I am a non-white and a Republican who loves America

I am a LEGAL American citizen.I am a non-white. I am part Cuban I am part Slavic Russian, I am part Israeli Jewish, I am part Arabian, I am part Swiss, I am part Turkish, I am part Chinese even.

Here's the thing. I love America I am a republican and i am a WORKING man. I work in construction and I vote republican. Why is it many white nationalists would want to deport me.

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you sound like a great guy, and I give props to you as I'm not a white nationalist.

White nationalist faggots just hate you because you aren't white because white nationalist faggots lack brain cells.

muh civnat

Kys and take as many of your fellow shitskins with you as you can

>i am a WORKING man
Nobody wants to deport you, just the ones coming here for muh free shit.

Thank you, I respect the sentiment

Your ethnical background is bullshit.
Working as a labor worker in estados unidos it's too good to be true. Show me your passaporte.
Give me a glass of Cuban rum and a cigar por favor.

Funny since your ethnical background is even more diverse than mine.

I assume you married a black chick or a mutt to stay in US legally. I like that most Cubans are republicans but Miami was overtaken many years ago by your fellas.

>I am part Cuban I am part Slavic Russian, I am part Israeli Jewish, I am part Arabian, I am part Swiss, I am part Turkish, I am part Chinese even.
what the fuck?

No way this is real. Not even mutts are that mixed.

We improved Miami

23andme baby

Everybody in America who has been here for more than three generations is more mixed than me. Do 23andme

Becauss you're a mutt ruining the racial purity of our country. Nothing personal, you're just a spic is all.

Honestly you are just asking for trouble with that post. Nobody wants to deport you. White SUPREMACISTS before 2016 were a VERY small subset of our culture. White nationalists are just tired of fake jew hedonism and being taken advantage of. If you were my neighbor I'd take up arms with you. Take care.

If it's less than 1% it doesn't count

honestly I dont mind a few shitskins and mutts but the amount pouring in is ridiculous, and while YOU might be fine statistically the overwhelming majority of non whites are socialists and want a bigger government for gibs

Sadly classical liberalism does not work in heterogeneous societies because there starts to be a class of interests between races, Democracy can only truly work in a homogeneous society.

Think of your race like your family, Sure I am nice to other familes and give them respect and kindness,but if shit hits the fan I do not care about any family but my own.

That being said, Keep on being based fren, No sane person white nationalist or no will hate a man who works hard to providide for his family and doesnt want gibs and more government.

No faggot. America was founded as a white nation and it should remain/ return to that. I say this as a second gen immigrant. Why are you Anglo pussys so dense?

so friggin BASED!!!

also republicans are kikes.

Yes it does. One drop rule.

white nationalism will never take off as long as the movement is full of spergs and feds who can't stop letting nonwhites living in their head rent-free 24/7. if it wants to succeed it needs to center around the family and community, not "we gotta shoot everyone and cause a race war!"

If the guy isn't a pedophile jew or zionist butt fucker I don't have a problem with him. You'd be wise to take a similar attitude.

no it doesn't

One drop rule FAGGOT

Uh huh.

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Well i am a zionist. I support the state of israel but not liberal jewish disporia.

You being in my country means one day I might be able to white phosphorus you.

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>I support israel
I want to kill your entire family.

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Because you're jewish which is a subversive race.

How do I trust a liar? It has nothing to do with white or black. Muslims, and jews both have books tied to their nature that enforce the right and duty to lie and undermine their host nation.

Do you see?!?!

You have to go back Pepito.

Then you are enabling their agenda. Everything that the left promotes comes from them. Look at germany post WW1. THe international jew has degenerated every society it lives in. Israel is ran by a terrorist organization. Stop being a cuck.

i didnt say liberals where based you fucking retard
they are both kikes.

Hey, what’s your address? You won a prize from the FBI

>Why is it many white nationalists would want to deport me
the answer is in ur 2nd fucking sentence dumbass

>I am part Cuban I am part Slavic Russian, I am part Israeli Jewish, I am part Arabian, I am part Swiss, I am part Turkish, I am part Chinese even.

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No I didn't. I have an unholy botnet.
Last time I got traced some chick in Wisconsin took the blame.
Good luck.

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You can be republican and not a supporter of jews. They ruined capitalism with usury anyway.


And I mean all the blame.
You fags can't track my security at all and it's hilarious to me.

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why do you live in a white country?

Neither side in congress represents the people of the united states. The democrats are father right and the republicans serve only the money of corporate interests. If we as Americans were smart we'd realize that and form new parties.


Btw they changed white supremacy to white nationalism after trump got elected. Nationalism used to be a good thing. Now they equate it with fascism... when they are the fascists.

>I am part Cuban I am part Slavic Russian, I am part Israeli Jewish, I am part Arabian, I am part Swiss, I am part Turkish, I am part Chinese even.
How does this even happen? Even in a mutt melting pot how the fuck do all these races fuck eachother and make you?

if you're such an hardworking man then go back to your homeland and make it less of a shithole

Story related.

She's in jail for my crimes because you letter agent fags can't into compsci

Most White Americans regarding ancestry tend to be German/Irish/English, Italian is also included if you live in the Northeast. But OP however is the definition of an amerimutt. I've never seen anybody like him. I honestly hope he's pulling people's legs.

Neener neener neener I'm above the law!

I'm for new parties, i'm for revolution. I'm not inherently republican, career politicians are toxic cancers. I'm pro republican right now because i'm pro results. Democrats haven't brought results in how many years? Trump brought results. Does it come with draw backs? Yes. But I'd take 2 steps forward and 1 step over the new democratic socialist party. No step forward 2 steps back.

Puberty should hit soon

Same. Don’t mind the storm niggers. They’re the most hated people on the right and will probably all get eradicated. I’d say my views of race align with Nick Fuentes’s “white majoritarianism”.

Usury is my favourite part of capitalism only because i want to be an investment banker when i graduate.

My ancestors were slaves and were bred with slaves of all over with a bit of their masters mixed in

I can't because i'ts communist idiot, they will steal my surplus labor

I'm 47.

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Usury cripples nations and england still hasn't recovered. If you're pro usury because "investment banker" and you're a jew, I would say my mistrust in your loyalty is well placed. I would tell you I won't hesitate the moment repercussions aren't guaranteed in burning down wherever you are rubbing 2 pennies together to make 3.

>. I am part Cuban I am part Slavic Russian, I am part Israeli Jewish, I am part Arabian, I am part Swiss, I am part Turkish, I am part Chinese even.
Bullshit, post 23 and me then.

Trump has brought results for whom? His tricked people into thinking his tweets are results.

No country has thrived without a good banking system.

Funny since yuor ancestry is more diverse than mine

> I want to be an investment banker when i graduate.
No you don’t. That’s a horrible life. Money isn’t everything. My family makes seven figures. I wouldn’t wish that life on my worst enemy. Family is divorced, my dad is sick with multiple illnesses, probably from stress. 3/10 don’t recommend

A good banking system doesn't require the people to bail it out when it collapses and then still force them into debt slavery. Interest on money alone does not produce a good free market. It produces slavery. Every time.

>Why is it many white nationalists would want to deport me.
Because you're not American and shouldn't take opportunity away from real Americans (European people).

Fuck you and get out, beaner scum.

He literally has a website listing the progress of his campaign promises. He has faults yeah, but as someone enlisted I can tell you he has results. I have to go to class but I mean if you don't see his results i'm not going to make you see them here.

Capitalism without usury is the good bank system dipshit.

I couldn't have said it better myself. That was beautiful.

>I am part Cuban I am part Slavic Russian, I am part Israeli Jewish, I am part Arabian, I am part Swiss, I am part Turkish, I am part Chinese even.

Do you look like a Mr. Potato Head my spic commie kike towelhead chocolate nigger roach gook fren?

My oldest lineage has been here since the 1600s and my most recent ancestors from another country were from France. I am exclusively European despite being descended from people who fought in the Revolution.

America is supposed to be a nation for white Europeans, not hispanic mongoloids like you. Fuck off and go back, beaner. You'll never be American.

Most of your mixture is caucasoid. You're not exactly a nigger or a 4ft tall indigenous aztec

Sorry, man. I agree that you’re a productive citizen and a good person, but I want a white America. Whites deserve an ethnostate just like everyone else. Nothing personal. A country cannot have a fixed culture or trusting community without a close genetic cluster (its own specific “sub race”).

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>We improved Miami
I actually can't imagine Miami without Cubans.

We're supposed to leave every good shitskins around to outbreed us and fuck up our country?

Whether you're good or not is irrelevant


Are we a country or a shopping mall?

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white nationalists are a minority, they make up the vocal majority of course, but the silent majority is always there. most lefties are not the faggot cry babies you see pasted all over the news, and most righties are not goose stepping skin heads with nazi flags.

>I am part Cuban I am part Slavic Russian, I am part Israeli Jewish, I am part Arabian, I am part Swiss, I am part Turkish, I am part Chinese even.
I think it's a bait.

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Why? I live here and a good 25% of this country is extremely race mixed. This story seems plausible.

A megacorporation that LARPS as a a country half-assed at best.

>I am part Cuban I am part Slavic Russian, I am part Israeli Jewish, I am part Arabian, I am part Swiss, I am part Turkish, I am part Chinese even.

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nah thats a certified mutt, like myself. everyone wants to know their heritage, I for example, am part scottish, costa rican, irish, welsh, nicaraguan, and metis. I notice that most mutts have at least 1 celtic ancestor too, and usually at least 1 south american ancestor.

THIS unironically the only future America has if we are going to stay competent is having to accept based republican latin americans like venezuelans (who literally wants Donald Trump to invade their country)

wrong. non-whites need to leave asap

>You'd be wise to take a similar attitude.
America is supposed to be a white nation. My ancestors fought in the Revolution and were, in fact, were among the minutemen at Concord. No hispanic person or Muslim or Indian or other shitskinned invader will ever be my countryman. I'd rather see the entire country burn down than continue on this disgusting, destructive multiculturalist course we're on. I literally have a burning, constant hatred for ever civic nationalist asshole who continues to globalize and ruin the country that my own blood created for me and people like me.


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Nope, my ancestry is entirely from the British Isles. Cope harder.


>OP goes on to say he is Jewish and supports Zionism and usury.

Maybe America deserves what it's getting with retards like this.



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Most white nationalists I know wouldn't want to deport you, they would just not want you living in their vicinity. A separate place, for every race!

So you want to go whites vs browns huh? That's exactly what the kikes are pushing for. Don't be stupid. Every time they fuck some country up they try to start a race war. Go ahead and go down like that because a couple of niggers and beaners pissed you off online. You know we could actually fix this country and self segregate again...

Then they're civi nats. White nationalisim means having an ethno state for whites. This isn't hard. Even if your a "white majoritarian" your not a white nationalist. You're still just a civ-nat who realizes the country needs a coherent majority to eve be able to function. White nationalisim goes a step forward than that.

Even *

>So you want to go whites vs browns huh? That's exactly what the kikes are pushing for. Don't be stupid. Every time they fuck some country up they try to start a race war.
You sound like an internationalist Jew yourself.

Successful civilizations are culturally and racially homogenous. Ethnic variation can exist within that racial homogeniety, but forced diversity and a lack of respect for borders is nothing but culturally and socially destructive.

We must return America to the white ethno-state it was created to be. Fuck off if you believe otherwise.

Self segregation doesn't work. We will still have to support the minorities and they will be like leeches on our body. Imagine if we "segregated" and gave blacks a state. That state would collapse in weeks (probably sooner) without whites giving them constant gibmes and other type of support. Why should we burden ourselves with these people if they were never even supposed to be here in the first place? Don't fall for the "It's to late for America to be white again." meme.

Ya we don't have to accept forced diversity. The laws can be changed. Let them have California. A race war right now isn't going to end well for whites I can tell you that for an almost certainty. What we need to do is try to unfuck what they did.

That's a problem with our government. In fact you bring up an interesting point. If we didn't have to support them what do you think would happen? What would they do?

True Americans are mixed race

I am a nigger like you

i think you're trolling

Haha how do you cope like that

LMAO im the one who's a high level investment banker (well going to be, my dad owns a private equity fund).

Only dumb people oppose usury and zinoism

>Let them have California.
I will never abandon my homeland. We must cleanse the hispanic menace once and for all. Californians voted to bar hispanics from using social services in 1994 and a globalist judge overturned that referendum. It will happen to all American states without direct action by Donald Trump's administration and, failing his success, civil unrest.

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>Let them have Californian.

Lmao, if I was an anglo with deep roots in this country, I'd be pissed if I had to just give over an entire state that my ancestors and to bleed, starve, and fight for to establish. This apathetic mentality is what has gotten us into the situation we are in.

I go to Sons of the American Revolution meetings with other Goys who aren't 56% creaturas like you.