Finally get a gf

>finally get a gf
>move in with her and have sex with her almost everyday
>sex feels amazing
>after about 4 months sex starts becoming boring and I can't even be bothered anymore
why wont life ever let me be happy?

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>why won't life let me be happy
Probably because you're a degenerate

You were happy for 4 months by your own admission. Don't accuse life of not letting you. It let you.

It's your body letting you know that fucking for fucks sake isn't anything good. Gods always talking to us, it's just whether or not we want to listen.

Find someone you can truly love.

Shut the fuck up kike.

>have a happy life with a girlfriend and regular sex

eventually you get settled. It happens to everyone. If not fucking 24/7 is life ruining, that’s your own problem

there is no god

Love is real

Honeymoon period lasts one year maximum. That's maximum.
We're animals and we follow our instincts. Your instincts are telling you that you've been fucking this girl for 4 months and she still isn't pregnant yet, so she must be infertile. That's just how the dice fall.

God says it, this guy proves it, but you're too scared of the difficulty of living a virtuous life.

This. You stupid fucking children need to pick up some based behavioral psych textbook and get fucking educated instead of this Disney polyamory anal gender weed shit you all think could ever work

>find someone you can truly love
How will that fulfil me sexually?

Spice up your fun time with some toys and experiment with your partner

get a good looking one next time

Humans weren't meant to be monogamous. Sure you've fucked this chick tons of times, but now your brain is telling you to sew your seed elsewhere as well. You've become bored with her. Go cheat on her and you'll be cumming buckets.

We were, but we weren't meant to have sterile sex.

This is why i never move in with a girl, always keep distance and then move onto the next when she gets old and stale. You cant always eat the same food, you need new fresh pussy. Next time don't move in so fast, you idiot.

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Helpful commentary. Try giving elaborate advice next time


On a biological level your designed to only find happiness briefly from anything you do. That's so you keep working at things don't become complacent. Its in the best interest of our species and evolution that you fuck multiple women, have multiple combinations of genes, and keep building and improving on what came before you. So thus your body motivates you to do this by making shit grow stale after a few months.

This is the same reason the rich never have enough, are always fucked up and unhappy, and grab at every dollar in front of them because its all they have left incomplete and unfulfilled. They literally wont be happy till they have every dollar out there because its the only goal left even if their not aware of it.

Please tell me you are already looking for your side pussy?