Soph last video

Hey ummm idk will soph get murdered for her next video like honestly some people got killed for mocking muhammad will soph die ??

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Who is this child? Can't keep up with everything on this cesspool of an anime image board.

She's a tool of the Jews obviously. This is disgusting.

Soph is fucking hilarious desu. She's obviously just a teenage edgelord but fuck if I don't laugh at her shit anyway.

Shit, man. We need more Gen Zyklon on youtube

fuck off


Too bad she's catholic. Could end up as a Christian on accident though? We should pray for her.
Also, she's in Cali, and I have 30 round mags. I would die protecting her and not feel too bad about it.

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The world needs more sophs

i just want to point out that literally anybody who mentions mossad is a spook
>remember goy, you have no heroes!

She's our collective, adopted little sister, and we're obliged to look out for her since her actual older brother, who is also a Jow Forumstard, coached her to parrot his views on his behalf rather than make his own damn videos and speak his own mind. Which I contend is fucking irresponsible, bordering on child endangerment.

I mean really, if he's here reading this, that was a bitch move. All these threads where the damn freaks come out of the woodwork and start on about how they want to lewd her and smell her feet, that's on you. You brought her to their attention, you irresponsible faggot. And then you brought her here, so that she's lurking and reading that shit, and that just ain't healthy. You ought not to did that.

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Isn’t this the kid that that fat fuck Reethan Ralph has on to debate desTINY?

yes she is

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Yes, she is. She's the 14 year old who only does monologues, who faltered in a debate against a 30 year old streamer who focuses on debates, and his fans held that up as an epic victory for him. That's her.

she did the best she could but its even funnier that the Beating a 14 year old is victory, i people who follow a wife beating and a guy who leaves his kids are just bunch of niggers

I heard Fuentes came in to the debate like joker.

he came in and destroyed destiny he was making strong points but Ralph was a little bitch and kept getting in the way

I think you mean his gunt got in the way.

The gunt shall consume all that pass in its direction.

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the scars of wizardry training

post a link to her videos

She got big on youtube after pyrocynical shouted her out like 3 or 4 years ago (commentary era). She was like 12 at the time and was pretty funny. Now she’s a poltard and libertarian in the past year, still making satire content on youtube

It only took Ralph less than a year to get his gunt to its current form. May god have mercy on all of us.

>I think you mean his gunt got in the way.
i wish i made that joke user GOOD JOB

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are you faggots even real? how did you type 3 replies of cringe shit without just providing a link to the fucking channel? you are ruining this site assholes

yes, it's sad that a 14 y.o. has better debating ethics/morals and manners than a 30 y.o. man child who finally fulfilled his cuckhold fantasy with a 19 y.o.

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