Israel is america's closest ally

>Israel is america's closest ally

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Somalia is America's closest ally.

thread reported for extremely low quality
fuck yourself..


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Thats Australia.

Only time Israel did something good was when they attacked the USS Liberty

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So edgy

Nah when they killed a bunch of sandniggers, but the enemy of my enemy is not my friend.

Poor USA

Revenge will be sweet. It's going to be like nothing you've ever seen, and people have been plotting it for a long time.

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Israel continues to be the top recipient of U.S. foreign military financing, and for fiscal year 2016, the administration requested $3.1 billion in funding. The two nations also have begun preliminary talks on a long-term package that would provide up to $45 billion in security assistance grant aid through 2028. Early this year, Israel signed a contract with the United States for the purchase of 14 F-35 fighter jets, amounting to $3 billion.

Since Obama entered office, Israel has received more than $20.5 billion in foreign military financing. Unlike President George W. Bush, who rejected Israel’s request for bunker-buster bombs, Obama became the first president to approve the sale of these advanced weapons, and in the fall of 2012, the U.S. and Israel participated in Austere Challenge 12, the largest joint military exercise ever to be held between the two countries.

in defense of bush, he did let israel destroy the twin towers

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Israeli Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defense Ehud Barak said Monday that when it comes to his nation’s security, the Obama administration is doing “more than anything that I can remember in the past.”

“I think that from my point of view as defense minister they are extremely good, extremely deep and profound,” Barak, a former Israeli prime minister, told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer. “I can see long years, um, administrations of both sides of political aisle deeply supporting the state of Israeli and I believe that reflects a profound feeling among the American people. But I should tell you honestly that this administration under President Obama is doing in regard to our security more than anything that I can remember in the past.”

You are going to find out that allies can be enemies too, and that they go in the oven, foreskin addict.

You misspelled Australia faggot.

Jow Forums is swamped with JIDF slide and demoralization shit right now. I approve of this bait.


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We have no allies.
Everyone hates us but they all want our protections. Fuck the world and it's problems and it's hordes of fucking clowns. Nuke the sand-niggers and Jews first.

libtards btfo!

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