Night-shift with girl

>night-shift with girl
>"wow those guys on tv are hot"
>don't answer, barely know her
>"you don't think so?"
>"I wasn't really thinking about it"
>"well think about it hihi"
>"yeah, sure I guess"
>looks annoyed
do girls like check if guys are gay or what?

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She sounds annoying.

these are the grand thoughts of a wagie cumbrain. wow. what a brain.


you're suddenly seen as gay if you don't pick up on their advances, sadly

You’re getting paid to work, not watch tv and socialize.

Attached: 8BF58F9E-2BEA-4ED4-8AE2-F82AD2C0A241.jpg (625x625, 107K)

This should have been your response OP.

At least she was going on about the last time she had sex and describing her fetishes. Had way too many of those when I was working retail.


So are you virgin, on autism spectrum or both? Do you know what flirting is? Correct reply there was
>but they arent as hot as you are

Attached: is this autism.png (629x1046, 403K)

This. I probably wouldn't even answer her at all depending on the nature of the work

>how as you are
the fUcK

what did the guys look like?

Cringe and yikepilled

No they're just retarded

she has a bf

Some people flirt with others just for fun even when they are in serious monogamous relationship.

Also pic related.

Attached: cheating bait.png (540x342, 95K)

Holy shit, that pic. What a disgusting way to rationalize being an awful person.

This. It's not "cheating" and calling it such is a remnant of a bygone era. We need to update our vocabulary t b h

Imagine being gay-checked by women

Tell her to be more professional, you are there to work.

I hope you're ironically memeing

Attached: ECDFBA42-4782-4C41-A26C-99C48B9B7C58.jpg (400x368, 25K)

t. Triggered incel
Nope. The world is changed. I thought you'd know that


As long as it goes both ways, with each partner being able to pursue others. It's kinda fucked up to have someone at home saying they love you and only have eyes for you while you're out pursuing other dick/pussy.

user it's baito.

chu okae hun? ur makin meh pheel sad :( I lyk u.

Attached: 1561640143636.jpg (456x402, 30K)

not user, but may god listen to you, my dear friend, I really hope this is bait.

>>"well think about it hihi"

Even if she's taken, she might be trying to flirt.
I work some night shifts, and holy FUCK they're boring. I try to hulk out with it, tear through my sale tag boxes really fast while listening to power metal, but the problem with that is I get really worked up and horny. Every time lunch rolls around, I think about how awesome it'd be to play grabass for a half hour instead of dicking around on my phone and nursing another energy drink. Everyone else just walks to a nearby neighborhood to buy some grass.

Or you know... she could just be saying something random that popped into her head like a normal person trying to make conversation? I know socially awkward adv autists find it hard to believe, but not everything women say has a deeper meaning that needs to be unravelled. Seems like you're just desperate and lonely so you overanalyze every interaction you have with the opposite gender

where the fuck did I indicate I was desperate, you're projecting really hard here. I just wanted to know if I was getting gay checked or not.

If you are actively “dating” someone while also looking for someone else it is cheating.

It’s not cheating if you break up with bf, then look for someone else.

u were so afraid of seeming gay u just completely didnt respond lmao get fucked insecure loser

Should we have rated guys together?