Greta Thunberg

What do we think about her?
Who is putting in her soft 16 year old girl mind all those ideas?
Is there a jew behind the scenes?
Redpill me on her.
She's a swede (of fucking course), daughter of some swedish actor.
Shouldn't she be more worried about upcoming demographical catastrophy in her own country?

Attached: gretaThunberg.png (715x854, 368K)

Other urls found in this thread:


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Looks like she has FAS
Dropped out of school to push an agenda
She's a meme in every sense of the word and will be an afterthought in a few months.

Well i have to admit she looks kinda weird for 16 year old girl


she reminds me of the Parkland kids. prop'd up artificially by the rich assholes with an agenda

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She's a puppet being played too bad she can't realize it because she's a sperg.




no shit, read this

>Redpill me on her
chromosome smuggler with kike handlers

I like her and wish her well.

Happy Passover.

not really a jew name in Scandinavia, just means mountain

She is the daughter of a famous operasinger and SJW called Malena Ernman. Also "berg" is mountain in swedish its not jewish

(((gee I have no idea what caused her rise to fame suddenly)))

Attached: 220px-Malena_Ernman.jpg (220x330, 20K)

This is the power of American education.


Jesus and here I though nordic women are good looking.


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wtf it's her

she's possessed

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alot of wine, alot of sunbathing and alot of smoking can and will fuck up badly any woman

I think she makes sense and speaks like an idealist and somewhat selfish and naive adult. What worries me is that she's being treated like some kind of genius at such a young age and gets so much attention. That has the potential of really fucking with someone's self image. The truth is probably more along the lines of kikes using her as a sock puppet.

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Why is there a thread about this cunt every single day?


Some of us aren't here every day, neet.

Her parents are guiding her. They're wealthy, so she'll never want for anything, even once the economy collapses under environmental reform.

as if

I thought swedes were white.
Turns out they are mongols.

Attached: Greta_Thunberg,_2018_(cropped).jpg (764x1080, 79K)

Boig: this is me

Jesus! CERN is tracking my every move!

She comes from a hardcore leftist family where her whore mother is a celebrity in Sweden furiously pushing for mass immigration, LGBTQ and other degeneracies. She gets her talking points and shekels from Vattenfall which is a big swedish energy company focusing on solar power and windmills. That's the most basic info about this little future slut.

She's 16? Old enough to smash then, jolly good.

No, because a bunch of idiots are killing her only biosphere. Some immigrants as a problem don’t remotely compare.


What do you expect from literal snow niggers?

It’s fetal alcohol syndrome
Momma was a drinkin

>Dumb cunt
>From a shithole country
Nothing more.

This is what a 17 year old looks like in Sweden

She'd be the whitest person in Finland

Attached: pure_finn.jpg (466x517, 82K)

She's a fucking child who gives a shit.

she looks Special Ed as fuck

no, THIS is what a 17 year old looks like in sweden

Attached: Somali-Swedish-Rapper-Somaliaonline.jpg (1311x1818, 1.57M)

holy shit, that part at the end is fucking golden

her face looks so weird, almost like a blank head with an expertly photoshopped face? the proportions feel wrong

You should send this hentai to Kurt Eichenwald (behind a proxy)


The open Society supports her. A Soros puppet.

>Someone did something


The -berg rule does not apply on Swedes due to the fact that it's a extremely common thing to have a berg at the end of your last name. It means "mountain".

She looks like if you took a handful of negro and mongol genes and smacked a white girl in the face with them

>Is there a jew behind the scenes?

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What bothers me most is how media latches on to every kid that speaks their agenda.
As if when a kid says it, it must be truth.

What does a 16 year old know? If she wants to make a proper difference she should be going to school and learning instead of acting like she knows it all. Moreover, people around her should protect her from her destructive behaviour.

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This, she is literlaly just a mouthpiece for her mother and the rest of the swedish media/politician class.

>ecological collapse means nothing when there is a nearby brown person to sperg over.

its such an obvious puppet, how can anyone not see this?
and who gives a fuck about some 16yr olds opinion
of course woman and goyim...because they listen to everything the mainstrean meadia tells them

>ecological collapse means something when your people no longer exist

I usually use this one.
It looks even more like her.

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Fuck you

>Is there a jew behind the scenes?

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>Is there a Jew behind the scenes?
(((Ingmar Rentzhog)))

> adults taking advice from children

I guess this is the next stage in jewish degeneracy.

>Is there a jew behind the scenes?

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this, why should i save the planet if niggers are going to inherit it?

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>TDG file naming convention

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Shaun the sheep?

It's amazing you'd be legally allowed to fuck her, she looks like an overgrown baby with a mind to go with it.

Why do Swedes look so weird

>moo moo baaa brown scary, cluck cluck

>when you’re so much of a nigger that you destroy everything to get back at niggers.

Fucking subhuman degenerates. The UN population purge can’t come soon enough.


>blah blah muh icecaps and shit

>t. nigger

Malala 2.0.

Take teenage girl, tell her what to think, pretend she's got her own ideas, trot her around spreading the establishment left agenda for more government power, maybe give her an arbitrary Nobel Peace Prize.

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It's worth remembering that Greta Thunberg’s school strike coincided with the launch of a book about climate change written by her mother, Malena Ernman.
its also worth remembering that Thunberg’s school strike was publicised online by... you guessed it, the same PR man who was publicising her mother's climate change book.

(((B E R G )))

This made me laugh.




You sound upset.
The ecosphere will never be completely destroyed by us, no matter what we do. We'd be long gone before the worst happens.
In the meantime, white genocide is happening. Forgive us for not caring what version 2355433 of your computer model says.

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>At a TEDx talk in November 2018, Thunberg said she first heard about climate change at the age of eight, but couldn't understand why so little was being done about it.[11] At age 11, she became depressed and stopped talking. Later on she was diagnosed with Asperger syndrome, obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD), and selective mutism. She added that selective mutism meant she was speaking only when she needed to and that "now is one of those moments"; and that being on the "spectrum" was an advantage "as almost everything is black or white".[11]
She's a complete nutcase.

She's a kid.
She probably thinks she's very mature but she doesn't realize that the opposite is true.

One can only wonder

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Imagine being so pathetic that a 16 year old can destroy your arguments and trigger you to the point of pushing a narrative that she is mentally damaged.
This wonderful girl is absolutely destroying the alt right, and it’s beautiful.

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If a kid can destroy the alt right, then I don't know what the fuss is all about.

Everytime politicians pull out a cute little girl out of their hat to brigade politics some fucking shady shit is going down.
The mental illness part just comes from the uncanny likeness to the art depicting fetal alcohol syndrome in most kraut nursing books.
They are trying to tax the shit out of us "for nature" while giving a shit about any real issue forcing hipocritic laws to fill their pockets.
I'm not against protecting nature, but this is just a front and they give a shit.

She's pushing that narrative herself and nothing she says opposes nationalism or stricter migration policies.


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>The UN population purge can’t come soon enough.
>can’t even stop one tribe of niggers from genociding the other
>somehow expected to stand up the most well trained heavily armed populace in the world
Lol ok nigger

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She speaks about climate change. What does (((the alt right))) have to do with it?
Only fucking retards support (((big oil))) over renewables and nuclear anyway.

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Haven't seen you in a while. Easily one of the best posters on Jow Forums.

Like anybody gives a shit about Swedecucks and their kiked surnames.

if she doesn't call mass immigration into canada an environmental disaster she is paid shill.

you can't have both.

Is that Dan Bongino's kid?

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She looks retarded. Her opinions certainly are....

Your mindset is too old anondriano.
Current year lefties seem to have adopted the mindset of 90s fascists and now they are larping 2013 pol memes but the alt-right is their jews.

she is lit mentally ill user, like as in disabled by some condition I don't remember what it was.

But look at her there, she is 16 but looks like 10 or something. So it's quite disgusting what they do, using a mentally disabled person like this to promote their political agenda