Communists were Right on Prostitution!

Communists have been advocating for the nordic model approach to prostitution for years now. Which basically means you punish the buyer but not the seller of sexual services. This was implemented in Sweden to great success as there is less than 300 prostitutes in Sweden today. More and more countries like France, Canada and even Israel are now following the Nordic model.

Even Jimmy Carter has been advocating the Nordic model worldwide. Communists argue that in a communist state there would be no prostitution since money is abolished so its impossible to buy anything, but in the mean time we have to deal with it with the criminal justice system. So what does Jow Forums make of this? Communists were RIGHT.

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Why should prostitution be illegal? It's a business like any other. I worked in a flat rate brothel for a while, all the girls were legal and we were paying lots of tax.
Why do you hate the free market?

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>I worked in a flat rate brothel
You were being exploited by pimps! It's exploitation it should be illegal and your clients should be imprisoned

Legalize prostitutions but ban all hardcore pornography.
Prostitutes must be visibly branded and sterilized.

Name literally one thing wrong with this system (you can't).

Prostitution is legal here. Only if you are profiting of other people prostituting themselves, then you are punished.

When it's illegal the demand for whores doesn't suddenly go away. And it's not exploitation to get fucked for money.

>Which basically means you punish the buyer but not the seller of sexual services
That is unbelievably retarded.

>Which basically means you punish the buyer but not the seller
We need to do the same thing with drugs and other banned substances

Why is prostitution a problem?
Works here.

It's smart and will work quickly


It doesn't work. You have mega story brothels!

You punish the buyer since he is the exploiter

I used to support sex workers' rights, but think about this:

By normalizing it as a job, they have made it so that sex is no more a matter of personal choice/consent than the various things one has to do at other jobs. It becomes expected. You might be required to take on sex jobs, since communism often assigns their 'workers' jobs.

The Soviets (communists who ran the oppressive USSR), made it a duty for civilians for a while, just like a draft would be, to provide sex to officers if they presented a voucher to them. Wives were communal 'property', and any woman who refused, as well as any other people like her husband who tried to prevent it, were raped anyways and either killed or thrown into the gulag camps.

It sounds good when you hear the sales pitch for the normalization and rights to do sex work, but there's an agenda that is opposite to having sexual rights, and opposite to deciding your own consent, and opposite to having your own sexual agency.

So who's running the prostitutes? Biker gangs and Arab clans? In Germany we even have decent street whores and little cabins for a bit of privacy while you fuck. Pic related is police next to prostitutes with customers.
Noone is getting arrested, everyone is better off

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>since he is the exploiter
Bogus reasoning, but I'll take it. You really punish the buyer because he is the one funding the industry

>arabs exploiting eastern european women is a good thing
Get off Jow Forums Achmed

>It doesn't work.
It very obviously does work.

I don't approve, and think the girls are harming themselves, but it's their choice.

> You have mega story brothels!
Yes and it's great for tourism and city tax income. Better for customers too becaus they won't get ripped off or catch STDs.

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>C-Comrade Jamal. I d-don't want to work cleaning the gulag :( I'm too pretty for that. Let's "come" to an "arrangement" :3

Commies are this stupid thinking the oldest profession needs money to operate

Sounds weird but mostly the prostitutes do. They make their own brothels and run them like private businesses. Hotels don't care as long that the costumer is paying for the room, and not the prostitute.

>better for customers

I want the customers in jails

>Communists have been advocating for the nordic model approach to prostitution for years now.
The nordic model is for low test faggots who want to crack down on whores but worry about looking like they're mean to women. Instead they cowardly try to starve them out. No wonder commies love the idea.

You just want people in jail.

That's corruption and in that case the officer would be jailed

Because? You're a muslim?

All you do is to force a black market.
-Less customer satisfaction
-Less security for the prostitutes.

Pope Francis, a Christian, said clients of prostitutes are CRIMINALS

Sweden is very close to fully abolishing it

>have so many stings no one wants to take the risk
>hotels don't allow guests in after 8pm to a room
>force guests to register
>report any suspected activity

Therefore no one can even find a place to use the service.

Kek. Sweden does not know anything. It is a country that has lawless zones inside of it run by tribal gangs. If you think that prostitution doesn't exist in Sweden take a walk in Malmö.

Sweden doesn't have swinger clubs and saunas?

In New-Zealand we don't punish anyone involved in legal prostitution.

If you want to decrease prostitution in society you must decrease financial inequality, increase social mobility and provide opportunities for education.

Most people won't resort to exchanging sex for money if they don't have to.

That's not prostitution since no monetary transaction is going on

>Communists have been advocating for the nordic model approach to prostitution for years now. Which basically means you punish MEN and never the WOMEN

like : you punish the marijuhana smoker, never the dealer.

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Then how do we stop the high-end escorts? Even if everyone was made upper middle class many women would still try to become escorts to become rich.

>Prostitutes must be visibly branded and sterilized.
Prostitutes must be visibly branded and sterilized.Prostitutes must be visibly branded and sterilized.


It's like : Puush the addict, spare and protect the drug dealers.

Incredibly evil and facetious.

Kill the dealers / prostitutes !!!

>Then how do we stop the high-end escorts?
public burning / execution of prostitutes / drug dealers.

A religious commie?
They're not criminals though. It's perfectly legal. Everyone gets what they want.
- The girls get money and a safe environment
- The men get safe sex
- The state gets tax.

You're pretty naive. If you're a lone man and want to go to a swinger club you meet up with an escort first. Or the club itself provides escorts


I'm not religion. I hate religion.

And the women don't get what they want, no girl grows up wanting to be a prostitute.

Sweden has that banned

It's not about punishing the addict. As long as there are people willing to buy drugs(or sex), reasonable people will be incentiized to make a living by selling them. The sellers are often desperate and will do what it takes to feed themselves and their families. Buyers, on the other hand, are not facing a life or death situation. They can be persuaded against it if the legal risk is high enough

You need to attack the demand if you want to reduce the supply.

You can't ban likeminded adults meeting up for sex.

What? Prostitution is only half-illegal here, but there's nothing about punishing the buyer.

Here's how you ban it

>Have many escort sting operations so the risk of paying for sex is like 50% chance you are meeting an undercover cop
>have hotels monitor and spy on people, so if someone comes in to "visit" someone elses room with barely any luggage you simply call the police.
>have a paid snitch line like Marco Rubio proposed.

In Sweden its that way.

Probably less demeaning as a human being than being exploited by retail corporate.

>Supporting lumpenproletariat scum like whores

Then call it the Swedish model, memeflag.

lmao dumb commietard is really grasping at straws.

> j-j-j-just hear me out bro!

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"less than 300 prostitutes in Sweden today"

lmao, wrong

Your post-communist society produced the most prostitutes ever.
>muh freedom.
Try again

> And the women don't get what they want
The exchange is voluntary.
By definition, both parties get what they want.

If they don't want to be prostitutes nobody is forcing them, again, because it's legal. All you'll do is force it underground on to the black market, much like abortion.

that's the most retarded feminazi style rationalisation on why to punish the victims and spere the real criminals - the dealers / women !

ppl like you who defend the dealers need to be executed. You are conspiring with pure evil and the ccriminal. In particular you should be castrated, then killed.

This is why you deserve to get your Empire back

ok got me.

Prostitution? No officer there's a camera over there. We're making porn

Stop using my flag in your braindead posts you mouthbreathing commie.

>Communists argue that in a communist state there would be no prostitution since money is abolished so its impossible to buy anything,

You're wrong btw, we have "escorts" in every major city. Germany does it better with the brothels.

its comical. you hear these washed up commies crying about the west and their whores meanwhile soviet states produce nothing but pussy selling sluts

The “Nordic model”

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communists always supported the unemployed.

i dont need to say that the world is already following my idealism in this regard


Can you produce porn in Sweden?

>Why should degenerates and pestilence vectors be cracked down on

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You realize that doesn't work right? You need a porn lisence and prove you have a means to distribute it, otherwise they count it as prostitution

Not an argument. Everything I said was true. People need to buy food, they don't need to buy drugs or sex.

>a broken clock is right twice a day!

you buy sex whether you realize it or not.

You don't know what you're talking about friend.

Jokes on you. I'm a virgin.

I forgot where I was for a minute

Communism is the best
Every dollar we spend on warfare is a dollar that could be spent on genetically engineered cat girls
ExHeirAngel 2020

Prostitution is no different from any other male-female relationship. Fuck off christcucks.

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Fuck you, normalfag. Redit is two blocks down.

Nordic = pozzed

What kind of faggot revisionist are you that doesn't see the lumpenproletariat as counterrevolutionary?

You're not even a good Marxist.

Here in switzerland Prostitution is allowed and i go there every month,it has really wonderful women from eastern europe.How mad does this make you swede cuck?

The Swiss have always been of the weakest moral constitution but it's still sad to see.

Well,at least we dont have any no go sandnigger zones like you nordcucks

If you did any thinking you'd realize the government was right on everything

Marx had sympathy for the unemployed BEFORE communism, it was only those who didn't work AFTER communism Marx had a problem with.

Communism/socialism wasn't somthing that jsut showed up in the 19th century out of nowhere. It has existed forever, but it took until the 19th century for two famous and recognized academics to passionately write about the matter and give it a name.