>there are more asian girl married with white men in USA than asian girls married with asian men
also chinks hate thread
>there are more asian girl married with white men in USA than asian girls married with asian men
also chinks hate thread
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at least someone is happy.
Jesus Christ. No
how delusional can you get, this dude must be a leaf
A positive trait Asian men have is that they don't typically produce a discernible body odor.. Also is some chick wasn't into body hair, Asians would be most likely to be hairless (excluding South Asian Indians).
The WM/AF coupling is statistically explained by simply being the tallest group of men, whites, and the least fat group of women, Asians. People really aren't more complicated than that.
>jordan peterson's secret asian waifu?
Bro what you got against Grant Imahara. Japanese are honorary Aryans and Mythbusters was an excellent show
Kek, all these triggered Asian subhumans. Dont be mad at us, we didn't do anything, your women are just too eager to drop you and chase us. Get your shit together and this wouldn't happen. Instead you faggots insult us worse than any other minority group instead of acting like a man.
They're so butthurt they made an HOUR LONG COMPILATION to bitch about us. If you marry an Asian, abort all sons. If you want a white son, adopt or go polygamous.
Asian women are the true redpill.
Stay salty. Abort all hapa sons.
I wish all you yang shills would fuck off
>no source on the claim
fuck right back off to pl*bbit you faggot
White "people" LOL
Is that Presidential candidate Yang?
Chinks that try to act white are so fucking annoying. They’re always weirdly abrasive and act like frat assholes.
I'm not too clear how "white" one needs to be to exploit Asian's white fever. Obviously they love blond hair, blue eyes, but can a swarthy med type slay?
My coworker married a chink. Total bug.