Trump showdown with House Democrats ignites into all-out war
>The showdown between the Trump White House and House Democrats reached a new level of hostility this week, as several investigative disputes veered toward federal court amid scathing rhetoric on both sides.

>Three dramatic clashes between White House lawyers and congressional Democrats over the past 36 hours have created an atmosphere of total war between the president and Capitol Hill, suggesting that even modest compromise may be impossible and that protracted court fights likely are inevitable.

>House Democrats threatened Tuesday to hold in contempt a Trump official who oversaw security clearances after the White House instructed him not to cooperate with Congress. Later in the day, the Trump administration refused to turn over six years’ worth of President Donald Trump’s personal and business tax returns by a 5 p.m. deadline, instead requesting more time to consult with the Justice Department. And later Tuesday, Trump said he was opposed to his current and former aides — most notably, former White House Counsel Don McGahn — testifying on Capitol Hill, escalating the showdown even further.

>Those moves came a day after Trump took the dramatic step of suing the chairman of the House Oversight and Reform Committee to block a subpoena for his financial records.

>White House lawyers said they are guarding the executive branch’s prerogatives against what they call politically motivated congressional inquests. But Democrats see an unprecedented — and indefensible — degree of White House defiance.

>“It’s a pretty extraordinary and outlandish situation right now,” Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Md.), a member of the House Oversight panel, said in an interview. “It’s like a curtain has fallen down over the White House.”

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When you have unprecedented levels of treasonous attacks against the president, you will get unprecedented levels of resistance. No president has ever been attacked so ferociously by the communists. We really need to kill all of the leftists.

“The Democrat Party, with its newfound control of the U.S. House of Representatives"

This never should have happened

No it's a good thing, because Trump uses that to his advantage to cuck Israel.

I don't know why they're trying to force his tax returns.
Tax returns don't show anything incriminating.
IRS can't legally publish personal tax information outside of a criminal investigation- of which there is none.

Democrats are fuck stupid.

Checked. Gonna get interesting real fast

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They're trying to do anything to deflect off the fact that a ton of people in congress are traitors and enemies of the state. That's why the board is being shilled so hard lately. That's why they are so desperate for another false flag.

Lel fuck the democrats and fuck congress

I unironically want trump to go full Caesar at this point

Civil War II When?

I figured as much.
This, however, is one of the most pathetic ploys they've hatched yet and it's the most impotent in their arsenal. It's not a hill to die on.
Their emoluments clause has been thrown out once and I suspect the "revised" motion will die too.
Trump has won pretty much every battle at the Supreme Court.
These guys are laughable.

>Blah blah blah, nothing will happen. More pro wrestling bullshit.

Who gives a fuck anymore? After three years of this faggotry, it's just old.

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The funniest thing is that the media and the democrats have been chimping out for 2 years constantly whining. Because of censorship the Jews have made it so they see only what they wanna see. Reality is that the jews have manufactured consent for Trump to take full control.

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Imo he should really just drain the swamp as promised.
Honestly if he had kept his word and had the military put them on trial of 12 USA wouldn't have these problems right now.
Every single one of those democrat and Republican politicians are guilty of treason against the USA in one form or another.
Just get them out over their election rigging for example, quick and dirty.

Trump is draining the swamp. That's why you're shilling so hard these days and pretending like he's ot.

He is. He managed to gut much of the top FBI brass. It's certainly a start. He had his hands tied with the Mueller bullshit, but now that's not the case.

Be prepared for the storm.

Arrest and execute them then. It’s getting into the territory of your fault for not doing so already.

you go first fbi

oh the irony of the dems to employ the same tactic the republicans used against slick willy right before he got reelected

Spoken like a true coward. I'll be that both of your fathers and your wife's children are very proud of you.

A fake accusation of collusion with the Russians, followed up by a demand for his tax returns? When did this happen to Clinton? Really, do you have ANY evidence for your delusional beliefs?

aaahahaha ooook Qfag

>contempt of congress charges
lmao those don't do shit

are jews /ourkikes/?

If only

There is some silly law that states the Chairman of the Finance committee can request anyone's tax return for any reason.

This is good, get them to talk about suing Trump into 2020 and not about issues.

I am so over this shit.
I am so over the Trump derangement, the media sophomoric antics, the political bullshitting.
I don’t care if Trump did questionably legal things in the past. The businesses he was in, he almost had to have done something questionable. I don’t give a shit. I am not going to follow the news on this anymore. I’m going to vote for my narcissistically flawed President again because the other side has gone full bore crazy.
End of discussion.

Jamie Raskin is one slippery kike, almost as bad as Nadler.

>When did this happen to Clinton?

when the republicans tried to impeach clinton in the 90's you retarded teenage zoomer

t. average ameritard

They impeached (not tried) Clinton over things he actually did, dumbass. The Senate voted not to remove him, but there was never any question that he did the things the report said.

Raskin is a jewy oldman cock looking fagott. Fight these douche canoes with everything at this point. CW2 can’t come soon enough honestly.

Trump will prevail
Leftist traitors going to jail
Trump will prevail
Check's in the mail
Trump will prevail
All hail
Trump will prevail
Immense in scale

I’m with QAnon now guise!

He was already in his 2nd term newfag

Oh no it’s retarded

It's all a show to distract us while Israel carries out their globalist plan. Stay focused beyond the actors

Israel isn't carrying out shit. They're surrounded and alone.

Lol right. That's believable

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Kek you're a kike who can't even say kek.

Uh huh

>Zion Don vs Demoncrats
>both pro Israel
I think it's natural selection for a stronger Israel

If you're against Trump showing his tax returns like he said he would and like every President has done for the past 40 years you are a giant shill.

Trump shouldn't show anything. He should assume full control and have faggotsl ike Adam Schiff publicly executed.

>When you have unprecedented levels of treasonous attacks against the president, you will get unprecedented levels of resistance. No president has ever been attacked so ferociously by the communists. We really need to kill all of the leftists.
They kill themselves.

>Most transparent president ever.
He's panicked we'll find out he's worth less than Paris Hilton.
>Hires the best people
All the new lawyers are making laughable arguments that won't even delay until 2020
>Is a 4D chess genius
Doesn't know he can't "go to the supreme court" in the event of impeachment, tweets it anyway

there is no precedent requiring a pres to show returns faggot
just cause others did it means nothing

Explain how it would be good for the country for every aspect of his and his business's finances to be publicly scrutinized.

>narcissistically flawed president


It's already happening

>I don't know why they're trying to force his tax returns.
>They're trying to do anything to deflect off the fact that a ton of people in congress are traitors and enemies of the state.

this, they need a distraction from their 3 year long, millions of dollars of tax payer money wasted, fake news, nothing burger mueller report. they think "if we can keep yammering about his tax returns, our retarded followers will think 'where there is smoke, there is fire' ", just like with how they non stop shilled the mueller report. even the most bluepilled normies have stopped falling for this shit tho and only the leftist most deranged, retarded, die hard base truly believe trump's tax returns will 'finally bring him down' while most actual dnc insiders and leaders know its nothing burgers all the way down but cant stop the crazy train from leaving the station at this point so they're going all in on the nothing burger express.

>No precedent
>Previous presidents did it
Cognitive dissonance is a helluva drug

>40 years of guys who were not billionaires releasing their taxes.
>country is 240 years old

>politically motivated congressional inquests
this is exactly what is going on, the House showed their ass when the Mueller report confirmed the Russian hoax and yet the Dems keep pushing it, they are so asspained that they lost and cannot enact their globalist white replacement policy that they are going scorched earth

Thanks for admitting what the word "precedent" means. It doesn't matter how rich someone claims to be. It also doesn't matter if the precedent spans the entire length of national history. A precedent is a precedent. And a promise is a promise. Most transparent president ever, right? Glad we're all on the same page now.

>Thanks for admitting what the word "precedent" means.

there is general precedent, then there is LEGAL precedent, which is an actual, objective thing and of which there is no LEGAL precedent for this, which is obviously what the retard you are fagging on was referring to.

All for nothing. The courts wont require him to turn over his taxes, and the redactions they want lifted are required by law. They are wasting their time, and he's just setting them up for another major let down. He unironically is doing the right thing: Telling them to get absolutely fucked.

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This. The FBI/DOJ was gutted when Barr came in, DHS is being gutted. They're talking about completely shitcanning OPM entirely. Multiple investigations have been opened and or picked back up with fresh vigor, re: Podesta, Ukraine, Hillary Clinton, Fast and Furious, etc. The Left is absolutely melting down right now, DOTR is closer than ever, they know it, hence the level of shilling.

Remember to sage all "Trump is a jew" threads.

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Gaetz even hinted at how Trump is planning to get rid of the Patriot act.

It was hush hush but alot of NSA programs launched under the previous two administrations were allowed to sunset...For 3 Reasons: 1) It is now obvious they were being abused for political reasons, 2) Most of Al Qaeda / ISIS has been wiped out and 3) The amount of intelligence that is now available through open sources (social media) is quickly making tradecraft pointless.

Love it. Can we get Donny and that squinting silicone dump of a Slavic prostitute fitted for orange jumpsuits yet? I’m willing to wait until he loses in 2020 and goes away forever in Sing Sing. Sooner would be better though.

no they shut down govenrment programs because the Jew World Order wants global corporations to run the world. They have social media as private surveillance operations and become more powerful than the government. That's why anti trust is the oly solution for all these monopolies.

It's not obvious. Because those are different terms. "Precedent" is self apparent. And the accepted traditional precedent spanning back to the age of rotary phones is still a precedent. You can move the goal posts and spin it as legal precedent. But then we're back to where we started. You can't claim to be the most transparent ever and say you'd love to release tax returns if you could, then scramble to do the opposite even though you have zero chance against... wait for it... legal precedent. That's desperation. I'm comfortable saying he's innocent until proved guilty like anyone else, but the desperation to hide everything from taxes to school records does not inspire trust & confidence. It's intentional anti-transparency from a man who always claims he has nothing to hide and is just a misunderstood victim. If this doesn't bother you, then enjoy whatever you feel you're getting out of ignoring the logical conflict I guess.

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Trumps taxes likely show nothing incriminating, worst case they probably show he's still writing off loses from Trump Atlantic City. Trump holding up a nothingburger as bait and letting Dems get all frothy in anticipation and play their hands repeatedly is 100% Trump's MO.

Overvaluing property for the sake of financial gain is fraud. He’ll be charged in New York after his term ends. Some DA will make a nice tangerine pelt from Old Bloated.

True. Every president before FDR ran either 1 or 2 terms. But FDR still ran for a 3rd term and nothing stopped him.

>We got him this time!
Hows that working out so far?

Good. The house is ours. Nancy is pegging him with a strap on for lulz. That you inbreds think your movement is anything more than a vigil for American’s boomer parents is endlessly amusing. How triggered will you all be when Donald dies in his cell and his sons get corn holed all the way out of their colosets by bubba in the shower?

>how triggered will you be
Not as triggered as my rifle

>cope and more cope
I thought he was going down for Russian collusion?

A war that Trump will lose.

>t's not obvious.

ya, it was obvious, because even as you read the retard's post:>there is no precedent requiring a pres to show returns faggot
>just cause others did it means nothing

he says 'there is no precedent' then immediately points out 'just because others did it means nothing'. his post can either be read to infer hes obviously implying to legal precedent OR it can be read like a literal retard to think he was unknowingly refuting his own point. i read it the first way. u r about as retarded as every liberal MSM outlet that takes every trump tweet literally and pretends trump was b eing 100% serious and not hyperbolic 99% of the time.

>You can't claim to be the most transparent ever and say you'd love to release tax returns if you could, then scramble to do the opposite even though you have zero chance against...

when under investigation/audit, no lawyer in the world would allow a client whose a public figure to release their taxes publicly because it would intefer with the ongoing investigation and could likely get them in trouble with the court for trying to alter public perception of the case. 100% expect trumps tax returns to be released AFTER/if the non stop investigation is over.

The IRS, the people actually charged with investigating such matters already have all of trump's tax returns and related documents for their investigation. he has withheld nothing from them, they already have it all.

there is absolutely no reason to release the documents to his political opposition and hostile media to pour over and pick apart with their nonprofessional, biased, partisan, and amateur opinions 24/7 non stop on TV. they are not just NOT entitled to see his tax documents, they are also not qualified to review them, especially publically, for purely slanderous purposes.

in closing, yer basically retarded and/or obviously a mentally ill tranny poster.

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>an election Trump will lose.

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Kill the dems, save America

Agreed, lists made be ready patriots

Well, there are 12 investigations currently ongoing. So. Maybe? Let’s see. Remember. Private citizen Donald Trump has nothing to hide in back of, and so many of us will enjoy his pitiful demise. They’ll probably need to keep him in adseg to protect him. It’s New York though. So he might accidentally fall on a shiv a few dozen times. Nothing of value will be lost. Lulz

Why is that the Dems in congress seem to think that the President is supposed to serve them?

Because that's how narcissists think.

>But Democrats see an unprecedented — and indefensible — degree of White House defiance.

But no president has topped Abraham Lincoln


imagine if nancy pelosi was one of your heroes/saviors. just imagine.

yikes and pathetic/sad pilled!

He literally made an obstruction case against himself just because he panicked so much about the probe. He's only safe because of DOJ policy precedent which Barr won't go against. And Pelosi rightly sees all the dissatisfied real republicans, moderate swing voters, Regan democrats, and basically all the left already know Trump has done more than enough to deserve impeachment. But with 2020, the smart political move is to focus on all those voters instead of the some 30% base who would clap if Trump put on a nurse's uniform & blew up a hospital.

>He literally made an obstruction case against himself just because he panicked so much about the probe.
>guilty until proven innocent
That's not how law works.

>But no president has topped Abraham Lincoln

another republican the democrats rebelled against because he denied them their right to enslave people. history always comes full circle.

That’s a lie but ur a commie

Democrats want Trump's tax returns now.

Funny thing is that for 8 years the Obama-controlled IRS, which was being run by petty, hyper-partisan crooks like Lois Lerner, had full access to all of Trump’s tax filings.

Obama's IRS would have leaked Trump's tax returns by now had they ever found anything about Trump

The clock ticks ever closer to the next civil war and the extermination of the left, this time we do it right boys

Congress is both house and senate.

Hero? No. She’s a creepy old scarecrow. She triggers trumpistas though. So I like her. Upsetting wingnuts became a hobby of mine. You’re all such impotent pussies. Entitled, demanding, absurdly stupid and ill informed. I don’t care about a wall. I oppose it to make you unhappy. Do you know concerned citizens are using drones to deliver water to migrants? Whole states have become sanctuary states. Look at generational cohorts and their voting trends. The hole you’re in is deep and dark. The warmth coming down on you is us pissing on the top of your head. Don’t worry though. You’ve got your MIGA hat, greasy as the head that wears it, and made in China. I know it won’t keep you warm. Lol

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No, you take him to trial. Which will happen when he can be indicted.

Yes, but the house is enough for oversight and airing all his dirty laundry with subpoenas.

Previous presidents voluntarily publicized their tax returns. Previous presidents were not compelled by the LEGISLATIVE BRANCH to publicize their tax returns.

>Hero? No. She’s a creepy old scarecrow. She triggers trumpistas though. So I like her. Upsetting wingnuts became a hobby of mine.

yikes and bitter mentally ill tranny poster pilled.

I know. It’s bait. The boomers are immortal. Forget I said anything and have another beer.

You got to prove a crime exists before you can drag people through the judicial process you copespinning fuck.

The fuck you think I’m a tranny? I’m just not an uneducated inbred who considers the Bible a medical device.