Masturbating to girls

>be me 21/F
>have been dating current bf for almost 2 years
>occasionally get straight up homosexual sexual urges
>feel bad about it
>hold back from masturbating to women bc don’t want boyfriend to feel bad

he knows i’m bi but i’m still scared to bring it up with him

should i avoid lesbian porn in a hetero relationship? should i just go for it without telling my boyfriend?

i just don’t want him to think i’m losing attraction to him/men in general

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He is not going to care

If he feels bad over the shit you masturbate to, you have a much larger problem on your hands.

>i just don’t want him to think i’m losing attraction to him/men in general
So be affectionate to him and fuck him. It doesn't mean you can get off to girl on girl action.

Diagnosis: Stage IV Cumbrain.

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Does not masturbating actually reverse any of this or is it too late?

why watch porn when you could have sex?

If love him which you probably don't then have a threesome with him. If he refuses fucking leave him

we have sex around 3-5 times a week but he’s currently on vacation

Very difficult at first, harder than quitting cigarettes. But it does reverse. A month is enough time for the habit pathways to weeken. Better to go longer but you'll notice this vice has less control over you.

eh it sounds nice but we plan on getting engaged in a few years and i don’t want it to somehow jeopardize that

why does it matter what you fap to? its not like you have to report to your bf every time you jerk it and what you were watching when you did it
you also might consider bringing a girl home every once in a while to share with your bf. he will probably enjoy it, you will enjoy it, and both of your cravings for strange pussy will be satiated

>harder than quitting cigarettes
kek, no

It won't wtf it'll make him love you 10x more


I mean less the addictiveness and more the negative effects of doing it do often.

Take the first step also lots of people might be insecure learn to deal

Find another girl and start his harem for him.

It's funny how every girl has been brainwashed into degenerate bisexuals or lesbians now that LGBT pride is a thing.

>Nooo I'm being myself, you homophobe
Women have no personalities, you just copy what's around you.

I'd never date anything but 100% straight girls. Not being 100% straight is a mental illness.

You never smoked enough. Long term nicotine use is better than sex in any form

Men dont care about lesbians. The bible specifically says that male homosexuality is wrong ignoring female homosexuality.

Basically men dont feel threatened when women fuck eachother as long as they feel in control.

I wish.

My vices used to be: smoking, playing video games all day and masturbating.
Masturbating is the only one I couldn't quit, so it is true for me.

What about romans1: 26-27?

The Apostle clearly condemns it and Christ instructed the woman to sin no more lest a worse maladay befall her.

you're blowing this way out of proportion with your alarmist fearmongering

porn =/= cheating
you only feel guilty because you've been told its wrong and you don't want others to know (it is none of their business anyway)

do it, just don't over do porn of any kind

my gf is bi too
she watches lesbian porn sometimes
i don't care
pretty sure 99% of non-retards think the same

Then stay hopelessly addicted, mouth breathing moron.

High IQ for a change

people hate nofappers not because of jews, but because no fappers are the most irritating self righteous people that will pipe into any subject to yap about how great their semen cult is.

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Keep seething.