The solution


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Solid plan.

I'm in as long as we can send our niggers there too.

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They would completely destroy the Amazon and strip it of its resources in like 5 months.

Your mistake is assuming there is no such thing as South American Jews.

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Stay in your containment zone, amerinigger

Needs some nukes available to not be (((liberated))) by the (((UN)))

Whites are very environmentally conscious. 90% of the trash in the ocean comes from nig and gook countries.

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>burger geography

>eurocucks fleeing their homeland

Sorry, but “fleeing the caliphate” isn’t an option. What are you going to do once Europe falls and the shitskins there run out of gibz and Europe becomes indistinguishable from Afghanistan? Those people are going to leave and go to wherever else the whites are hiding (with some (((help))) of course) and do the same exact thing to that place too. We need to plant our feet and FIGHT, wherever we are. If they win, there will be nowhere left to run.

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Based and latin Americapilled

Please come to São Paulo

I would love to see the look in Jow Forumstards faces when they come here to south brazil and see that at least 60% of us aren't white and live in much poorer and violent conditions when compared to first world countries.

What is gook?

It's not that bad right now but in 20 years it will be niggered to hell, I'm starting to see haitians everywhere it's like the government spends money on this on purpose just to destroy us. Now see if they use any of that money to invest into preserving the european cultures that build this place, lmao fucking never.

based and redpilled

except lets just kill off all niggers in north and south america

thats what the camps and deportation is for

Look at the top 10 diaspora countries and despair!

You are welcome, not kidding, dont bting muslims though

I will never leave.

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Southeast Asian

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South America is vast and sparsely populated or strictly concentrated in capital cities. Latin America would really make a great colony since Hispanic fertility is stabilizing and will need immigration to offset the decreasing birthrate. Looks fun if you want to live like a pioneer and not have Big Brother watching over your shoulder

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Come home, white man

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>Retreating is a solid plan

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Bruh castizos live all across south America anything above Colombia is cancer

Damn that looks comfy. Looks like a town in the Alps

Well that's fucking retarded. If you're building camps and walls why not just stay somewhere fit for white people?

Isn't that basically what Argentina was?

500.000 male haitians since 2016
We are just 4 million of 15-40 yo male chileans

other way around hombre. Come live in Indiana

I thought it was ~100,000 Haitians, but that's including the illegals, which I'm sure there are plenty more hiding from the census

this, Argentina is filled with kikes

you cant just take over a country.

Fuck off we're full

What? How is that even fucking possible????

> means the US belongs in the non huwhite zone.
> hahaha

You are more than welcome here. I want the Argentina we had back in 1880. Lot's of european white immigrants, progress, and a civilized society.

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>it's like the government spends money on this on purpose just to destroy us.
Now you know how Americans, Canadians, Australians, New Zealanders, and Europeans feel.

>tfw you will never live under the rule of based roca

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South American niggers are a quite different, remember there were natives that make the selection a bit difficult, so i don´t think there will be enough white people...


The city is basically that street.

Don't worry, It's easy

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Don't forget the (((Uruguayans))).

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You really have no idea about South America do you?

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That's where you're wrong kiddo.

Someone show the Census charts from 1940 and 2010.

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10% of chilean population are immigrant, in a country in wich 20%( 3,4 millions) of population are over 60 yo.

My great great great grampa Moritz came here poor as fuck to work the land and fight the indians in southern Chile and made good money. Now immigrants build huts and live like rats asking the goverment for gibs

Bachelet, a commie president

I used to know a Burger that lived in (I think) one of the Carolinas. Beautiful towns. Old school architecture.

this would fix many problems at once

This is literally the part with the greater concentration of jews in the entire latin america

lmao this is so fucking stupid
Does Jow Forums not know boats exist?

>This is literally the part with the greater concentration of jews in the entire latin america

Chile is the part with the greater concentration of palestines in the world.

Now i understand why the hate

>burger admits it's a nig country


Are people pissed? I saw a video that most Chileans hate niggers

>South America

Everyone that has ever lived in close proximity to niggers hate them, even other niggers.
It's like an universal law, same with how everyone hates jews.

Yeah, all these (((argentines)))

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Jose Antonio Kast a far right pinochetist independent candidate ,son of a Wehrmacht officer, had 12% of votes

this guy on the right

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I's a good idea. Ally with the US and we'll slowly squash that mexico 2.0.

>can't fight peaceful muslims he thinks he can conquer armed favela monkeys


You know what? IT WAS. I been bullied by peruvians in my school just for beign white (most of the kids were peruvian and a minority from european family). I was the "blanquito" for over 3 years. My city was built by european migrants and now we have a slum of peruvian migrants living of welfare, all that kids were on welfare and never finished school. Buenos Aires is flooded with immigrants, half of the people I see everyday are from other south american countries. Our economy is broke but we are building social commie blocks for migrants who live in illegal ghettos. I'm not joking, it's madness. I would fly to France or Spain (I'm from basque-french/spanish and german descent) since I been told I don't belong to my country, but Europe is dying and still love this country.

Oh no

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i hate niggers

Every word in this post is true.

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Live in Peru

Problem with Peru ... lt's full of shitskin Peruvians

Realize they are:

A Peasants

B Low IQ

Shit and trash on almost every street

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Not all of them. I have peruvian class-mates in college, they are smart and nice. But they learn here for free (yes... college is free for foreigners) and most go back to Peru. Your country is doing well, mine is cucked as fuck.

>I'm from Buenes Aires and I say....

No. Succeeding my homeland to shitskins is not an option. WE must plant our feet and fight, there is no longer a safe meadow

I would LOVE for some autistic little pudgy pol incel to try to have a say in the sovereignty in my country. Fuck off and continue sucking arab cocks, you reap what you sow faggots.

Relax, they're afraid of water. We'll be fine.

South Americans aren't fucking white you retard.

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Then how the fuck did they get to Indonesia?

Based Argenteen.

Thank you for showing everyone else how shit your country is.

When the white eventually do find a safe haven we will surely invite you.

The only solution is the East. David Duke said that 10 years ago. Whites must see to the East, western leaders are all traitors. Ethnics europeans need to increase birth rates NOW and prepare for an eventual Reconquista. The Kikes are planing a civil war between muslims and christians in Europe, it must be avoided and muslims must return in peace to their lands... I guess this would never happened but it's the ideal scenario.

sadly this is true

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if you lived here you would know this place is full of mutts. it's a real shame, because I love here and is so beautiful. can't even enjoy going outside without seeing ugly niggers everywhere. what's worse is that the white people are mixing with them like crazy, and they are already creating favelas around the city.

Why are white Brazilians mixing with browns?

>Hate immigrants
>Becomes one
Solid plan burgers but you are not made for the conditions here, you would get robbed, raped and killed not necessarily in that order.

i agree.

we aren't, even more, we are so ronery ;-;

grow up hearing things like
>whites in brazil can't exist
>diversity is cool
>brazil is a mixed country, "And It's Beautiful"
>south people are racist and need to be more inclusive
I don't think preservation of their race even comes to their mind or they're aware of that issue at all. Literally no one in the so called right wing here knows about race realism and everyone thinks israel is based

Damn, and I thought my country was cucked. And least you guys have bunda.

>"@mauriciomacri sos bastante pelotudo, y hace mucho que no te lo decía. Saludos!"
heh, i love this shithole.

basically indoctrination.

Southern Brazil is the region where most of our socialist parties are based at and they took over every teaching position from kindergarten to post-grad school.

If you go to any major city you’ll see perfect white girls walking around like bums with those stupid dreads and smoking weed like a bunch of niggers.

The funny thing is that the further you go into the mutt regions the more racist people become, specially light skinned pardos.

because women. but the biggest problem is that most people don't have idea what it is like living in a multiracial place. they see niggers but just don't care much about it since they think nothing bad is gonna happen. it's really difficult to convince them about the hell this place will become.

The Minister of Health of Argentina is Adolfo Luis Rubinstein. He admitted that he invented the figure of 500,000 clandestine abortions in Argentina, a country of only 450,000 births a year. His ministry was demoted to secretary. We all know that it was a humiliation to fail his mission to subvert his own country.

In addition Rubinstein has an NGO that receives funds from IPPF whose website is no longer available.

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fuck no.
Only protestants cucks think like that.
Catholic conservatives hate the USA and are anti-semite as fuck.

>wanting to live in a literal desert of a country. watch planet earth and choose a better biome you fucking imbecile.

I’m in osorno right now you faggot meet me in Santiago in las condors so I can smash your fucking teeth in