I'm a virgin and I'd like my first time to be with another virgin. Is that really so much to ask...

I'm a virgin and I'd like my first time to be with another virgin. Is that really so much to ask? Is it really that unrealistic to expect or want that?

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>Is that really so much to ask? Is it really that unrealistic to expect or want that?
No. I did at 21. Lots of girls are still virgin in their late 10's, early 20's.
Of course if you don't go out to meet people you'll absolutely never find what you're looking for.

It depends bro. If you are still in highschool you have high probability , but if your are not, I'm afraid to say so ,but no. almost zero chance to happen, maybe if you are lucky you will find someone like you.

>unrealistic to expect
>unrealistic to want

Attractive men snatch up all the virgin snatches before incels like yourself could even find out they exist. You get the leftovers, if that. Sorry spud

That solely depends on you and how much action you are taking. If you are just waiting for someone to fall into your lap, yes you are out of luck. Socialize with people and make moves on girls you fancy. I agree with the first poster that there are plenty of girls who are still virgins in their late teens and early twenties. Including attractive girls.
If you aren't taking any action then you have no right to pity yourself.

Fuck someone your own age you creep.

You don't even know how old I am, and that comment doesn't even pertain to my question

A little bit, yeah. I was raped otherwise I would have been a virgin for my husband.


Unfortunately that is unlikely to happy :/

But think about it for a moment, why do you specifically want a virgin? There's actually nothing that special about virgins. The first time is usually awkward and sometimes painful, she probably won't enjoy it, women rarely really enjoy their first time. She might be tense and not know how to 'loosen up', so it'll feel forced. Or it'll be the opposite direction, hymens that visibly break and bleed are also not that common of an occurence, so it could just as well not feel any different than if she wasn't a virgin. It's varied, there's no universal 'virgin experience'.

I think you just need an open minded girl who will accept and not mind you being a virgin. It's fine to be intimidated by someone with more experience, but try not worrying about it too much, it doesn't matter as much as you think.

Either way, I don't think it's unrealistic, plenty girls don't lose their virginity until in their 20's depending on where you're from. You have a chance.

It could happen but specifically wanting a virgin is dumb. It literally has no positives unless you are massively insecure.

Nah, another reason would be to want to share the first time experience with someone for who it is a first time experience as well. And to not be another number. People that act really confrontational about virgins wanting virgins sound like they are insecure themselves.

It's not unrealistic, especially if you're under 21.
I'd advise to stop making your virginity your identity, to stop thinking it is something super important, and to not give up on someone who might make you very happy because they were with someone before you.

>late 10's

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You clearly are a virgin because you think a first time together is some magical experience that has no equal.

Well yeah. What's your point?

I'm a virgin, bf too and we are trying but its so frustrating. He can't get it done and I'm at a loss. Is this normal. Like, he'll start then cum or he'll not get hard or fumble around down there and can't find my vagina and gets mad when I reach down to try and guide him in. Last time we even left the light on so he can see and still no.

I'm beginning to think its not worth it.

It's a pretty awful and embarrassing experience. Specifically wanting your first time to be with a virgin is dumb, your first time should be with someone who wants to have sex with you, virgin or not.

>Last time we even left the light on
Uhhh... I hope you were not trying to have sex in pitch dark.

That it's not that amazing, you're hyping yourself up for disappointment. And you don't need to be a slut to know that, when you're in a relationship, sex usually gets more fun the more you know about what the other person and you enjoy.
Naivety and not knowing what to do is a bit charming, but having at least some experience makes it better.

For any virgin girl out there or any girl for that matter that has sex with a virgin guy. Just want you to know he will go tell all his friends right away, every detail

The first time I had sex with my ex (we were both virgins) it hurt a lot, he didn't come, I cried for 30 minutes afterwards because I felt bad about him not coming, and it was so awkward and awful I refused to have sex with him for months.
I can't imagine him telling anyone that.

A few times yes, I'm shy about my body but other times with mood lighting but this was stark bright light and killed it for me and he still couldn't get it in. Couple times he thinks he is and asks me but he's between my thighs or poking my bottom.

he may have left out why you cried but he boasted about fucking you.

Leave the lights on. Watch porn. Foreplay naked.

Is it something I should be upset about? It's not shameful to have sex, everyone has it but OP.

We tried the lights on and porn is gross mostly so no to that. Aren't guys supposed to know what to do, they talk big all the time or is this my bf's problem.

Its not shameful to have sex but do you really want all his friends, or any guy that will listen, details of you having sex?

I don't really care. It's not very polite to tell people about it, in my opinion, and personally neither me or my boyfriend would go talk about it but I don't do things I'm ashamed of.

>Aren't guys supposed to know what to do, they talk big all the time
Yes, generalize you sexist.

Foreplay naked. Start by taking a shower together. Then go for oral sex. Suck his dick until it's rock hard, put a condom on, and then lie down, spread your legs, and guide his dick inside you.

you've seriously never done something you're ashamed of?

Not really, no. I wouldn't personally share details of my sexual life, but it's not because I've ever done anything shameful. I don't think people care much.

For Bloomsburg bloomers

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17? 18? 19?

>It's a pretty awful and embarrassing experience
sounds like you specifically had an awful and embarrassing experience, mine was great

Well im a virgin havig 25 years old. Not because beta, but because i just cant stand doing something like that with anyone. Also, my best female friend (who is very cute and hot af) is also virgin and she's older than me by 10 months.

Oh you meant teens.