UK to let Huawei help build 5G network

(((USA))) BTFO
(((Australia))) BTFO
(((5 Eyes))) (which is actually the 6 Eyes, with Israel in the 2nd boss role, in Bibi's own words) BTFO!!!!

WE /Belt and Road/ NOW

Attached: uk 5g huawei.png (681x631, 641K)

Other urls found in this thread:
Some people fear progress. Even white collars ain't save.

based and redpilled, if you trust your network infrastructure your security is just a meme anyway

China is the future, maybe even the UK will see the light one day and form a new special relationship with China instead of wasting away as the US' lapdog

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>dystopia country accepts dystopia countires help

What’s the problem? Your gonna hear a year from now. “China to help uk in telecom survellience against nationalists”

>accelerate Orwellian future


>muttflags chimping out
quelle surprise
we /belt and road/ nao, faggots
the US dollar will be toilet paper soon

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UK lets Niggers do their tax system

We wuz accountants n shiet

please tell me people are cheering, dancing in the streets and shit so i can save it for massive lulz later

The end of the UK.

I suppose it was a good run, bongs.

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UK should do their own stuff and form state sponsered companies like China does. I dont want a Chink NWO system. Chinks should do their own stuff in Asia. They have no dealings in Europe

no but i'm sure there'll be some jews dancing on rooftops before your next happening that President Drumpf will call muslims

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lmao just when I thought the brits couldn't get any stupider. To be fair though, bong gov't doesn't give a shit about its people. They'll probably share the spy data with the nips.

This is real bad news. DO NOT let the Chinese into your technology infrastructure.

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Wow, Europe is far more cucked than I ever imagined if they would let disgusting fucking gook communists touch their most vital information infrastructure.

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>look at my chinky eyes
>I am the limey now

As if being spied by Zionist America is any better.

Based Chinese lapdog telling another country to be a chinese lapdog

Aww yess... let me be spied on by someone else,. that will get back at the people spying on me. Well done you fucktard.

>no but

I hope President Trump wins 2020, otherwise there might actually be a chink tiger.

The president is very clear that we intend to get the trade deal we want, that China is bound to follow, or we will cease trade with China entirely.

That's why the trade deal is good for China, in the president's words.

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>duh you chimping out
I’m writing the truth you low iq ape

At least their eyes are so slanted they cant steal any information lol

5g was built by (((them))) and Alex Jones told me it will scramble your DNA

No chink ever called me goy

Better than Jews
Get rid of AIPAC and we'll let you play in Europe's backyard again

China is a more right wing government than American, we should be rooting for them to win the global struggle for dominance. They are racially aware, hierarchical, against degeneracy, and anti-capitalist. A western version of the Chinese government with a few more freedoms sounds preferable to me over our current system.

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our countries are too late though
if britain or germany etc at this point would try to create our own high tech sector, the US would put immense pressure on us to shut it down
they want us to be their slaves locked in to their tech, not make our own

and by 'pressure' i mean first light stuff, like economic pressure
if we don't bend the knee, then they'll start wiht the heavy stuff. i don't need to explain what that could be - use your imagination

ARM is still headquartered in Britain - but was sold to Japanese company Softbank
what a stupid fucking move
I hope Comrade Corbyn either tries to buy it back and nationalize it
or, if that fails, just fucking seize it lol. what will the nips do
wee need our own chip makers
own telecoms equip
own search companies, own email companies, own user friendly cloud storage companies
own operating systems, own computer and phone makers

no you're not
you're just trying to make sure we stay your slaves and don't leave the plantation
you're not really our ally. you're not germany's ally either.
you and israel can fuck off. best buddies. the rest of the world has had enough of your shit.

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>Better than Jews


okay kike

I don't understand this Huawei story.

Why is 5G important?

>China is a more right wing government than American, we should be r

chink detected

chicom kikes will have access to every bit of information moving across the internet INSIDE of western nations.

Alex Jones told me the frogs were gay all along.
While sucking my dick ofc.

PRC is a Chinese recreation of the Third Reich

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The Southwest US will secede from the US after the Mexican majority successfully agitate for secession all faciltated by the (((media))).
The Northwest US will be colonised by China so as to completely undermine US hegemony in the Pacific Ocean, Vancouver is already 43% Chinese and San Francisco is being used as their base in the US.
Australia and New Zealand will be vassals of China after it successfully colonises its major coastal cities via the unregulated student visa program in both countries.
Canada will be sold to the highest bidder, however Vancouver will be secured by China as part of its strategy to undermine US hegemony in the Pacific Ocean. The demographic push will then head south into Seattle and Portland linking up with the Chinese colonists pushing north from San Francisco.
The complete loss of the West coast by the US will turn it into a banana republic and global US hegemony will be over. This will be the signal for the Sunni muslims to implement their own colonisation program, specifically, Western Europe, where the population has been demoralised by the (((media))) and the massive casualties and destruction of the European wars of the 20th century.
Eastern Europe will unite to oppose the Sunni muslim takeover of Europe, leading to nuclear strikes on Istanbul, Riyadh, Islamabad and Cairo by Russian nuclear forces.

Finally. Maybe they'll give us some decent landline speeds some day. The further the UK drifts from grace the better at this point. Crash this plane with no survivors

>Chinese people are actually proud their elites are installing tech that will allow total pervasive spying and enslaving of their own population and others while allowing anyone with access to literally induce pain/kill/create auditory and sensory hallucinations, and will eventually give everyone cancer
Lmao have fun, its gonna be hilarious watching you beta testing something that will destroy your civilization and being proud of it.

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If the reich was slavery for all citizens then perhaps

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lmao no wonder the West is dying

Europe needs to make it's own tech. How does cucking to the Chinese help you form your own tech at all? America certainly would have less of a problem with Europe building their own tech platforms than we do with you taking in our primary geo-politcal enemies tech infrastructure.

China gaining power and weakening Americans hegemonic global control will be a good thing, but Europe still needs to fight back against both America and China.

nigger, they are massively anti-everyone except chinese, and even against chinese. they fucking hate everyone but cant stop stealing everyone's shit. they cant even create their own anything, they have to steal it all. they just got caught trying to steal cancer research from a university in texas, and had 3 doctors get arrested for stealing secrets. they are taking pictures of bases and shit to try to steal that shit too. they dont even extradite their chinkoids, because it would mean the majority of those who are rich in chinkland would be in prison for theft
im celebrating the chinkoids taking a giant shit on the UK, Germany, and whoever else will go along, thinking that "oh, we will let them think they are getting one over on us, but really, we will be watching them" yet they wont have any fucking control.
I think in the next 30 years we are going to see an actual military conflict as the EU is half-ass propped up and would rather let chinks try to salvage it for them than just business as usual with NATO. the whole thing is about NATO and not wanting to fucking pay the U.S. its due, yet they would rather virtue signal and literally lose their fucking country than pay their %
pay debnts

No. Sometimes people must be forced to be free. That said, the Chinese need a very heavy hand in government. The western version of the Chinese government would afford its citizens many more personal freedoms.

Frenly reminder even throughout the cold war in wich a countries survival was based upon intelligence and military hardware to counter a nuclear attack it was the bongs that never built any large scale public nuclear shelters because it was apparently too expensive
Either the bongs have unimaginable hubris or they simply don't give a single fuck about there population but one thing is certain
Giving China your communications is the ultimate honk pill

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it doesn't
i was saying ideally we'd have our own of all that stuff
but it's probably too late

at least watching the whole world, one by one, go /belt and road/ and watching the US screech and chimp out will be fun

RIP chinese people

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>seething kike
Every time

Fake news nothing to do with 5g connection but US electromagneticRadiation Weapon.
Here is the article :

Even if the Brits didn't want the US involved in their infrastructure why outsource it to the Chinese? Why not have a British Telecom company do it?

thanks for the (you)


They called you stupid westerner or Gweilo

Literally anyone > Jews

>Literally anyone > Jews

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Shitzerland already turned it on

The UK has stopped manufacturing anything a long time ago, thanks to based Thatcher

hahaha spoken like a true Chinaman!

Your lands have been conquered by foreigners for thousands of years.

I wonder who's behind this post


This isnt even funny anymore. Between gooks controlling euro internet and cartel owned US congress its getting awfully /uncomfy/

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Lead hands typed this post.

>i want China to control me, they will be much better than the Jews
Enjoy your literal enslavement and rich chinks pimping your women.

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> jew
> footfag

>he doesn't know about the Chinese elites fetish with feet
You are without a doubt5 the worst chink bootlicker I ever came across.

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I'm white European you shifty heeb
Just tired of your kind and your Golem

Europe has more in common with China anyway. Both people are basically slaves that have no freedom. In china they can't talk about tiananmen square without being imprisoned, in Europe you can't question the holohoax without being imprisoned. It really does make sense that Europe would see more in common with China than the west, especially the UK who's citizens are already under more surveillance than the Chinese.

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>I'm white """"""European""""""""
away plastic man.

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Many Americans are tired of his kind as well.

Europe has a lot in common with China in the fact that both are 3rd world shitholes.

>I'd rather be a bitch for a country that kills millions of it's own citizens and spies on them in a 1984 hellscape because at least it's not the Jews!
You are useful idiots for China and Russia. I don'\t even like jews, but instead of being free from everyone you choose slavery to escape from an imaginary boogyman.

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No, they call you a fucking baizuo.

You're the useful idiot pushing the notion that I have anything to lose by being spyed on by China, while I have everything to lose by being spied on by Israel. Anyone who believes that using Huawei products makes you a slave perpetuates our miserable subjection to the enemy of mankind.

>spies on them in a 1984 hellscape
That's literally what the 5 Eyes do
I don't even like China but it's useful to pit it against you mutts
Russia is ok and mostly white


>You're the useful idiot pushing the notion that I have anything to lose by being spyed on by China.
You are a retard and Snowden even warned us about retards like you.
How is a small shithole in the middle east a bigger threat to you than a country in Asia with over 100 Nukes, over 1 Billion people and the worlds largest economy./
You won the retard Olympics.

>thats literally 5 eyes
No you retard. There is no social credit system in the west you absolute fucking moron. if there was you wouldn't be able to leave your country,
>Russia is ok and mostly white
Russia is 10% muslim and not even remotely white. Russia has sent eastern Europe into a horrible decline when it took it over, yet dumb faggots like you who never opened a fucking book much less talked to anyone from those countries, have any idea how stupid it is to trust Russia.

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Based, AmeriMUTTS need to be fucking gassed

I hope the secret police gas your family OP.

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 劉曉波动态网自由门

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Anglo white guilt culture is its own form of social credit.
Eastern Europe is 95% white and uncucked. That's what matters, not money. Yids won't understand.

no im not, its true the uk will ask china to help spy on its own citizens.
>dont leave the plantation

now where did i hear this from...... nigger.

>Anglo white guilt culture is its own form of social credit.
Wrong you dumb orangutan nigger. You can still buy a train out of the city.
>Eastern Europe is white and uncucked, money doesn't matter!
Money is why your country is even remotely enjoyable idiot. Go ahead give up all your money right now and see what happens.

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Imagine actually believing that I'm better off being spied on by someone who can actually affect my life here (Israel, which is a certainty, and therefore ALL JEWS everywhere) versus the flimsy and unsupported accusation against China. I feel sad for anyone stupid enough to fall for this line, and I'm not surprised that it is pushed here daily.

imagine not thinking both are bad

>Money is why your country is even remotely enjoyable idiot.

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Good choice UK. Much better quality phones than the rehashed garbage seen in the US.

>Imagine actually believing that I'm better off being spied on by someone who can actually affect my life here
How the fuck can some retard jews in a small country effect your life whole technological advance chinks can't?

Chinks black mail you, they steal your technology, they steal your patents, they empty out your bank accounts, they influence your elections through lobbys, they fuck up your economy by manipulating their currency, they fuck up your media by using bots, they fucked up your relations with other countries by attacking your forces.

You are an absolute fucking retard if you think the Chinese are just some bumbling yellow servants.

I get Isreal being massive fuck ups who manipulate using lobbys, but there are only so many jews and can be snuffed out in an afternoon. The chinks can drown the west in soldiers in 20 minutes.

Sp go ahead you fucking moron or shill. Keep on believing you benevolent conquers have NO intention of doing your retarded little ass any harm.

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Money is what keeps your country from being a whore tourist spot like Thailand. If you were poor like Ukraine, men from all over the world would come to fuck your women and sprout out bastard babies.

This only happened to Ukraine after it got Jewed by Obama, Hillary and some literal yids

so then there IS evidence of this spying chip! RIGHT?

So pluck out that chip and show it to everyone.
But if I remember right, there investigations have shown zero evidence of any spying by Huawei.

Please feel free to prove me wrong.

You're fucking stupid if you believe that Israel doesn't share the info it collects through NSA partnerships with ordinary Jews living in the USA on a regular and unregulated basis. I've already had it happen to me.
I wouldn't be surprised if you weren't a Jew yourself. They are here in numbers today, what is going on?

>This only happened to Ukraine after it got Jewed by Obama, Hillary and some literal yids
You aren't European. Because everyone knows Ukraine was the place to get whores, they wait on the Polish border all the time.

Nice glowing hands Ivan.

>I've already had it happen to me.
Cool story bro.

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Wasn't there a spate of mass fowl life dying a couple of years ago?

Wonder if that was related to 4G?

Yeah, you're a Jew.


>Europe has a lot in common with China in the fact that both are 3rd world shitholes.

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>Yeah, you're a Jew.
Yeah your a fucking shill.

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I don't buy whores, Shlomo, especially not in countries ruined by your kind.