Remember what they took from us. Christianity is a Jewish religion and they cut down our sacred trees...

Remember what they took from us. Christianity is a Jewish religion and they cut down our sacred trees, burned our temples and killed our priests. Christianity sended us to 1000 years of Dark ages, before that we were advanced and cultured.

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>Implying Pagans didn't do this shit to each other
Yeah the Romans were so culturally sensitive of their fellow pagans when they killed all the druids.

Kys memeflaggot

>remember what they took from us
>consequence-free gay buttseckz

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Question to christians

why has christianity failed to prevent the decline of the west?

Because you have an international conglomerate of rich people pouring trillions of dollars into a campaign that pays muslims, pagans, atheists, faggots, etc to infiltrate positions of authority in an attempt to erase God from existence so THEY can rule over humanity.

What they don't understand is that if they try to declare dominance, someone out there will end it with a bullet.

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A turn to atheism.

>it's everyone's fault but mine

Because it was tailored by kikes to destroy the west and whites tried to delay it but now (((they))) increased their efforts including other cults, nonsense, technologies, distractions and social engineering.

>Key memeflaggot
said memeflaggot

Greece have 90% orthodox population and 69% are atisemites too....what's your point?

Attached: antisemitic.jpg (1303x851, 192K)

>ad populum isn't a fallacy
Just because everyone agrees with you doesn't mean you all are right. We wouldn't have a declining west if atheism and their dream of a consequence free world didn't erode away the morals Christianity provided.
>inb4 if they needed religion to have morals they weren't good people to begin with
Nobody is good. Nobody grows up. We are all just adult children. The "magic sky daddy" is there to keep us straight because otherwise we would devolve back into a primal state.

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>69% are atisemites
it is so because of you're poisoned with cuckstianity
t. jew-neutral-attitude neopagan

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orthodoxy was a critical standar to gain freedom from ottoman some history about greece and how based repill popes in greece help with the revolution ...i rarely go to church.Churches was used during they ottoman ocupy like greek scholls....the whole revolution designed in churches (at nights the fighter often talk and keep themselves out of site).Moto of the revolution was liberty or death.

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Christians took homosexuality from being a shamefur dispray to making it a profession with lots of pride and honor attached to it and giving them large swats of land(monasteries) for them to perform their depravities on.

Sure, but then you go to hell.

greek orthodox popes blessed and gave the siren from the counter attack to throw mongol to the sorry that popes in your country didn't give you a reason to believe in antisemite is the country you live?i bet it's not 69 % of the population...put your flag....what are you afraid of?what are you a communist....the earth is your land?

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hell isn't real though

>larpagan poster talking misinformed shit on Christianity
>behind a meme flag



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Convenient that no place of punishment exists.

some proud jews are larping right's their job....couldn'r blame them though

The dark ages were only called that because the fags that came after wanted to appear rainbow coloured. By reading history you find out what the winner thought first, then you must discern bias.

Apart from that everything you wrote is complete and utter bullshit.


>Bu...butt, I have nothing against gay people and gay rights.

>I've been told that they're born that way by my professors...

>And animals in captivity like lions have gay sex.

It hasn’t, decline in the West can be directly correlated to the rise in atheism

yet again, another memeflaggot.


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It's just reality.

Time to grow up buddy.

Enjoy your AIDS carousel into the pit, then. Call satan a nigger for me.

This is OP

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yall were more evil sexually and violently than Christians

Quite the opposite. The rise of secularism and consequently, Atheism, after the Enlightenment was what caused the decline of the West.

The Church holds very little power now and the remnants of it have been subverted after WW2 in the Second Vatican Council which (((modernized))) the Catholic Church and was forced to adapt because of conflicting Traditional Christian values and modern progressive secular values of the general population.

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>Because it was tailored by kikes to destroy the west
So you are saying to me that the founding principles of the greatest civilization known to man was a 2000 year psyop so that the great great great grandchildren of salty pharisees that didnt want to give up power after Jesus BTFOd them non-stop could destroy the White race that many of them did not even know existed?