Why are the Jews pushing fat acceptance/fat fetishism and how do we stop them?
Why are the Jews pushing fat acceptance/fat fetishism and how do we stop them?
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Cos they want us to die quicker
>how do we stop them?
be healthy, they'll die of heart disease anyway
so you breed with the laziest fat piece of shit and your children will be fat christian stupid subhuman burgers.
So they can have pork and still be Kosher
Fat people tend to be lower IQ and have less impulse control than people who can stay in shape. It's another way of degenerating the goyim races. I'd let a fatty suck me off though.
This. How do you kill people without killing them? Encourage them to kill themselves. Willingly.
Because fat is the future. Food will no longer be nutritous. Automation will make many more people seditary.
flouride wasn't effective in dumbing down the population fat people are slow and stupid
I like fat people.
I don't have a problem with this body positivity movement.
Everyone in Hungary and Britain is fat, that's the norm now.
to be fair, we accept and fetishise fat WOMEN now.. fat men are getting less respect than ever..
fat men were always highly respected until only recently in the west.. we were the corporation bosses, presidents, prime ministers, mafia dons, and army generals..
120kg here, i could still go the middle east, africa, eastern europe or SE asia now and be treated like a king by the locals, i could walk up to any thai, chinese, indian, or russian/ukrainian girl and take her as my bride.
Probably should expel them.
1. dont watch it you fucking faggot
2. dont post it here you fucking memeflag
Probably to convince lonely men they should settle for an emotionally damaged fat slut
The men dont feel as lonely and wont shoot their school up and the woman will have a partner until she gets tired of it
Basically americans are so fat, jews need to convince them to breed
Damn boy, sauce!
So white women will breed with niggers faster.
Some are more open about it than others.
She's hot, got any more?
Dunno about fat fetishism, but nothing gets my blood pumping like a fat tiddied white woman
They are not. The push the opposite. They push "fat" shaming and skinny/anorexia normalization.
What you call fat is how women are supposed to be and what normal men are attracted to.
we were the corporation bosses, presidents, prime ministers, mafia dons, and army generals..
we all know you can't see your willy.
>shorter lives
>more money spent for healthcare
>unattractive so less likely to mate
all ways to make more money and kill the white race
Only niggers and people who cant do any better fuck fatties.
would you want to fuck that monstrosity?
1 in 3 Men Can't See His Penis
Lol you fucking wish,do you think that people in other places of the wolrd have a fat fetish?Jesus the level of retardation,no one finds flabby obese men with tits and strechmarks attractive.
enjoy your on tap roasties now skinny boy, because when everything goes to shit, fat men will be seen by women like we always were... capable of providing for ourselves (and then some), the best potential partner and father for their children.
skinny boys like you will be seen as a joke by women...
go to SE asia now and see, women will laugh at you in the street... the only attention you will get is from ladyboys.
Only a gay would prefer this
I wouldn't worry about fat woman.
I worry about the fags and trans that are being pushed to normalize it.
OP is a fagot. I'd suck the hell out of those titties
Yes. Yes I would.
Was she caught in a whaling net? Protocol says to throw these things back.
makes sense that a third worlder like you would be mad... you are used to big fat western men coming to steal all your women.
they push degeneracy in any way they can
They want the goyim to be dependent on their drugs
are you me lad ?!!
Nope. Especially after legit hot girls chased me for sex a few times and I didn't get it that they thought no means yes.
>Why are the Jews pushing fat acceptance/fat fetishism and how do we stop them?
By remaining virgins until the day you die.
Thats because fat men are physically gross. Having your dick get burried in fat, having your jaw get rounded out, lossong your muscular look and developing breasts are gross and effeminate.
Women on the otherhand get bigger boobs, thighs, and wider hips. Besides a belly isn’t tol different from a breast when you think about it.
Lose some weight and get a fat gf.
>only a gay would prefer this
It looks like a gay man, so yeah
I feel a need to post this.
keep your big fat broads m8, i will be in kiev or moscow fucking 50kg / 5'1 supermodels.
And this.
Well at least I don’t need to lift up my gut for a girl to suck my dick or to fuck her.
>fat ass big tiddy goth gf
I'm ready to make some compromises
Sweet Jesus. Wife material.
Holy shit what's the source on them tiddies?
120kg/6'2 isn't 'cant see your penis' tier.
i just have a nice big belly that gives women an orgasm at first sight.
it is built into women by millions of years of evolution that men like me can provide for them better than a skinny boy like you.
whether they deny it or not, deep inside every woman wants to fuck a fat man.
>eats cheeseburgers
>can provide
Why is it that obesity is in majority a problem for lower income individuals
mostly poor black and mexican women are fat... poor boys are usually always skinny..
Thats a whole lotta “no women want to touch my gross beer belly, they don’t want a six pack”.
My guess they only like you for your money.
Unless you look like this being a fat man is gross.
Would one night stand impregnate.
by downloading and sharing pictures of them
Jew here.
Jews push tolerance of everything because someone who is intolerant of one thing is much more likely to be intolerant of many other things, including Jews.
If you can't beat them, join them.
Give me her name
Dunno, but I bet she likes a good time. Would stay puft dat ass 10 times a day!
There's that jewish schizophrenia showing
If you don’t want this ass your gay
if you dont wanna breed with that you are a homo son
Fatter women have far less chance of having children. Plus they clearly have bad genetics and/or impulse control. Accepting low status fatties is a fast way to lower your group's birthrate.
Post a better waifu
A goy who can't run the block is a goy who can't pick up a gun and fight back.
I need to know who this bitch is so I can shoot a ton of jizz over her.
So, neurotic paranoia + schizophrenia then. Got it, thanks. I'm beginning to think the defunding of asylums for people who are crazy was as much a self-preservation thing for the zionists as much as it was anything else.
Gonna need a source for the fuck pig my man
fatties are more likely to be barren because of hormone imbalance due to fat.
They're pushing it because it's yet another flashpoint of social disorder and instability. And fat women happily fall for it because they think it's easier to brainwash all men into liking them than for them to lose weight.
You don't.
Corruption of the image of God.
What's easier to control a obese, lazy, consumer based, downtrodden populace or one that is slim, fit, doesn't have random chemicals in them, sharp mind, etc.?
Found the fat lover
This can't be happening.
Down boy, down hyaaa
hello achmed
just imagine the THUNDEROUS BRAPS those JIGGLERS can release
Gluttony is one of those gateway sins that leads to others like Sloth, in this case the acceptance is pushed more like a Pride and in the end people who don't go along with it and stay healthier than them will trigger their Envy.
>that sóyface
Christ, it's so fucking repulsive.
>and how do we stop them?
By going in the opposite direction and push Jewish pregnancy fetishism
1. Go to the gym
2. Ignore the low hanging fruit of fat chick pussy.
then my gay what, nigger? Learn some fucking english
Chinese women think fat is extremely unattractive
Jewish propaganda is too strong...
jews want to eat thick fatty Christian kids, user
Theyre cannibals
They did it in the middle ages and will try again now.