How do i get my crush to send me nudes ? I asked her before but that didnt work out too well

How do i get my crush to send me nudes ? I asked her before but that didnt work out too well.

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Bro stop it, asking for nudes is desperate

Ask her out on a date instead.

i am fucking desperate

0 % chance she would say yes

But she has a not 0% chance to send nudes?

well there is a higher chance then she actually dating me, thats for sure

Be the man and lead, send a tasteful and arty photo of your cock first

Asking nudes of girls under 18 is a big no-no you know.


she is 18 so that is not really the problem

That's not true, you're an idiot

this is the truth sadly.

I would like to date her but that wont happen ever so my only option is sexual harassment, if you want to call it that

I believe you when you say that your chances of dating her are zero, but what on earth makes you believe that the chances of her sending you nudes might be higher? Sending nudes usually is one step further than dating and not something you would do to a guy you wouldn't even date

she is a fucking whore

even if i dont expect to get nudes its still a little bit more probably to get nudes than to date her

even if that chance is 1% i need to take it

Expand a little on your relationship to her. What are you? Classmates, co-workers? What makes you so sure that she wouldn't date you and how does she treat you since you apparently just asked her for nudes?

If you live in a smaller town, try setting up a fake tinder with Chad as your profile picture, match her and go about getting nudes that way.

We are classmates
She wouldnt Date me because i am certainly Not good enough for her (you know how Girl are)

And after i asked her for nudes not much changed actually (only weird looks but she probably hates me now)

So typical male. Why do you guys even pretend to want a relationship or even ask out a girl you have already decided will be yours. Just bypass the no, you won't listen anyway, and go straight for the torment and wear her down.

Suuuure you and her are 18.

What are you going in about ?

What Else am i suposed to do ? Why should i be alone watching her while some motherfucker Dates her ?

just watch porn

Go to her and say "gib bobs and vagene plz"
I assure you this will work perfectly you filthy pajeet motherfucker

wrong country you fag. Would be more like "zeig mir deine titten und Vagina für den Führer.Sieg Heil !

Do i need to explain why that is absolutely useless ?

is there really no one with a useful answer ?

Money. Offer her lots of it.

Why would she send you nudes if you can't get a date with her

like i said its improbable but still nudes are still easier than actual physical contact

Nudes are a lot harder than getting a date or physical contact you fucking retard.

this desu. money answers a lot of things.
and women love money.

are you sure about that ?

Ofc if you have someone's nudes you could potentially blackmail them with them. Why would they give them to someone they don't trust

Yeah right.But how are you supposed to say that ? Hey Bitch send me nudes and i paypal you ?

Complete garbage.Dont tell me that fucking her is easier than getting nudes


>going on a date with someone is fucking them
Alright, now I know you're underage.

why should someone waste their time with going on a date thats complete useless at the end ?

I need the pictures ASAP help me for fuck sake

dont *ask* for nudes.. TELL her.

>send me nude pics of you now
>please uhh c-could u sends me nakey pics?

This guy is just another porn-addicted freak. Nothing to see here guys.

Horny dumb 15 year olds act like that.

more like pissed of because that bitch thinks she is some fucking queen or something

like i already mentioned i would date her for as long as it takes to get her to be my GF but that wont happen so nudes are the last resort

Its Not meant to be isnt it ?

wie stellst du dir das vor, du minderjähriger vollidiot? es gibt kaum etwas sensibleres, das man jemandem schicken könnte, als nudes, du könntest sie damit für den rest ihres lebens erpressen, sie weiterschicken etc. so etwas schickt man leuten, mit denen man bereits seit einiger zeit in einer beziehung ist, aber nicht irgendwelchen dahergelaufenen creeps, mit denen man nicht einmal auf ein einziges date gehen würde. lass es einfach bleiben, bevor du dadurch in schwierigkeiten gerätst.

Die dreckige Fotze könnte mich ja einfach daten aber das ist ja keine option für so arrogante Dreckshurem

I bet there are like a thousand dudes who saw her naked so why not me ?

warum sollte ein gut aussehendes mädchen einen merkwürdigen 16-jährigen incel in the making daten, insbesondere nachdem er sie bereits wie ein autist nach nudes gefragt hat? versuch dich in sie hineinzuversetzen: würdest du irgendeinen grund sehen, an ihrer stelle, dich zu daten?

>she is a fucking whore
t. incel

Cause she don't fucking want it you incel.
Move on and stop expecting people to do what you want. Be more attractive if you want sex or nudes. Work out, develop a personality, stop whining. And accept no for an answer

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t. future rapist

basiert und rotgepillt.


> accept no for an answer

No means yes

to men it does of course

No. When men say no they mean no. When females say no they mean yes. Hence the requirement that we believe all females which let's you know that females always lie and never do not lie

Man ya’ll must be used to talking to ugly ass girls to self conscious to send nudes. I’ve dated 1 girl in my life but I’ve gotten at least 15 sets of nudes from loads of girls, it’s usually the first thing I get. Just don’t ask lol if the girl feels anything for you she’ll send em. Just make it clear you’re interested sexually.

What a needy bitch. You deserve it.

This is exactly what i am trying to say.Nudes are not worth shit nowadays.Everyone whore sends them no matter what

They don't send them to guys that they don't want to fuck so it's a useful indicator if you don't get nudes move on

But those girls WOULD have dated you and that's the point. If a girl wouldn't even date you or wouldn't even fuck you, she won't send nudes, as it is the case with this desperate German loser and future sex offender


>I asked her before but that didnt work out too well.

How do I do it again?

Mate, she's right not to reproduce with you.