Canada vs Philippines

If Philippines declared war on Canada, who would the US back? We have a mutual defense treaty with the Philippines, but are also in NATO with Canada.
I suppose we would back Canada since i assume mutual defense treaties don't cover if your the aggressor. But what if Canada declared war on the Philippines?
I guess it comes down to which has greater precedent. NATO vs Mutual Defense Treaty.

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nuke us

honestly we need a war to happen to balance things out

Lmao didn't Canada get all egotistic about being green and environmentally friendly? Didn't know that just meant shoving your trash to some other country.

Don't the flip niggers know that canada never lost a war? trust me they are alive because we allow it

If I get an odd number, USA sides with Canada.
Even number, USA sides with Philippines.

We would most likely back Canada, Americans in general would support Canada over any other nation in a war type situation, even if Canada was the one that started it

We have the defense systems for if Russia does a nuclear launch on USA.
USA has no tactical choice but to back Canada.
If we turned off our northern missile defense systems Russia could very easily send nukes into USA. Think NORAD.
Anyways starting a war over trash that they accepted is fucking dumb. Think the Philippines is a shithole now, wait till we start air bombing them with our trash.
Also it was a China company based in Canada that did it from what I understand so really they should be declaring war with China.

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I am an old stock Canuck and I feel like the Philippines are justified in this dispute.

Digit check
Jow Forums is getting sloppy & slow. I came here yesterday, when it first made the news, to see if there was anything being said about this & there was nadda. I hope we back Duterte, I like him mucho much-o. Wish Trump would be more like him.. no fucks given.

Fuck that picture is cringe
Other than that based

Shame, I would have liked to see Canada get shit kicked in

checked, let the missiles rain down on this frozen shithole

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Duterte's declaration of war is simply a polite way of authorizing his army to cross canadian borders and dump the waste back.

Can't cross borders without starting a war
It's up to Canada if they want to shoot and escalate the situation.

fuck canadians

Why wouldn't you think so? How the fuck did Canadian trash get all the way there in the first place if not by deliberately dumping it in their territory? If they just dumped it into the ocean from Canadian waters it would just join the rest of the wastes in the middle of the Pacific. Way I see it Canada did the equivalent of loading up a truck with garbage and driving it over three streets down the neighborhood to chuck onto somebody's front lawn.

Where is yours going?

Well your country is garbage so it was a good place for it

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Thanks phillip! I was wondering why he would declare war over trash lol. That makes more better sense. Why cannot MSM tell us these important details? ugh. I'm a big fan of your dude Duterte, btw. Hope you don't have to go to war with leafs to get this straightened out though. An article yesterday said that it was a private contractor that made this mess. They were suppose to be shipping recyclable material & sent a bunch o trash along with the recyclables. Does your country have a lot of recycle plants?

your not wrong

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That is because big daddy america keeps your little cuckold ass alive.

we dump it in the midwest. Or if your in the middle of nowhere dig a whole and burn it

the garbage wars ended when 6000000 metric tons of tim hortons garbage rained upon the Philippines permanently covering the islands reminding them of the fact they were Canukolded

Well, congrats.
You locked yourself in a corner

You pick up your thrash, you get mocked for following the words of a trash country
You let Duterte dump them back, you got cucked
You shoot, the world turns on you

We'll just go back to dumping it on Native reserves nothing will change lol

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It will be amusing when China annexes you

NATO is supposed to be for defense only and Canada does not have the military potential to fight the Philippines. If it did happen though, it would be the first of the "Resource Wars" that some predicted would be a reality in the 21st century.

They cannot even annex Taiwan

>But what if Canada declared war on the Philippines?
mutts hate canada so much that they are ready to unite with pygmies to take us down

>implying that chinks didnt annexed canada already

unfortunately it will also have major downsides

We don't hate you Canada

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no we don't, but Canadians seem to have a holier than thou attitude when it comes to americans. Fastest way to piss off a canuck is to call him an american.

The majority opinion here would be heavily in favor of Canada

I never understood this as we are nearly identical to Americans. We may as well be Americans, just don't take hongcouver or anything east of Manitoba

>Fastest way to piss off a canuck is to call him an american
Nah, we're north american's after all. We just don't like being compared to americans when we travel, because lots of americans are rude shitty people when they travel. Who then slap a big old canadian flag on their backpack in the hopes other nations give them special treatment.

What about mislabeling the whole as a Quebequeer?

> Fastest way to piss off a canuck is to call him an american.
noun: Canuck; plural noun: Canucks

1. a Canadian (sometimes derogatory in US use).
"as a true Canuck, Hayden loves pizza"

yes. calling people derogatory names is a quick way to piss them off.

triggered the canadians lul

In a strange twist of irony, the downfall of the west is marked by an iconic conflict over trash and sexpats, all that was left of the former glory of the Western Empires.

Kenny Omega vs Manny Pacquiao

funny part is, it was a private company that did this which went bankrupt years ago and doesn't even exist anymore

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What's derogatory about liking pizza, canuck?

Niggers, where do you think you got said defense systems? If you turned them off and caused a potential threat to us we would just march in and flip them back on, faggot.

This. American's are retarded. They don't even know how to use google.

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>Didn't know that just meant shoving your trash to some other country.
it's precisely what it means
also: getting everything manufactured in polluting countries and signing trade deals with those countries so we can keep consuming tons of useless shit while feeling self righteous and morally superior because we're not the ones polluting
western environmentalism in a nutshell