Cultured Meat at TED

Something less partisan for the board for a change, what do you think of lab-grown meat? Uses less than a tenth of the land, under half the amount of water, potentially frees up tons of real estate without harming the farmers that convert to such methods, no more pesky methane emissions from livestock, and the added bonus of shutting up the vegans. A boon both for business and the environment- Why aren't we putting our full weight behind this?

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Sounds gross, respect my right to chose.

It's literally cancer. FUCK no.

itt: people have their masculinity threatened by some wheat protein and synthetic hemoglobin

my body my choice
my body my vcoice
my body my choice
worthless nutless gunless loicense needing britfag

>wheat protein
gluten will literally kill you

You should use a more appealing picture because that looks gross and as an american down right offensive.

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okay mom

This is literally a PR campaign by large multinational corporations to normalize synthetic food because the profit margins are much higher. If you think this has anything to do with environmental stewardship you need to kys

I'd rather just eat a lot less and better quality meat than that shit.

I will never eat lab grown meat. Nor will I eat bugs.

enjoy your nutsack cancer in 20 years bud

My gut tells me that the real thing is just better. Also this enables the notion that exponential growth of the human population in the order to support our economic ponzi scheme is ok because now we will have orders of magnitude more lab food to provide for people. I don't like it, but I'm open minded.

Yup. Similar to the push for a carbon tax that's estimated to realistically save around .001C of warming if enacted. But will certain people a lot of money.

farm animals have a right to live

good, more meat for me.
let the basedboys have their estrogen, more relative testosterone for me.

why should I care?

why shouldn't you? fuckin stooge

that's not an answer to my question

Or you could just kill all niggers, kikes, and gooks and save 1000x as much pollution.

I like the idea but why stop at livestock?
if I can make meat from a cow without killing the cow that means you can eat meat from anything
can we make white rhino burgers?
>gorilla patties?
>snow leopard steaks?
>condor drumsticks?
I'm tired of eating the same 20 or so meats I want something new

>less partisan
>literal conspiracy by the globalist elite to get the lower classes to lower their standards and accept artificial slop as real food while at the same time pushing to disallow them the ability to grow/produce/consume their own food for their own 'good'

The only non-political place for lab grown meat is on a fucking space station. Lab grown food is literal class warfare, the normalization of lowering standards under faulty pretenses so people can be socially engineered to give up resources they already have access to.

It's a reply and it's the best you'll get, shill.

Call me when it's cheaper.

quiet goy, eat your lab grown insect protien

You should care because if they succeed in normalizing this toxic shit among the NPCs then natural healthy food will be harder to find/afford/but without social ostracism

non-vegetarians are such pathetic retards that they'd sooner eat some fucking lab grown flesh than just eat a fucking vegetarian alternative made from plants that tastes virtually identical.

fucking retards.

are you going to start eating lab grown human meat too you disgusting niggers.

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Nobody's eating that shit you retard. The veggie diet is causing you neurological issues.

still not an answer

If this is no more toxic then who cares?

why do we need to free up land? What is that land going to be used for? More refugees?

>lots of money

Try all the money. if you give a private institution the ability to basically write laws with no oversight in regrades to international trade under the pretense of 'regulating pollution' they effectively control global commerce and you will never, ever be able to take that power back from them without a literal war against them.

>itt: people have their masculinity threatened by some wheat protein and synthetic hemoglobin
But that's not what lab-meat is.

Lab meat = Yes
(((Meat subsistuted))) = No.

Fuck you, I can't even move or think properly without meat. And there isn't enough tech to create a proper safe replacement yet.

> inb4 it wasn't real veganism/vegetarianism

Anyone who cares about personal freedom or about class mobility should care. This is about putting a hard boundary between the elite class and everyone beneath it

>without harming the farmers that convert to such methods

Why would this matter in the slightest? If they can't compete then fuck them! Are you going to train all the taxis drivers and truck drivers to code when Uber and AI vehicles become strictly superior? No? Then forget about the fucking farmers.

[spoiler]Otherwise socialism is the only ethical system of government[/spoiler]

>Otherwise socialism is the only ethical system of government
You must be new here. Jow Forums is a NatSoc board

You should care because the companies that are pushing this are the same companies that have near monopolies on industrial meat production. Ask your self, why are they trying to replace their own business interests when they already have a defacto monopoly? The answer? Because if they own all the meat, then they can effectively outlaw all the meat and then convert the population into an all-synth meat diet where the profit margins are way better and there will be nothing you can do about it. When they push through legislation to outlaw normal animal husbandry and crack down on wild game hunting, you will have no choice. You wont be able to enjoy beef or chicken or sheep, just AMAZON PRIME GENUINE LAB GROWN PROTIEN. In china right now, corporate warefare is being waged on their pork industry. Some mysterious disease has been 'discovered' and now their entire pork industry has been forced by the government to kill every single one of their pigs. Oh how odd, now the chinese government is pushing to implement synth pig meat using technology they got from israel. Golly gee that sure is a coincidence.

>I only want to fuck over brown farmers

You're kind of a faggot, aren't you?

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thats just shill speak. They dont care about the farmers either way, but that kind of nonsense makes people feel good when they hear it. They are helping farmers guys! The truth is, these farmers are going out of business regardless because the big corporations use their leverage as both producer and distributor to push small farmers out of the industry completely. If you go through the american midwest you can find plenty of people selling their land because nobody wants to buy their products. Why? Because the corporations buy up the distributors and then say 'lol sorry we are going to produce our own now so we dont need yours' and since they own ALL the distributors, you literally CANT compete unless you have access to very specific and very niche local markets. Too bad most farmers set themselves up to rely on external distribution for the past 50 years because nobody could imagine a world in which a handful of companies own everything and then literally refuse to do business with you with the sole goal of removing you from the game.

t. Ben Shapiro

I don't like hamburgers.

>muh conspiracy
ok retard

I don't care If some people make a product a lot of people like.

>okay retard

ebin cumbak xDDDD

This is getting scary...

Get a load of this kike shill

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What is that? A burger for faggots?

i'd gladly switch to it as long as it has the same tastes, textures, consistences as organic meat at equal or less of a price

but as with all environmental problems, the root cause of this is overpopulation, which can be solved with genocide at no detriment to the surviving population
genocide is the answer to all environmental problems

t. George Soros

Are you one of those people who freak out about GMOs as well?

yeah except it's a fucking pipe dream the costs as is are like $16,000 a pound for all types of lab grown meats as in fish, chicken, etc. it is and almost always will be cheaper to raise and butcher actual animals

on the contrary, user

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They will make it deficient in oils you need. So there will be a few people chugging fish pills with sensible views about life and everyone else will have alzheimer’s. Screenshot this.

On top of that it will make everyone weak because no cholesterol and be filled with lab growing matrix medium weird shit that in 50 years will be the next asbestos or Teflon. In the mean time EVERYONE will start growing a third testicle that is also an appendix.

Looks interesting, would like ato try it.


that looks disgusting you can tell it isn't real just from look

i guess i will try it, but it is DEFINITELY deficient in areas real meat excels in, mainly B-vitamins, oils, omegas, amino acids....

Lab grown meat would be great. I want 10 cent hamburgers.

Honestly I think we should invest in algae. Makes oxygen, grows fast, can be converted into oil, and byproducts can be used as feed for livestock

It's gross. I'll always pay the expense to eat pure grass-fed livestock no matter how much they try to eliminate it.

no thanks, I'll eat my meat from real cows and chickens from local farmers like God intended
>tfw third world, live in city, have local farms an hour away, fresh meat and produce 24/7/365
this is the life bros, get out of the big nigger cities

>toxic shit
Have you seen slaughterhouse footage?
Guess where swine flu and all these other superbugs come from?
Keep hyperfocusing on 'muh NPCs' retard

look up how much current costs are to make a pound of lab meat it's like $16,000+ and uses like 10x the energy to grow a regular cow one pound

If you’re talking about actual meat grown in a lab, I’m okay with it. Just don’t come at me with a onions burger.

Muscle tissue can be grown in a petri dish. There’s not really a point to cramming thousands of chickens into a tiny module so they can breed some antibiotic resistant super bug. Besides, the factory farm meats are not all that high in quality already.

As in hormonally driven growth from calloused cells? Hahaha shit that does sound similar to cancer.

>cheap meat that is better than wagyu A5
I don't respect retarded choices.

Non meat diets are very detrimental to health

is probably right. Lab grown meats will be an unknown for a long time after their introduction and will not contain the same nutrients/chemicals that animal "grown" meats will have.

While Veganism may be a growing trend it is absolutely not a viable diet for a healthy humanity. We began as hunter gatherers and were that way for many tens of thousands of years, even hundreds of thousands or millions. To suddenly become vegan over a few decades is impossible for our biology to adapt to.

Yeah, sure, I'd love to have my meat grown in a lab by Monsanto, Kraft, Unilever and Cargill. Why not sign away everything to corporate Amerika? Let freedumb ring!

Either come up with some long rambling schizo-post about how lab meat will kill you or is satanic pedo with at least 10 links and 3 dead links that no one will read or stfu.

>are you going to start eating lab grown human meat too you disgusting niggers.
Fuck yeah, I want meat made from my favorite pornstar!

Anyway, whenever a burger place tries a vegan option, I always buy it a few times to send the message "If this didn't taste like you took some nice tofu and mixed it with sawdust I'd totally buy it", and will keep doing so until they make something that doesn't taste like tofusawdust.

One of the (too few) good things that are happening. It's funny that a few people are against this and choose to defend an industry that is literally feeding them shit. And that's like the smallest crime of the conventional meat industry.

>an industry that is literally feeding them shit

How are farmers literally feeding people shit?

I'd try it, but it probably won't be cheap enough as a meat replacement for like 10+ years at least.

Tyson Foods, Cargill and Smithfield Foods and JBS. Have all deposited 15 cents into your account

We could literally grow a forest of human dicks in the meat vat lab so you could never stop eating cocks

conventional meat often contains shit, some types of meat always do.

not your personal googler

>less partisan
>lab meat
literally only bugmen soi cucks support lab grown meat

>t. PCRM shill
fuck off with your bullshit

A-ok in my book

A PCRM shill is also an AMA shill so change flag commi

some vegan lobbying group is running a smear campaign to require more inspections of meat for fecal coliform
just trying to make the meat industry overregulated to raise the price

Lucky I didn't ask you, then

And I don't hear about people getting ill from it ever. Sounds to me like it is a) natural b) in small quantities such that it has no effect and c) helps immune systems develop and strengthen much like how allowing children to play outside helps theirs develop.

You sound like a fear mongerer

>what do you think of lab-grown meat?
I doubt it will taste the same, and I doubt it will have the same nutritional profile as real meat.
Also it's a completely synthethic "food" with an unproven track record regarding safety.
What if 20 years down the line it turns out that the process they're using introduced an unknown carcinogenic in the food?

I'm not necessarily against the concept - as long as traditionally grown meat doesn't get outlawed or some retarded shit.
It would do for livestock what the internal combustion engine did for horses. You'd only have maybe one, high quality, grass fed free range real beef steak a month, while eliminating the current intensive meat production industry and substituting it with the synthethic stuff.

Still, I'm gonna stick with regular meat for now thanks.
Vegetarian """"meat"""" tastes nothing like real meat.

>less partisan
You mean unpolitical?
Then why are you posting it here?
Or is it political and thus partisan after all?
Then why the fuck are you lying?

can't make it not taste like what is actually is
common ingredient in mock meats is cellulose from wood pulp
literally sawdust

>common ingredient in mock meats is cellulose from wood pulp
>literally sawdust
Well fuck me dead then.

I prefer my meat from the source, not a guy in a labcoat where contamination is ridiculously easy and it's easy to fuck with.

it's not there yet bro. marble distribution is still probably shit as fuck. at least you can probably eat it raw. no weird shit put into it yet. probably why it's so fucking expensive, and on top of that no bone.

>can't even move or think properly without meat
What are you, a monkey or a machine? It's real easy

Actually yes, you literally cannot think properly without DHA, an essential fatty acid that is *only* in animal sourced meat foods. See

tl;dr Your brain cannot function properly without DHA. Your powers of higher thinking will begin to deteriorate. It is even theorised that DHA provides the buildings blocks of our very consciousness.

if it tastes like the real deal, then what is the problem?
In theory if the tech is advanced enough you could be eating high quality steaks regularly. That's if the tech is good enugh, but right now it looks like it isn't.

Once they figure out how to make it the same as regular meat, I don't give a fuck, I will eat it.

No thanks. Feed it to poor people. I'm not eating that shit.

>is *only* in animal sourced meat foods
did you not read the article you linked?
microalgae contains it.

1. Many vegans don't know that
2. Microalgae supplements are not very common and, related to the above, almost unheard of by most people (seriously have you ever heard someone mention it?)
3. Algae farming is not exactly on the horizon

dont spread lies then. some poor brainlet might actually believe that DHA can only be sourced from animals.

More disgusting processed foods being pushed by the vegan corporatists...

If it truly tastes great, cheaper, and is healthier for you it will be a big success. “Better for environment” is too nebulous