why do you give guns to the terrorist?
What do GERMANS think about this
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lol cry baby
This needs to be encouraged in the US.
based turk roaches mashallah
How to grow a manly beard like that? Is there no hope for us beardlets?
i think we should nuke gernany
>waaah arabs are on welfare
>waaah arabs have meaningful jobs
I don't see you wearing the uniform you dumb fag, unlike those sandniggers
looks like some body likes sand nigger dick
german army is anything but meaningful
okay but at least they aren't on welfare
and? they are still breathing on sacred soil
They’re airsofters.
Jesus Christ the absolute delusion
shut up french nigger
It's sad how Germany is slowly being destroyed, I'm not even German but I feel sad, it's a beautiful country. A pity! I am crying now, I have tears in my eyes.
that's the problem with the british and French having the bomb....at some point they will be forced to make the nuclear sub crew more diverse.
Winter just ended and Germans are already tanned? Really incredible country.
Give the enemy skills, intel and weaponry. Whatever could go wrong.
>I am crying now
let them be. only half of them have guns and those don't even work. nothing against forming paramilitaries
I hate all you non whites with every fiber of my being and I hope your mother is violently raped with a Chainsaw
The US gives their weapons to Mexicans, so...
its over
lol he looks like is going to start shouting allah akbar at any moment, we are fucked
youre fine, as you have guns
europe will fall
I'm white tho
doesn't change that you guys are retards
>We've sworn an oath
Yea except you are muslims and an islamist can always break an oath, simply by making up that he would feel threatened someone else would break the oath first.
[Bukhari 7146] «Narrated `Abdur-Rahman bin Samura: The Prophet (pbuh) said, "If you ever take an oath to do something and later on you find that something else is better, then you should expiate your oath (break it and do penitence for breaking it) and do what is better."»
>«This is a declaration of disavowal by Allah and His Messenger to those who associate others with Allah in His Divinity (mushrikin: unbelievers) and with whom you have made treaties» (9:1)
>«And if you fear treachery from any people (with whom you have a covenant) then publicly throw their covenant at them.» (8:58)
Why are the French such utterly retarded human beings, user? Could you shed some light on this subject since you seem to have first hand experience? Is it the horrid public schools? A flaw in the racial makeup? Is it the amount of mandatory anal sex required by law starting at age 5?
White Euro's should abandon ship to the US and retake Europe once the Sandy One's have starved to death.
real men do shave.
g e r m o n k e y
They served us well killing communists
all good, as long as they do their jobs, it's a rare sight when they have one in the first place.
but since they are sandniggers you can never be sure
they stole our women, children and men you liar
they invaded our towns and cities
and in long
which % of the army is european? I assume there are many poles too as yhey are the only ones in europe who stillhave balls
A nice full head of hair > Beards.
>government job
>not welfare
Pick one.
Just murder them. I don't know what all the talking and whining is about. If you aren't going to murder them because you don't want to face the negative consequences that might come from it, than stop complaining in the first because it clearly isn't that bad.
Many cultures in history went away.
The only pity is that we didn't even have the chance to really make a dent in history.
We could have shown our talents if only we would have gotten the chance.
Now, infront of us is only nothingness.
The Southwest US will secede from the US after the Mexican majority successfully agitate for secession all faciltated by the (((media))).
The Northwest US will be colonised by China so as to completely undermine US hegemony in the Pacific Ocean, Vancouver is already 43% Chinese and San Francisco is being used as their base in the US.
Australia and New Zealand will be vassals of China after it successfully colonises its major coastal cities via the unregulated student visa program in both countries.
Canada will be sold to the highest bidder, however Vancouver will be secured by China as part of its strategy to undermine US hegemony in the Pacific Ocean. The demographic push will then head south into Seattle and Portland linking up with the Chinese colonists pushing north from San Francisco.
The complete loss of the West coast by the US will turn it into a banana republic and global US hegemony will be over. This will be the signal for the Sunni muslims to implement their own colonisation program, specifically, Western Europe, where the population has been demoralised by the (((media))) and the massive casualties and destruction of the European wars of the 20th century.
Eastern Europe will unite to oppose the Sunni muslim takeover of Europe, leading to nuclear strikes on Istanbul, Riyadh, Islamabad and Cairo by Russian nuclear forces.
beardlet COPE
it doesn't change the fact you like getting your french asshole gaped by muslim cock
They are mandating the minority quotas in germany and in england for the police and military forces so that they won't feel bad when the order to kill all white civilians will come.
yea stop making up such messages.
nothing is lost
check your history book, check bill warner
chek jay smith
check check check.
See, I can do it too.
*Terrorist attack by Muslims*
*Cops show up and the terrorists are their cousins and brothers*
*Declare war on Muslim country in response to attack*
*Soldiers are all from there*
germany why
what is with this fucking bot?
That's the real reason for all the migration of 90% military age male """refugees""". They will use them in the EU superstate army to oppress the europeans. It's an age old tactic of pitting one group against another.
When the chinks wanted to put down the Tienanmen square protesters, the soldiers from the city weren't willing to kill them, so they brought in soldiers from rural areas who didn't give a shit.
Eastern Europe is getting chink'd
post flag you glow in the dark nigger
Jesus Christ Hans, how many can there be?
US cops and the military are already full of spics and niggers.
t. Algerian
too many
Based and mosque pilled
What a nice German man.
The average german "man" their age would look like women standing next to them, lets be real. Guy on the left is extremely handsome in a masculine way, probably fucks like a champ.
oh wow, a cold take on a hot day from a Moorish rape baby what a surprise
lol sadly this
i have on like that, you need some moor genes
army is like welfare
you produce nothing and lives from society money
Muslims are the next step.
i still don't fucking understand how our people can be ruled by a woman tho
like literally when at the FN (now RN) Jean-Marie Lepen gave the power to Marine Lepen i was like "omg but she is a fucking woman come on".
they are cucked into non-existence, thats why
Lol the new Germans are gonna be brown. I’m so glad we defeated shitler and saved Western Civilization
Swedecucks warned us about this in battlefield 3 campaign. Nuke in paris, russia tried to save eurocucks and amerifats invade russia.
Thank God we don't have Mudslimes though.
I'm a cop and fine with working with minorities as long as they aren't towel heads.
> destroy it
> save it
choose one, schizo
YEP, they're going to be used as firepower against white people, because they have nothing in common.
It's a touch of jewish twisted irony to include white females in the forces with the black tribes.
They will shit-test their men with lead.
Krauts don't understand sarcasm do they?
If you wanna know what Germans think, click this link: volksfest-nuernberg.de
Make sure the page music is playing for a true German experience.
If you hand them a questionnaire, I will bet you money that 9/10 of them will be less cucked than modern (((germans))).
wtf is this ?
Western civilization was founded on Judeo-Cheistian values or respect for all man and tolerance, not racist nazism
Oh Hans.
You have much to learn.
If only there was something the people of Germany could do to avert the crisis they are facing
I was in Afghanistan and saw how those shitskins fight they're barely above niggers so I do not worry much.