because of the US's help.
...and France/UK. If the Saudis were isolated and sanctioned into oblivion (like they deserve to be) we wouldn't have terrorist hotspots proliferating in Syria and Iraq, therefore no base for terrorists from which they can prepare and launch their attacks in Europe.
we could literally invade Saudi Arabia's tiny pathetic ass and turn it into Iraq tomorrow
it's all about corruption and kickbacks of various fags who personally enrich themselves with this shit
Selling somebody weapons is not sponsoring terrorism.
Only a leftwing nogun faggot would say something so dumb
She was referring to trump’s refusal to condemn the Saudis for their murder of a journalist.
In all likelihood though, she’s probably redpilled on (((israel))) as well, given how much the AIPAC kikes hate her.
wtf i love Islamic terrorism now
Thats all fine and good, hate the saudis as much as you want. But everyone knows its not the saudis she should be bitching about and that pic still looks likes its from some parody account with 12 followers. Oh and I agree with Trump for vetoing that congressional resolution the other day. Mudshits should do their own fighting.
>lol this old man has thing hair
he's like 72 isn't he?
I agree, all these countries are in on the NWO bullshit.
The fact that the UK and France and Germany and so on are allied with wahhabist terrorists who have repeatedly attacked their own people is disgusting. In the UK the government has let many ISIS fighters actually return to the UK... They're all on the same team.
That's why it's laughable whenever some western politician talks about 'we need to fight terrorism', I can't believe anyone believes this garbage anymore.
>selling weapons to terrorists is not sponsoring terrorism
the absolute state of mutt education...
Absolute cope from an Islam apologist
>Arming the Saudis for the sole purpose of helping them support ISIS terrorists and other wahhabist groups isn't 'supporting terrorism'
>Mudshits should do their own fighting.
Are you even listening to what you're saying?
Trump could have let them 'do their own fighting'. He chose to NOT do that and to CONTINUE US support for the Saudis fighting in Yemen....
No she should say isreal s bitch but she doesn't have the ovaries
The US isn't fighting in Yemen. The Saudis are. Congress wanted to cut off us weapons and supply shipments to the saudi military. No I don't support that. Give them all the tools they need to fight their own battles.
Tuli is right on this one.
>Triggered leftwing brainlets
We sell them weapons to make money. They buy weapons for any number of reasons. It doesn't matter why because we can't prevent them from getting weapons for their purpose even if we wanted to.
We can only control whether we profit from it or whether china profits. Preventing Chinese and Russian dominance in arms sales is very important to US interests
>Preventing Chinese and Russian dominance in arms sales is very important to US interests
Is that why we're sanctioning Iran, Shlomo?
why would anyone care what a hole thinks?
>This much cope
'Fighting their own battles' means helping terrorists. They are wahhabist terrorists, the most extreme form of Islam. Way more fanatical than Iran is for example even though we hear about Iran non stop from Trump and co.
So once again 'supporting terrorism is okay if it makes me money'.
>he doesn't understand that iran is a political enemy of ours, and wouldn't buu our weapons
You are too stupid to handle geopolitics, Mahmoud
No. Replace "Saudi Arabia" with "Israel" and it's accurate.
Iran shouldn't be an enemy of the US.
Iran has never flown planes into our skyscrapers, Saudi Arabia has, Shlomo. Remind me again why terrorist deeply Islamic Saudi Arabia and worthless Israel that generates far more problems than it helps solving are our "allies"?
Ok so you dont actually give a damn about Tulsi and this is just a fuck the saudis thread. Fair enough. Nobody seems to even remember Tulsi is running for president anymore. As to your question, yes I fully support selling the saudis the weapons they need to wage their little wars, Unlike israel the saudis actually pay for some of their weapons.
K, drop the 9/11 concern trolling then. You don't give a shit about 3000 dead Americans, you just want to help and enrich their murderers.
ok, now what about detroit?
Nigger check ids
there it is, the fancy "no u"
courtesy of the pansexual trannies who call rightwingers "special snowflakes"
courtesy of the people who came up with the trigger warning and who call right wingers "triggered"
courtesy of the people who defend literal cuckolding while calling right wingers cucks
it only makes sense that you would also project projection
>I fully support selling the saudis the weapons they need to wage their little wars
This action of yours is what causes terrorism. So you're implying by this that it's ok for Ebba to die as long as americans make a buck out of it. You will be on the first line when oven time comes.
Ebba wasn't killed because of the saudi war in yemen. She was killed because mudshits actually believe in their savage ideology and Europe is too cucked to stop letting niggers flood their tiny countries.
(((Saudi Arabia)))
>And the US empire is bad for Murican people since they get basically nothing out of it, only good for the NWO.
Objectively incorrect. US standards of living would drop drastically if it lost it's position as world hyperpower
Little too south Tulsi
Hey @TulsiGabbard: Gun control and Open-Borders is not "American"
Not true, you could become self sufficient easily. This is why Ron Paul wanted to stop the 'empire building'.
Spending 4trillion on neocon wars has been a disaster for the average American.
Yes, she's right. It's too bad this cutie comes with a shit ton of retarded beliefs that alienate her from the right, while anything she's ever said that's sensible alienates her from the left, making her a walking, talking, milker-bearing definition of unelectable.
Don't imply the average American wouldn't have been kept in exactly the same economic situation without the wars. The wars are merely a convenient excuse for the robbery that would take place with or without them.