Diet + exercise = white supremacy says Minnesota professor

Diet + exercise = white supremacy says Minnesota professor

>gym culture is white supremacy
>dieting is child rape
>fitness trainers are Nazis like that lad who had a bit of a laugh in New Zealand
>only Nazis like fit muscular bodies
>exercise and diet is eugenics
>fuck exercise and fuck white people


Original source:

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Not surprised at all. BRB going to work on my nazi physique

BTW I’m sorry Jow Forums, this is my fault. I shitposted as a hypothetical but it manifested IRL.

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Good, keep pushing this!
Soon our side will be full of nofap fit freethinking chairforce warriors and everyone on their side will be fatfuck pornwatching wiggers that like to dress their sons in girl clothes and sell their daughters for tacos.
This is a good thing.

Sweet. Soibois out. The gym is ours.

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... God damn it. Did you not learn when accidentally created the modern sjw movement?

but but OP training for the Race War desu

I believe it.
The degenerate liberals are too mentally and physically weak.

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Bump for fit nazis

In case anyone needed help picturing who wrote this article

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Lmao is that actually her

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It's funny because a lot of gymthots are also coalburners, and then later single mothers

Looks like Andi Milonakis to be honest.

i dont know whats wrong with me but i can only do like a few days in a row of cardio on my bike then i just get lazy as fuck and dont exercise for the rest of the year. no matter how much i actually enjoy riding the bike

holy shit, this must be parody

Fitness is Nazi. Good.

cute boy pulling-up
aryan warrior like dad


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Ok, so this is the part when pol acts like they 6'4 and built like a greek god......

Cardio is gay. Lift heavy weights for a few reps (just not 7) every other day.

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who is the nordic treasure in OP?

also, watch the video at 53:35. They use some dog science video which ironically just supports race realism.

Whites should focus on maintaining good physical fitness, literacy, and above all, MANNERS

This means saying your please and thank you's, cleaning up after yourself, not being socially unaware (playing music out loud in a crowded space) and extending w helping hand to individuals who need it (basic courtesy)

>t. Fat nigger

>20 B4 I QQ
gets 21


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every other day doesn't seem like it will be enough time to get volume in unless you have ridiculously long gym sessions or are doing full body days. skip rope for easy cardio

Neo-nazis and other fascists: bootlicking cucks, mostly racist fat basement-dwellers that can't find a girlfriend with also few steroid-infused giant barely-moving fellas with no brain that beat up their girlfriend when they become fascists so they also can't find a girlfriend anymore... conclusion: degenerates

radical "progressive"(r. regressive) leftists and tankies: fat or too skinny and weak, they don't exercise, some of them dye their hair in weird colors. They smoke weed and drink a lot... conclusion: also degenerates

ancaps and ancoms: just idiots that have no idea how society works, probably smokes weed... conclusin: also degenerates

conservatives, centrists, civic nationalists, socdems, classical liberals...: natural workout to become strong and healthy, probably practices or practiced some sport, has actual social skills, leaves other people to live their life as they please, successful, has actually contributed to society, actual patriots... conclusion: not degenerates

Cardio is good and important.

cardio is just the basic
go run ,you wont be nothing if you can't properly run during one hour straight with a bag of 33lbs or take a sprint of just two minutes.
Cardio is just the basic of everything.

Pffff gay

cardio is very important... it is also hardest, so this week cucks can't do it and they then they say it's gay
if you ever get in an actual fight you will realize how cardio is imprtant

Holy shit. Ok ok finally joining local gym

I was doing a 4 day a week lifting plan for a few months with fairly steady results up until the last few weeks where I fucked up my shoulder and have been forcing myself to take it easy.

It's more than enough. In fact according to the research I did before starting out, every day lifting can actually be counterproductive because you are creating muscle tears faster than your body can heal them.

Dieting is more important than gym, don't forget that

Can't outrun a bad diet

cardio is the hardest? uhh

so wat?

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>it is also hardest
It’s literally the easiest. You can get a great run time after jogging a bit for a couple of months.

>every day lifting can actually be counterproductive b
Nigga you don't do the same muscle groups everyday

when you start exercising, if you have actual at-least 45-min cardio exercise it is definetly hardest, people just ignore actually doing cardio or running they hop for 30 secs and say, nice cardio

You can also only do so much to isolate an individual muscle group. But I'm not here to argue with tiny, stupid, men.

i don't know whats hardest but lets do 1 minutes at 90% of your maximal speed then 30 second rest and let's se how much rep you'll do before you start feeling bad.
it's the same same as lifting and doing one rep and carry something for a long time,whats hardest tho ?
thats why military focus on cardio+endurance ,thats what a soldier need at first. Being endurant.

I can see them pushing this. I could be wrong, but I remember hearing something about how once WW2 was over the Allies made it a point to destroy all of the Nazi exercise regiment booklets. I guess the Jews see it as much easier to control out of shape goys than physically fit ones.

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i'm talking about actual cardio exercise, not 15-minute jog


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That’s why you do splits and let your different groups rest.
Push/pull/legs probably being the best and easiest to program if you go every day or 6 days a week.


>Jow Forums thread

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It's just another form of self absorbed consumerism.

Show me one single fitness I on that isn't an absolute fucking boomer.

Say it with me lads - FORM MATCHES FUNCTION - if you sit on your arse all day crunching numbers, have a bit of self *respect* and wear it with pride.

Oh, the girls don't like it?

When did you start caring about that? When you were 2? 3? 5? 9? 17?
Or was it when you stopped righteously taking from that which is lesser having been taught to want and ask nicely?

Godly physiques are supposed to inspire divine deeds user

>You can also only do so much to isolate an individual muscle group

would 45 minutes plopped on an elliptical count?

Peak physiognomy. So much time saved.

>Click the link
> see Prof. Brown Jabba the Hutt in frame 1
> realize that anyone who can see truth could not allow themselves to become this
> by becoming this, you are a walking admission that aversion to the truth is extremely important in your life
> don't need anything further
> close

Stop giving this shit attention

Good. Let them rot like that still jiggling blob that dropped dead of her terrible life choices at Charlottesville while in s mob that espoused violence attacking a poor retarded frog poster 2,000 to one with bats and with rifles and handguns pointed at his head.
Let them get what they’ve got coming.

(you) mulan faggot

ImZihUSS liberty

does her opinion matter anyway in this case?

its not like shes gonna be around for long to defend her point

high volume heavy squat day is a lot harder than harder cardio even if just for the mental fortitude it is going to take to push yourself through those lifts. this seems like a retarded thing to argue about.

Waste of time. Stair master is better

ok now post your "after training" picture

>high volume heavy squat day is a lot harder than harder cardio even if just for the mental fortitude
Truth though. 10x10 squats is the hardest thing I've done that I can remember

either one works for the point i'm attempting to make

Beauty is a social construct chads get the rope with the nogs, pogs, ZOGs.

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I love the fit physique and not the big ass bullshit nigger meme girls.

Lifting is fucking great and I feel so much better about everything when I'm in my routine.

Just how fucking retarded is Minnesota?

3 days a week for an hour is enough given you walk a lot and do a few pushups/sit-ups each day

>t. Noodle arms

I'd say what you don't like is hard. Some people like to run and hate lifting weights, others like to lift weights and hate cardio. Most of my cardio is actually wrestling/jujitsu and kickboxing and it's fun and effective. I don't like low/medium intensity much so I prefer high intensity training like rowing machine or stationary bike intervals and sprints, but I also try to do longer jogging/rowing once a week.

How you going to do that with your underware pulled over your eyes?

The true nazi work out is calisthenics and cardio also martial arts. Gotta be slim and dry for that uniform. Weights are for grugs t.b.h.

>3 days a week for an hour

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Cardio and endurance is still much faster and easier to build than raw strength and muscle mass.
See military bootcamps where the laziest slobs would quickly get up to speed after a couple of months.


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So that's what happened to him. Now he's Amy Milonakis..

>dieting is child rape
>child drag shows are a thing
what has happened to our world
honk honk


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well dude hardest cardio would mean doing a trek of 44 miles in mountains not running 2 hours on flat at a 6mph speed.About the mental i think both push yourself on your limits
But i don't really want to argue tho ,both are hard and both are good.

SS is x3 a week moron. If you're actually doing heavy squats and deadlifts to the most of what your body is capable of, it's not beneficial to do any more than that. Your body needs to rest and repair for you to get real gains.

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>doing a trek of 44 miles in mountains
That’s more of a mental strength test instead of cardio

This is a person with a college education?

for sure. intense cardio is obviously mental too. there is just a difference of maybe getting folded under weight that is going to send you to the hospital and the other is usually trying to keep your mind busy or maybe to not roll your ankle.

how long would a 44 mile trek take? could you do heavy squats for that long? if not, is that because they're so much easier to do?

Oh I'm just thinking about strength, not homo-preparation activity aka bodybuilding. Yeah if you just want to pump your little muscles up like a balloon it's probably good to go to the gym 7 days a week for 2-4 hours a day.

>not homo-preparation activity aka bodybuilding
Nigga u gay

well yeah you right thats endurance.But cardio can be hard thats what i'im trying to say.
It's like lifting ,depend of how heavy you lift ,cardio is same but how intense you do it.
sprinting or burpess at an fast speed.

You don’t have to follow any one martial art. The repetition of the moves is all that matters. When it happens for real you don’t know you’ve made the move until it’s done, sort of. It’s automatic and very fast. Use a mirror to practise alone you don’t even need a bag you can kick air. Just a few moves will make it retarded for untrained people to try to fight you. You’ll certainly have a vastly improved odds spread. Be like a coiled cobra, slide in like sub zero strike and smoke out again. I’m exaggerating there, but yeah knock someone down before you know you’ve reacted and defended yourself it feels nice. Hurting people is a vital skill in the current year. It’s very cathartic and helps dislodge undigested black pills from the bowels.

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She basically admits that whites are master race lol

i thought your body needed time to rest and repair? if i'm prepping to go gay my body can take more punishment?

maybe it's easier if you want i mean i don't really want to argue if it's easier or not.
Cardio is important
strengh is important too
Mental is everything ;)

If you are serious about strength training 3 days a week is nowhere near enough for impressive gains. When are you doing your conditioning and/or speed work then?


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Hmmm, he might be on to something there.

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We truly are living in a clown world.
Fatfucks need all to just neck themselves.


well if you punish your anus enough what's the difference, also you're doing isolation so you're rotating between groups and allowing the others to rest, as such you can do it every day
lol, if you're doing the main compound movements and going hard on them there is no way that you can do it more than 4 times in a week unless you're an exceptionally advanced lifter; for most people, who are beginners and intermediates at best, 3 days a week is good, with small accessory work in between

impressive gains requires long-term commitment and consistency

it also just felt good to be able to shoot someone breaking into my house early in the morning. can't say I want to have to rely on hand to hand in that case, because I just don't. It helps to callus up your knuckles, been working on hurting my hands so it's not an issue come down to it