Why are germans such great engineers?

Why are germans such great engineers?

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They accepted a lot of immigrants.

It's their language. German language helps develop logical thinking.

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We wuz engineers

It's the opposite they sent out a lot of engineers who founded companies like Boeing and IBM.

And sent Amerimutts to the Moon.


Funny because I was about to say exactly this. It prevents bastardization of previously used words, and also it resists the invention of new words, instead prefering amalgamations of words, for example it will say "Devices Powered by Electrical Energy" as opposed to "electronics". In this manner words and terms retain their original meaning, and the speaker and reader necessarily makes useful logical connections between terms when using and reading them

Everything in german sounds like an order to shoot the prisoners.
That being said, it is very precise language and I can respect that.


They think differently to anglophones. It really is worth learning a second language, if you think about a problem twice in two different languages you'll be approaching it slightly differently and could come up with a superior solution.

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>it will say "Devices Powered by Electrical Energy
You mean Electricpowereddevice

Never understood why english doesn't uses composita

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>Everything in german sounds like an order to shoot the prisoners.
bullshit. In Hochdeutsch it sounds very elegant, I never bought into this german is ugly meme


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Strong sense of honor for their chosen trades.
School -> Apprentice --> Journeyman -> Master
The Japs have something similar.
No such thing in the shitholes of the world...

We still do to an extent, just not on the level that Germans do.

Because they're the master race.


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My BMW needs repairs every 5 months

Press S to spit



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Boomers unironically think Germans scream at each other all the time because their only exposure to German is clips of Triumph of the Will repeated ad nauseum. They think I'm lying when I say they are usually soft spoken if not laconic.

Because they're very obedient. It gives a very formatted and functional society when it is well directed, but when it is necessary to go beyond the repetition of schemas, to invent new concepts, Germany does not really excel.

just vocaroo it m8
based and volksdeutschpilled


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they arent anymore

from school I remember Nasennebenhöhlenentzündung

Germanics score the highest on 3D spacial thinking.

>to invent new concepts, Germany does not really excel.

Sometimes I don't even know how people come up with evidence-free nonsense such as this.

Complete meme.

>Why are germans such great engineers?
It's the language. It turns you into an engineer from the age of 2.

>to invent new concepts, Germany does not really excel.

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>but when it is necessary to go beyond the repetition of schemas, to invent new concepts, Germany does not really excel.

>to invent new concepts

>Germany does not really excel

abridged list of inventions made by German men.

>potassium nitrate fertilizers
>the computer
>jet engines
>nuclear fission
>record player
>handheld camera
>theory of relativity
>birth control
>X-ray technology
>the printing press

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Somebody is going to "Akutually" you on that but Germans were the ones who turned beer into a delicacy and not malt rotgut like in Mesopotamia.


sounds like you gonna zykloned some guys
i picture easily a ss saying that talking about making some dirty things against crowded jewish.

germans are literally the nation of the concept
they literally popped out hegel.

Haha, no.

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Germans have changed the world with their engineers

Scotts have some excellent inventions as well.

Der Völkerstreit und der Haß untereinander, er wird gepflegt von ganz bestimmten Interessenten. Es ist eine kleine wurzellose internationale Clique, die die Völker gegeneinander hetzt, die nicht will, daß sie zur Ruhe kommen


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Cultural autism.

They sure seem good at engineering their own destruction

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Punished Braun.

What about the masturbation machines, the holocoaster and other creative ways to kill kikes?

you're dumb as fuck its because they retrain workers who lose their jobs

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Add the tape recorder, or magnetic tape media to that list. Also founded IBM, that's why you hear the whining about IBM and the Nazi's . The founder was from Germany and they were always doing business there since it was the fatherland.

still an overall better machine then 80% of the cars that drive past you while broken down on the side of the road

>my dead horse is better than your mule

Imagine being this simple.

>theory of relativity
Pushing jewish accomplishments as german. Oh goys...

Tell that to my Camry with 480k miles and no major repairs meme flag faggot

The best engineering is simple sweet reliable and easily fixed. That doesnt sound German to me

Has anyone ever seen a sparkplug wire on a VW jetta? Germans arent great engineers theyre fucking retards

to both of you, I get your point but also what i meant was the precision of the parts and design of the overall vehicle, if you have ever been in one you'll notice the fact that its practically a mechanical symphony

>> spanish
>> telephone = telephono

Spanish lacks precision and is just not able to explain things in minute detail.

Totally agree. English is also a very precise language (which is why its one of the hardest to learn)

Why do germans make terrible video games?
I think it has something to do with labor regulations. Germans won't work long hours to finish a video game project.

necessity is the mother of invention. engineering is a pragmatic concept. most German leaders are pragmatist, hence their poor sense of humor.

pragmatism breeding a mindset for design, ambition breeds a mind set for improvisation, but sheer force of will makes a man the object of his desire.

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they used to be now they are shit desu

Aryan Master Race > All

Germans are the original Atlanteans and don't even know it. too (((brainwashed)))...

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Enrico Fermi, italian, give the first nuclear fission.
Aspirin, 1838, the basis for its invention, the salicylic acid we owe to Rafaele Piria,italian.
Theory of relativity is jewish, Eistein(That hated German folk).

The first record of beer is in the middle east, Iraq.

>Otto Hahn

>He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1944 for the discovery and the radiochemical proof of nuclear fission.

>He is referred to as the father of nuclear chemistry.


Looks like the result of a beginners tutorial video for Blender narrated by an indian

...and why are they preoccupied with scat?

Kek he does kinda look like Big Boss

They're not. They're the postwar Japan of Europe.

Because an engineer's job is to ensure that technicians and mechanics have a terrible time working on their garbage designs and Germans are obsessed with atonement through physical suffering.

Truly stated by someone who doesn't understand a fucking thing about cars. Germans overcomplicate the ever living shit out of their cars. Everything is made to be as difficult to work on as possible which means that "mechanical symphony" sounds like a taco bell addict shitting into a tuba once something goes wrong. You want mechanical quality? Buy Japanese. You want performance? Buy American. German cars (and by extension, European cars - since they all rip off BMW and MB, anyways) are overpriced, underperforming garbage from their shit boxes all the way up to their "hypercars".

And before you say it, the 918 got raped by the Viper, so Porsche is irrelevant and overpriced. Don't fucking @ me.

100% of the local population have autism.
Which is why from time to time, when reality refuses to be like their imaginary world, they get into their tanks and try to force the world to conform.

Must be why 9 out of the last 10 Le Mans winners are german cars.

And why Mercedes is winning the shit out of Formula 1.


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There should be a filter for pajeets when looking for tutorials on YouTube.

Same with movies on IMDb. Best rated movies? Guess what, they are from Bollywood. The fuckers rate themselves too highly.

>English is also a very precise language (which is why its one of the hardest to learn)
You did alright though Juan

True. Plattdeutsch and Dutch do however sound awful, it's like the Danish of languages

>one of the hardest to learn
Wtf. English is one of the easiest to learn.

Fuck off. They're flagship car brand only makes one halfway decent engine. And the japanese and aussie stuff completely shat on it.

>Aussie cars
You don't even have toilets you Neanderthal

V8's with push rods and leaf spring suspension?

Come on to fuck Murica get with the 1980's, we left that shit behind in the 70's for fuck sake.
Your cars only perform in a straight line on dry road surfaces.
The rest of the world has these things called bends and corners, ans sometimes it rains.

Your cars are on the whole, piles of absolute and utter shite.
I could leave any of your muscle cars in the dust in an AUDI A4 b4 2.8 V6 without even hitting the redline after changing into 3rd.
In fact I'm sure I could outrun any of your mass produced land barges on any Scottish country road on my 1984 Vespa P125X.

TL:DR? Yank tanks r shite

Not really. From my experience, it is the exact opposite. Sometimes translating from English to Spanish can be a problem because English lacks precision, and can be quite ambigous.

For example "you" in English, can mean "tu/vos" as in individual you're referring to or "ustedes" as in group referring to. You can translate that only if you have the context.

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Note how i used 'shat'. As in past tense. We'd still probably have a car industry if it wasn't run by ford and gm. But what was made was glorious.

it's cultural. completely anal attention to detail.

japs are the best engineers

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Lol, no. It's the jews.

No they are not you fucking weaboo

japs copy what germans do and make minor improvements.


Maybe for a car.
For weaponry, the most complex, dangerous, and accurate but potentially murderous is the best engineering. That sounds like germans

because they're all autistic. explains how they have high iq yet can't even build a civilization that goes a few decades without starting a world war

Germans talk like machines, so they are good at building them.