The US Navy will now allow pilots to report incidents regarding UFO and UAP (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena)
Too little, too late.
The US Navy will now allow pilots to report incidents regarding UFO and UAP (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena)
Too little, too late.
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That's the ISS
toooooo late
now they are replacing humans with hybrids already
and its a good thing
Pilots, you are now free to speak.
bullshit.. the shadow in the roof is too close, too small...
Oh shit extremely quick ufos just flew over my house!
Oh shit,
Oh shit,
Oh shit!!!!
It's starting!!!
This one is actually real.
I was working as a chef in Suffolk, not far from redelshem forest and me and a waitress were taking a break out the front, smoking a cigarette on a bench when something bright, flew over the campsite really fast, so fast that neither of us said a word to each other but jumped up and ran to the edge of the building to see what it was. She was a bimbo type so didnt say anything after that but it will never leave my memory.
Not a pilot, son of a pilot. There have been a few drunken conversations with my old man, when he tells me things about his 40 year career which really creep me the fuck out.
the tl;dr: of this being the most senior member of the team taking the witnessing pilot aside and saying "look these things happen occasionally but for the sake of your career you need to just move on like nothing happened".
Get the distinct impression that he has an educated guess as to what the hell is going on, but I know that he rolls his eyes at the whole little green men idea, something much weirder is happening. That's all I can hypotheses anyway.
Bumping this!
Tucker has done the last 2 fox segments in UFOs. They showed this one last time. The one they showed tonight I've never seen. Dunno if it's been shown elsewhere but at least I've not seen it. The for pentagon dude they had on said all these pilot sightings can only be explained by 3 possibilities, "none of which are comfortable";
1) the us has achieved a major technical be advancement producing something capable of reaching 15k MPH, however we can throw this out because the Navy would never release this official footage and follow it up with "we don't know"
2) An enemy(Russia or China being the only 2 possibilities) have done this, in which case fuck
3) ayyylmfao, in which case fuckity fuck
Imagine how much fun it would be to write random UFO's into F-35 software
Those ships are from the Spacing Guild.
The ship pilots use the spice melange to warp space.
They've been here for eons.
Ayy lmao?
We don't need to know everything
Nor will we
Hallucinations due to oxygen composition/deprivation and change of pressure. Easily imaginable you see lights, shadow and shapes, colours.
I'm already here.
I think that's obviously fake and not meant to be portrayed as real, just an artistic rendition. However, logically, if it were a different actual image, the shadow could be from much higher and to the left of the photographer outside of the picture. But this is obviously supposed to be just a visual representation and not meant to be taken as the real thing.
tfw it's either not shopped or the whole thing isn't real
Can you tell us more
You know it fren
What if its not aliens, but instead its God demonstrating His technological superiority over humans?
>germ education
Normally you cant see them. If you do, either it's one of our governments black arsenal projects, or a form of advertisement by some higher density entity or its collective hivemind. Also they (the craft) are usually thought forms and thus adhere to the laws of the mental creation and not the physical one. I like the secret artic nazi explanations better, more fun.
What if Aliens are the “gods” of human religions and throughout the eons they have chosen the Jewish people as their “chosen” human servants as a middle man in exerting their will on the masses. It’s like the Jewish race is the playable character and everything else is the npc. Then when they get bored or reach the desired point whatever it may be they will get bored and send a meteor to reset the game just like they did with the dinosaurs and countless other before them
toppest of keks user
You must be 18 to post here
Never heard that "thought-form" theory before. That would explain the maneuvering. The speed, etc. It is as if the craft are self-aware.
Magnets lmao hows that work
Searle Corp
The friendly ET's have had their own website since 1995
Fascinating information.
You would be surprised at how many things we consider to be paranormal or otherworldly end up being simply thought forms. Lo and behold, in a creation that is as much mental as it is physical, thought when applied and tuned finely can accomplish amazing things. The Physical is just so much more thick and dense its harder to do these things. Not impossible though.
It goes with some of the ideas of certain UFO phenomenon being some kind of psychic device. MILORB or Milab or something.
It's also clearly not the only possible explanation for all of these phenomenon. Navy letting pilots accurately report will help them analyze the various phenomenon.
Check this out for some Pacific weirdness:
Then god is an alien
yet they still lie
Super interesting, thanks anons.
UFO = Unidentified Flying Object
It's a military term for anything that cannot be identified in the air. It's any aircraft that has not been identified, not fucking aliens you mogs.
>the tl;dr: of this being the most senior member of the team taking the witnessing pilot aside and saying "look these things happen occasionally but for the sake of your career you need to just move on like nothing happened".