ITT: Negress encounters

This literally happened earlier (Akron Ohio)
>go to giant eagle grocery store to get some salmon, a nutritionally perfect food (deal with it faggots)
>Meat counter closes at 8:00pm (I didn't know this, store is open until 11pm), it's 8:15
>see supervisor walk by
ME: hey buddy can you grab me some salmon real quick?
>he doesn't mind
>two fat black bitches walk up
Me (friendly): Oh he was just walking by and I happened to catch him.
ME (annoyed): Did you talk to HIM? That guy right there?
Me (smart assedly): Ever occur to you those guys were going home because their fucking shift ended, and this guy here is a supervisor who stays late and gets a production bonus?
Me (pissed): It's not because I'm white, it's because I talked to right person. Google confirmation bias.
>put in my headphones as Negress starts stomping around and whipping her fake ass hair to the side over and over

If my ancestors could see what these niggers did to their land they wouldn't have fought for the union.

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this pasta is stale already nigger lover.

Hopefully you learned your lesson and next time you'll ignore the sheboons. There is nothing to be gained from talking to niggers. Ever.

people have been killed by blacks for trying to help start their car at the side of a highway

you are lucky

1 had 2 nigger encounters last year

>Left my wallet on the counter for 3 seconds to grab some hot cheetoe fries
>nigger tries to grab my wallet and run off with it
>grabbed his shirt and ripped it
>nigger gets mad at me and acts like i'm a faggot for ripping his shirt
>faggot wants to fight me and starts shoving me, probably would've fucked me up to be fair since he was 6ft+ and i'm a manlet 5'8
>everyone in the store tells him to chill and reminds the nigger he treid robbing me (this includes other niggers) and they get my back and he walks away

>Car battery fucks up in the middle of the freeway
>pull over because i don't know shit about cars i just sit there trying to figure out what the fuck to do and am about to call triple A
>Nigger pulls over and asks me if i'm ok
>talks about how he's a firefighter and its his job to help people and shit
>figures out what's wrong with my battery, apparently its not tight and if i hard break it gets loose and stops, used car
>nigger fixes my battery and tells me to get a new wire
>shakes my hand and leaves

Hey I used to live near Akron. Did you go to the giant eagle in fairlawn or do you actually live near downtown Akron? I had to do charity work there when I went to Walsh and it was a horrible place filled with smelly black people and homeless. I miss the montrose/fairlawn area though. I had a lot of fun times with my friends there.

both of these negresses were ugly as fuck btw

I would gladly have smashed this bitches bag into pavement if she have me a reason. I lift.
I went to the one in Cuyahoga Falls.

>Be me
>Go to local mobile store to buy a phone
>Sheboon in front of me doesn't have enough money to pay off her phone bill and starts chimping out
>Store clerk tells her that nothing can be done unless the bill is paided
>Sheboon chimps out more and talks about her children dying of ADHD
>Clerk says he doesn't care and if she doesn't leave he will call the cops
>Sheboon leaves while screeching racism

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To elaborate, I'm from shityear heights, but just moved to Caucasian falls. I guess some of these bitches managed to find their way to the nice store. Salty because all our shit isn't behind locked glass doors.

>In a gas station in the USA
>In line to pay for gas
>Big negress enters station
>Heads to the section that sells nachos
>She yells at the people behind the counter, "Yall ain't got no mo cheese?"
>The way she says "cheese" sounds like chaaaze
>She yells again, "Yall aint got no mo chaaaze?!"
>At this point she's just yelling in the void
>Mumble something to herself and buys snacks

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That 2nd encounter doesn't sound like a nigger encounter.
There is a difference between blacks and niggers ya know. The dude actually helped you

Lmao. And just like that all of it clicked huh? Was the moment you started questioning the media narrative and went, "wait a second... Maybe Americans hate niggers for a reason."

>be me at 19
>riding bike to work past police station/jail on a main road
>made it all the way through the nigger hive between my house and there
>skinny nigger sees me ride past him, notices my trek
>never bring my id with me since fuck it, I don't use it for anything
>kept riding to work
>didn't get mugged
The bike did end up getting stolen by some homeless wizard looking dude tho, only saw him prowling the neighborhood, left his bike behind.

Ok this happened while driving back from Pennsylvania with a friend, we stopped at a Wendy's for lunch in Gary Fucking Indiana
>negress at the till
>"uh yeah I'll get a quadruple baconator
>clearly stated baconator
>few minutes later, yo the triple is ready
>"um it was a quad"
>yeah that's 3 right?
>"no a triple is 3, quadruple is 4."
>yo latasha that is supposed to be 4 patties
>quad is 3 isnt it?
>getting annoyed now "no, quad means four. Both triple and quadruple cant both mean 3."
>a while later they fix it
>buddy and I grab our food and brave the drive through chicago
>open my burger, just covered in lettuce tomatoes, onions, etc.
>didnt ask for no garden because the BACONATOR doesnt come with that shit and realize I shouldve registered that they kept calling it a triple and never said baconator.
>roll down my window and chuck it out. Eat my fries.
My buddy was a super liberal and that was the moment he started to really think about the implications of a $15 minimum wage.

today i was getting lunch in the food court of the local mall. notice a large family of aboriginals waiting for their kfc in an unsettled manner. after getting some tuna sushi i start looking for a seat but notice theres a big commotion up the other side of the food court. half the people eating are now standing and watching so its hard to see but it looks like members of the aboriginal family are fighting. sit down and eat lunch because i cant see the fight clearly. security comes and is talking to witnesses. i go get a coffee in a different part of the mall but when i come back theres some police speaking to the aboriginal family on one side of the food court and a mediterranean looking family on the other side of the mall. guess they had a disagreement and started brawling.

>be me at 18
>dad is a Christcuck missionary
>go to Nigeria with him to convert Fulani muzzies
>get so much negress pussy that I spent over a thousand dollars a month on condoms
>old man gets pissed and sends me back to Cambridge to live with my uncle

They like me usually cause I’m racist. The other night at lively downtown bar one REALLY cute niggress was all over me trying to tell me to get away from “her area” and she wouldn’t stop even though I never said a word to her. A black guy dared me to say a black joke so i asked him, “why don’t blacks people go on cruise ships? They’re not falling for that again.” He and another black guy chuckled and we moved on, but this cute little black girl would not stop begging for my attention. I ignored her and just smiled, observing her eyes become overtaken with immense brightness and excessive lust eachtime I pierced them with my ocean blue Aryan eyes. I eventually do walk away because at this point I’m uncomfortable, being that I’m in the close proximity of two more niggers.

Black girls love me even though I’m very racist. I did get awfully horney one weekend when I was an 18 year old and decided to fuck a very very dark skinned black girl who I always would make racist jokes to in high school. I’ll never forget the look in her eyes, I was her first, white or black. Afterward, I instantly began thinking of ways to sneak this extremely black niggress out of my house before my high class Aryan family noticed my animalistic behavior and friend. I made her put on a big sweatshirt and put the hood up and tuck her hands in and keep her face down.

you picky fuck throwing out a perfectly good burger because it had some veggies on it. I hope 20 niggers rape you to death you shitstain on humanity.

Wasnt some veggies, it was a mountain of them and some unidentifiable sauce. Also it wasnt what I paid for.

America's Wildest Niggers

oh okay after a careful analysis of the facts I realize I may have gone slightly overboard. you were right, please allow me to suck your cock as compensation for any emotional damage occurred. uwu

Sowing division amongst races is pretty musch Jew U 101. Blacks in America deserve their own nationstate and so do whites, together we can make it happen.

>Google confirmation bias

This didn’t happen. If it did you might be more of a homo than the niggers in your story are niggers.
Kill your self.

Might seem extreme to someone who isnt a picky eater, but I'd been in the truck for 8 hours already that day without food, and I get Wendy's one every one or two years. Also have you ever had a baconator?

Based korean kek

yeah I used to make bacon, ham, cheese sandwhiches. I love bacon, well done, or very rare. I love the fatty parts that melt in my mouth, all of it over whole grains bread and a thin slice of tomatoes.

You're a trucker? Sounds like a dream job if you work in a beautiful place, although the work hours and the lack of freedom as to where you can drive would significantly reduce the quality of the job.

Wtf do you drive an electric car?

Is this the fucking Giant Eagle Marketplace?

Not a trucker, I do pipeline construction. I was driving back to my home state after a job ended, in my pick-up truck. I shouldve been more clear. I meant specifically a Wendy's Baconator, also.

Had a jury summons the other day, the waiting area is like black woman theater literally all day.

>Stop to get gas for work in podunk CA farm town
>Hear a sheboon talking about nigger shit as I leave the station
>See an entire family of nogs in a car nearby
>MFW the father was present
First the Mexicans came, now we're getting blacks.

Wendy's is pretty good. I remember getting a bunch of their 99cent burgers a few years ago. God i do miss those days.

I'm on day five of a fast and I'm thankful I dont have a Wendy's anywhere near where I live or I'd break.

It did. Dumb bitch blindly assumed "da store closed at 8 cuz I'm black duurrrrr"

The pic is just a random pic.

so basically you are white sou you get the privilege pass they will do anything for you and black people they dont have the pass so they get nothing, this is pure racism, trumps america everyone

another reason why america needs less white people, more blacks from africa should be helped and given home in america to reduce the white supremacy

why do you fast? Religious reasons? I would love doing work all day if I owned the business, but working all day for someone else just seems really exhausting. If I owned my own business I would go nights without sleeping to work for it though.

Which town?
Visalia? Tulare? Exeter? Strathmore? Lindsay?

>*Master Race* Rural Californian checking in

Autism at its finest. I bet you got pressed by those black girls and you just kept quiet like the cuck you are hahaha

Damn I feel bad for you. You don’t realize how stupid you seem do you?

Nah, just let my weight get out of hand. I was drinking a lot out of boredom being stuck in motels and really drank like a finn once my dad died. Used to be obsessed with fitness so I'm trying to undo the damage fast so I can get back to training hard.

It's called manners, something most blacks know nothing about
>be nice and polite
>people happy to help
>be aggressive and rude
>everyone be racis

Akron is a hellhole. It will collapse in a few years when the uni goes bankrupt.

T. North Canton

>be me
>working with nigger
>leave my mp3 player in the break room in my locker unlocked (this was a while ago)
>mp3 player gone
>look at camera and nigger cunt took it
>ask nigger cunt for it back
>"it wasn't locked up, what do you expect? If something isn't locked up that means it's not wanted"
>truly believed that and honestly didn't understand the concept of stealing

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i found what works for me is to give it up a little at a time. If you try to all of a sudden go on a fast you will be back to chowing at the end of the day.

Or you could say... eat the same but do more exercise per day. Like eat five burgers like you normally do but take a walk around your neighborhood the first day, the second day, bike to some nearby park, the third day, bike to the local library and back, etc. I found that as long as I don't have the mental stress of giving up food I like and instead just choose to do more exercise I can keep this up a lot longer.

Fasting works good for me, I'm good with intense discipline just not great with prolonged adherence. So I can really push myself to an extreme with little trouble in diet or training. Moderation is my weakness. Thanks for the advice though. I used to train and read about nutrition obsessively, I just let the boredom drinking get the better of me while traveling.

>truly believed that and honestly didn't understand the concept of stealing
wtf, were you home schooled?

Should add that in 2009 I lost 90 lbs in 4 months, so I have experience with hard cuts as well.

Haha. Ok, Jow Forums I got a good one for you:

>Live in majority white county
>have no nigger stories

Beat that, cucks!

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>imagine living in a country with niggers and spics

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I knew it's fake even before that part.
>Me (smart assedly): Ever occur to you those guys were going home because their fucking shift ended, and this guy here is a supervisor who stays late and gets a production bonus?
OP is a faggot.

Thank you rabbi, very cool!


I wish I could go back to being 20. My county was 97% white growing up. That other 3% is almost exclusively native. I was redpilled quickly once I started traveling for work. I'd never even heard of gas stations having pre-pay

I think he was talking about the nigger honestly believing that, user.

You might as well fucking eat it if you already have it. I hope an ecofascist smites you for littering

What the fuck us that picture

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When you got a banana in you pocket

Fuckin niggers, it's the same shit with abbos here. Some cultures are just better than others user

huh that's interesting. I guess different stuff works for different people. Like the Germanic tribes they worked best with short bursts of intense energy, but would get destroyed in a prolonged fight, but the Romans were the opposite. Literally they had to pace their fights out longer, and worked well in formations and under discipline.

I haven't seen a black person for years where I live.

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I don't know why it quoted your post three times.

sorry, "person"

>walking through the mall
>talking to my mom on the phone in romanian
>tell her about my new phone
>she asks if its the white one
>"no mom, its black"
>...negru is the romanian word for black
>some african niggers wearing flip flops in december hear it
>"so thats how it is"
>they punch me in the back of the head and run

My first and last nigger encounter

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I retired at 29 by buying real estate despite being from shitty ass Akron so... Nah.

niggers gonna nig

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>implying the need to comfort your denim clad ape friend isn't a daily occurrence

Don't tell people to Google anything.
Don't talk to niggers. ALL blacks are niggers. Do this and you'll be fine.

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Battery disconnecting causes gas powered vehicles to stop running. You would think because it seems like the operation of the engine appears entirely mechanical that it should continue running, but it actually does a whole bunch. The big one it controls is the ECU.
It's why part of passing technical for drift/race events includes making sure your battery terminal clamps are on securely.

Must just be how I'm wired. I can quit most things cold Turkey. Like I can go months drinking a liter of vodka a night (and a handle on Saturday and Sunday each) then just quit cold Turkey when I'm at home. So ill ride this fast out as long as I can then switch to one meal a day keto.

>be me
>dont associate with niggers

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Why eat something that would physically make me sick? Especially when I still had another 10 hours of driving to go.

I think it's a very low IQ thing.

Like, there was a serial killer that killed 6 or 7 people, and he said if people left their door open, he looked at that as an invitation to want to get murdered, and that's how he murdered some people, he just walked in.

Because "if you want to live, you'd close your door." lol

2 is not a nigger encounter.

It's very childlike blame shifting. Chances are he doesn't even truly believe it himself, but saying something so ridiculous hurts less than admitting that he should have known better.

Exercising is a meme. The amount of effort to lose weight by exercising is far greater than the amount of effort from not eating like a fucking garbage truck.

Seriously. a 10k run burns something like 1000 calories. it's less than a single meal. Just eat some vegetables

I was like this as a kid. I quit cigarettes cold turkey after the bullies i hung out with to stop smaller bullies gave me poison pipes.

I'm going to side with picky boy here. Baconator's are very special. I might have tossed out the burger in protest as well. Eating it would have been an affront to my lover, the baconator, and also a tacit acceptance of complete incompetence (after repeated corrections). A man has his passions, but he also has his principles. Both were offended upon in this case.

Why didn’t you check it at the restaurant? I’m not a poorfag, but Wendy’s is pricy (when not doing 4 for $4) enough to where I wouldn’t just throw it away without getting a refund or doing something.

>that pic
Did you grow up in the soviet union or something? I feel bad if that isn’t supposed to be bait.

>and also a tacit acceptance of complete incompetence (after repeated corrections)

that sentence reminded me of something a few days ago. i went to a juice bar and asked for a "large carrot juice with ice". the girl serving me said "carrot juice, no ice". i said "no, with ice". then she said "oh, ok. WITH ice" and i said "yes". them she gave me a carrot without ice. i can see how someone would be annoyed getting a completely different item from the menu from what they ordered.

>them she gave me a carrot without ice
That would have annoyed the fuck out of me. Normally I'm like the best customer in the world. I make a point to brighten service industry people's day. I always treat them with respect and usually go out of my way to make sure I thank them, even with very small interactions. It's just how I am. However I have a dark side. If a service person is being what I would call deliberately negligent of just plane grossly incompetent, I might actually just completely humiliate them. I can get really nasty. I usually regret it. There's a chance I would have popped off a comment that would have made her cry, or at least made her feel horrible. Or, just a savage look that seared into their soul.

"Do you recall me going over with you the drink was to be WITH ice? Does that phrase ring a bell? WITH ICE?...."

>Or, just a savage look that seared into their soul.

ive worked in retail and as a bar tender and a waiter so i take it easy on servers. id expect to get shit if i fucked up an order but so many people are rude for no reason and its a business i go to regularly. some servers have an attitude problem though and you wonder why they arent fired.

>using logic with a nigger
When will you learn America, you should have just laughed at her face.

no, it means his alternator was bad too

Blacks are not nigger

I'm not sure if you're making shit up but this is all genuinely frightening,

trust me we're not. the only thing that saves America is that nigs tend to stay in the big cities and whites live in suburbs.

most black folk are OK though

you can see real life examples on youtube.

Working out helps change your lifestyle. You ned to eat right to get the most from the gym and the gym helps you schedule your eating patterns.

At least you're not this guy

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>literally paid money to throw food on the ground
>even after bitching to get more free food
Seems like you're the retard in that situation especially if you can't handle lettuce on a burger, fat fuck.

bix nood faggot

Libertarians think they can vote thier way out of this lol

ALL blacks are niggers you reddit fuck.