What young Australians think of ANZAC day

Hope you blokes aren't glorifying war

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he said before reaching down and petting his pure-bred cat

That faggot needs to get down to the local RSL and get shitfaced while playing two-up.

This soiboi cuck has never been to a service. The day is about how war sucks but we shouldn't forget the people who died fighting it.

hope you blokes aren't racist

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This horseshit is spoken at almost every public event now. Get fucked you useless black piece of shit race.

a brazilian seems to understand ANZAC day better than the other 2 cunts

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>muh anzac day
>btfo by sandniggers
>celebrate a humilating loss every year for 100 years

Don't get me started on the emu war

war is good for us goys


They’ve been trying to chip away at Anzac Day for a while now alongside the usual erasing of white culture. The backlash was probably more than they expected.

It's always the case. Many foreigners go to country wanting to fully embrace the local culture, and are disappointed by the locals.

It's like going to England expecting top hats, sophistication and a stiff upper lip and instead getting chavs and pakis

>not glorious af

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Our best guys got sent to die as a distraction so Britain could give Palestine to the jews.

I'm sure if I went to Brazil I would be disappointed by the whores and their arses.

>when they play the NZ anthem and it starts off in maori jibberish

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strange how you can spot a homo just by his body position. he has such a submissive angle between his neck and spine. and dyel arms.

You're 100% right

Australians participated in ANZAC was a terrorism act. It's similar to today's muzzies left their host country to fight for/against IS in middle east. Many ANZAC soldiers at the time were poor farmers therefore vulnerable to evil British brainwash and radicalisation.
And of course, like all other evil attempts, it's miserably failed.

To make things worse, at the time the enlist only allowed pure Anglo-Saxon, which is an evidence that (((they))) wanted to kill as many white as possible, just like what (((they))) did to start two world wars.

Oy vey the goy knows
Shut it down

Few things better than dying in cold mud after your leg has been blown off. I'm not being facetious either, I really want to die.

You are an idiot. Abos enlisted in both world wars.

Everytime a NZ person speaks, it sounds like a cuck. The cuck in today's Gallipoli ceremony is an ultra cuck, all his speech was praising how brave turks were, several hundards men without machine guns stopped waves and waves of ANZAC attack.

That's at later stage, abbos, chinks and potato niggers were allowed. The official reason is lack of soldiers but the real reason is they need it in case people get suspicious.

Lest We Forget

So are they saying they would rather go to work instead.?

this is hilarious given 90% of them sniff petrol in a dumpster all day everyday and don't work anyways

This. Anyone who knows the balls of the ANZACs will never forget it.

Pic looks like a soiboi cuck

That sounds incredibly inappropriate.

Fuck you faggot. We are meant to be brothers.
Whether you like it or not we are commemorating the occasion on Turkish soil, we didn't claim the territory so respect is required.

You haven't been there, I have. The Turks may not be the people you want to be associated with, but they have treated the site well.

t. kiwi

>Asking Melbourne onions what they think of ANZAC day.
Who cares what those communist faggots think.

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Back from parade, saw many veterans of Vietnam and Korean wars, and of course the recent stupid middle east wars. It's all your mutts fault! Those wars have nothing to do with us, it has zero benefit in Australia's national interest.

commies out

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Well tbf I don't truly acknowledge ANZAC day as well mainly because I don't really care about past history. Do you believe in a thousand years we will be acknowledging ANZAC day like we do today? Or in a thousand years we'll have subhuman aboriginals stomping their feet on what they claim is their land? I just believe that in the history of time nothing fucking matters and we'll all eventually die and our existence on this planet will eventually be forgotten.

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That queer's arms make me physically ill.

Im having anzac cookies with my family today. Happy anzac, day mates!

>I just believe that in the history of time nothing fucking matters
Kill yourself faggot.


he looks like he is 30. is it the onions?

>a glorification of war and combat

Exactly. I don't understand his problem.

>"I don't like what you just posted so i'm going to have to request you to kill yourself, that'll teach you a lesson."

please actually learn some history of the great war. you will appreciate anzac day and rememberance day a lot more. try dan carlin's blueprint for armageddon podcast. it's informative but presented in a way that is not boring.


Basedboi faggot, disgraceful, how does this cunt call himself Australian. Fuckin bullshit

>that hairline
>23 years old
I'd be upset too

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You're not brothers you homosexual they're the blood of condemned that tamed the outback. You're a crown colony that cohabited with savages.

This chick is 1/32nd black and is lefty as hell. Not bad looking though

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who the fuck is glorifying War? it's a commemoration, no one is saying how fucken awsome war is.
typical college mentality edglette. I know kids more mature that late teen to mid twenty year olds.

>Be 23yo Australian guy
>Get sent to die, split in two by some canon, in a suicide mission thanks to the incompetence of Churchill
>A century later some cunt your own age will spit on your grave instead of trying to understand you

Really makes you think.

Manz sounds like a Jewish name

In the WW2 cenotaph where I live, the abo flag is closer than the aussie flag to the stone where hundreds of european names (not a single abo name) are written.

We are at war

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Kiwis are so weak they got defeated by Maoris therefore signed a treaty.
Aussies on the other hand only sign treaty with humans.

I'm getting fucking tired of every fucking speech here starting about how the land belongs to the abos and was never ceased or what the fuck.

If that's the fucking case, then send them every profit from the supermarket or the casino built on their land, instead of this stupid pretense that we care. All this crap because of jews, who came here as refugees and started agitating as soon as they arrived.

>pepper spray against a gun
I think Fraser has the right idea but we need more than spices to protect against negro violence

people who are balding at 23 should be put down.

Women in general should not defend themselves, that's men's job, men should guard his properties and valuables.

>23 years old
>looks like he's 43 years old

Soi is one hell of a drug lol, even meth tweakers don't usually look that bad.

Jesus, I dated a girl who was 1/4 abo and she was whiter and prettier than that thot


Baby steps user, getting back our pepper-spray is the first step in the long process of getting back our guns
>although advances in 3D printing will hopefully make gun-control impossible soon

Having stalked through her goybook, it looks like she is suffering massively from endometriosis internally so she's basically on a one way train to fistula and cancer town.

Paris Syndrome


The fuck is with this? A decade ago endo was rare as fuck, now it seems like 25% of roasties have it.

Hormonal most likely. Female plumbing is a touchy beast, though I think there might be a genetic factor as well.

>Not bad looking though

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Mans got to eat.

not aussie/kiwi or in any way related to it
but watched gallipoli (1981) a few weeks ago, quite moving

Every time I listen to this song I bust up crying. I can't help but feel for you lads

Any thoughts that ANZAC day is about glorifying war are a complete misreading.

Honestly a shit movie, had to watch that a dozen times throughout school.

NZ is undoubtedly SJWified, but outside of the cosmopolitan areas most men don't sound like cucks. Australians tend to sound like they're trying way too hard to sound hard from what I've seen, like they're overcompensating for something.

war is a force that gives us meaning
by chris hedges
it is the best modern anti war book.
2005 i think

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Who cares what dome soft cock Melbournian thinks.

These retards can't even celebrate Australia Day without chimping out over "muh abbos"

A day dedicated to the fallen of ww1 and Gallipoli especially, an experience which caused massive independence and anti-war sentiment. Epic

It's explicitly a rather pacifist holiday.

Happy ANZAC day m8s

>want to remember Australia's contribution to the war
>its always focused on fucking Gallipolli instead of the great sacrifices in the battlefields of Europe

I never understood this obsession. Anzac day would be a lot more relatable if it associated directly with the greater events in context of WW1 instead of some blundered beach landing in Turkey.

>that hairline

I'm sure some melbournian newspaper will claim that Anzac day is islamophobic and must be stopped. Thank fuck the cunts at my service didn't try and add in the Christchurch attack for the extra progressive points like they did in NZ.

No idea how 50 Muslims, of which 2 we're actual New Zealanders is somehow related to war veterans. Their PM is just fucking milking the event, including giving permanent residence to all the survivors of the attack

The only pozzed shit at my service was "da traditional owners" rubbish at the start of like 4 speeches.

Rosa is a Jewish-portuguese name. It's the equivalent to the Yiddish Rosen-

I had the same happen up in FNQ. Abos don't even provide a representative to any of the services but they still want people to acknowledge them

I don't think there was a single abo at mine. Pretty sure the few black fellas there were Islanders or PNG

I slept in til 1pm today

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Once went to a Dawn Service that mixed a didgeridoo with bagpipes. It sounded pretty fucking good.

AIDS is for these people and that’s a good thing.

didn't see one either, though I doubt i would see one in the dark, I definitely didn't see any ethnics after the service

A bag’er’doo.

I am from Turkey and we still honour the ANZACs. They put up a bloody good fight and nearly got my great grandfather ones. Crazy fuckers.

They were honourable men.
Fuck you basedcucks.


thread theme

It was both instruments played together not a single monstrous invention.

fuck you basedcucks*

sorry, i stayed up all night drinking raki and uzo

s o y cucks*


Lel wat

Because it is one. They asked two jews and a brasilian, what they think about an australian fest.

>Australians participated in ANZAC was a terrorism act
no its not their is a legal declaration of war

I remember a few years back some blue haired foamer was trying to say ANZAC day was offensive to muslims. The local imam got on TV and told her to fuck off