Mom needs to get rid of Dad

I normally hate divorce and hate women for instigating it so much, but this is an extremely rare example where I actually think it's justified
>dad hasn't worked since I was a little kid
>contributes nothing but pocket change from fucking around with parts like mechanical shit
>doesnt even care about my mom she doesnt like him too much either
>acts belligerent when drunk
>is basically a parasite

Finances are getting worse for her, I'm in college and work what part time shit that I can but I spend all of it, even if I poured my shit into her finances it would be like pissing in an ocean because I dont make much and her bills and shit are crazy
Brother is in highschool

Apparently my Dad's name is on the house or whatever as well as my moms, she mentioned some sort of "70k" tax lean he has or something against the house
Is there anyway she can legal ninjitsu him out of the picture and keep all her assets?

Again normally I hate women who pull that but this is an extreme and rare situation

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how tf is this extreme and rare? Women go through this all the time. Why are you against most women getting a divorce? You do realize that a divorce is just as hard on the women than the man right? She should just divorce him and leave the house to move to a apartment. Is your moms happiness really worth saving some money?

Its extreme and rare because most divorces are instigated by women for dumb reasons like the guy isn't making as much money as she wants, or she is "bored", or "wants to be free again" IE fuck around with tons of guys
If you are non ironically a liberal IRL I don't expect you to understand

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Also reminder that in nearly all divorce cases the woman automatically gets the kids for some reason, and gets half of the guys assets automatically

do you really think all divorces are like that? "Bored" you mean dont love anymore? Thats a perfect reason to leave someone. You rather have your wife be miserable with you than leave you?
Yea thats the unfair court system dont blame women overall for that. Even feminists hate that shit dude.

also when I say most divorces are instigated by women, I mean literally the majority of them are started by the girl
And its always for retarded bs

>you mean dont love anymore
oh man, its almost like wedding VOWS exist for a reason

it seems too many women don't "love" anymore past a certain point, even if the guy acts the exact same we he always did, makes money and works, and is a nice, caring, loving husband

I don't want this thread to be a giant divorce debate, don't derail it

> woman divorces man for shit reason
He wasn't giving her enough love and attention because he was working 10-14 hours a day 5 days a week
> woman finds a bad boy she wants to fix up and marries him after he drops a load in her
What a shit man you deserve better than that
> no mention of her problems causing her to choose such a thing.

as for op, Ofc there is legal ninjutsu. She's a woman and he's leeching off of her. You've taken the genetics he has wasted and applied them to the world successfully so far. Testify on behalf of your mother in the divorce. Then she'll have to file for bankruptcy or something. You can help her get back on her feet completely afterwards. If you join a church and give yourself to the lord as well I'm sure you'll find a large group of people willing to help you guys out.


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pretty much inevitable that any mention of divorce in the year of our lord two thousand and 19 on Jow Forums will devolve into this

>Hates women for doing something he's only read on the internet
>Totally sees why it happens unfold irl before his very eyes
>Still hates women for it

Welp. You're an idiot.

Q: How old is the tax lien, like from what years. Do you have statements of how much is owed and from when? Do they file joint taxes?

Also does your mother have a lot of personal assets, savings, car, etc. Is the house fully paid off? We're going to need more information to answer you.

But I do agree with the user who suggested your mom cut her losses and leave. Your dad sounds like a piece of shit.

>what is reading comprehension
I said I hate them for doing X
That means like "man, I hate my friend for being such a prick tonight"
Its a figure of speech

I really don't know all that stuff, I know they bought the house right before I was born, they were already married
She has a car, savings, the majority of the net worth is hers
House is not paid off

My reading comprehension is fine. You said you normally hate women for divorce and instigating it, when I am positive you are nowhere near any of the cases you hear about, and have no idea what's going on on the inside of them, and now you're witnessing it happen first hand with your mother who you've humanized and totally understand her position because you have all the facts..

One way to wash her hands of the lien is to file bankruptcy. Chapter 7 would allow her to wash her hands of the lien(or a portion of it) provided its old enough. However based on her assets, car, house I dont think thats a good idea and I dont think she'd even qualify. Chapter 13 is also an option but involves her actually paying a portion of the debt through a payment plan. I dont think thats what you want either.

As for keeping him away from alimony and assets, you'd need to talk to a family law attorney about getting the marriage annulled. I know fuckall about family law aside from basic shit, and every state has different laws so I cant help you there.

wtf? Wedding vows automatically make you love someone forever no matter what? Are you actually stupid? "Oh your husband is abusing you, raping you and taking all your money? Well should of thought of that before saying your vows!" Actually kill yourself if you honestly believe that.

I'll look into that stuff, ty for the advice
>abusing you
If its not physical or psychological aggression its not abuse, so if he isn't hitting her or being a prick towards her, its not abuse
>raping you
If you aren't prepared to put out for your husband, forever, then you shouldn't get married
You women, and I can tell your a girl, want to say that a guy can ONLY have sex with his wife forever, and if he fucks anyone else its cheating, and its ground for divorce
You say the girl has the right to not have sex with him for as long as she feels like, could be a month, or even a year, or more
So basically, hes shit out of luck in the pussy department
Fuck that, theres a reason it used to be law that a guy could fuck his wife whenever he wanted, now its not worth getting married and risking being eternally blue balled
>taking all your money
Lmao, its nearly always the reverse
non ironically get on Jow Forums moar

yea im not a girl. you probably guessed since you must have no exp with a girl. I dont think I ever said anything else, but psych of psychical is abusive, like did i say walking down the stairs is abusive?
>If you aren't prepared to put out for your husband, forever, then you shouldn't get married
Do people only get married for sex? Wtf is this? Is a wife to a man only a sex slave? If a girl doenst want to fuck then dont.
>You say the girl has the right to not have sex with him for as long as she feels like, could be a month, or even a year, or more
So basically, hes shit out of luck in the pussy department
Yea lol sucks to be him. He can beat his shit or talk to his wife about his needs its really that simple. You make it sound like guys cant control themselves when it comes to sex. No wonder why we still got feminists and stuff and why we still need them.

>Do people only get married for sex?
They absolutely shouldn't--sex should be solely after marriage, yes, but marrying for the sake of sex is ridiculous and reprehensible. However, in common law, a consistent and enduring refusal to have sex would count as an abandonment of affection, and thus would be grounds for divorce. For example, if a married man joins a religious order and out of his beliefs refuses to even touch his wife, would that not be distressing to their marriage, when the man she planned to have children with is determined to avoid interacting with her?

Note that this is wholly distinct from justifying marital rape--while I think the term itself is a meme and it shouldn't be treated as severely as rape (which should be a capital offense), it should still count as marital abuse and would certainly be grounds for separation as well.

I would not agree with the other user's implication that adultery is ever justifiable, though.

>Is a wife to a man only a sex slave?
That's closer to how modern men treat women--if a girl says she's waiting until marriage, most men will ditch her on the spot, presumably because they can't use her body without commitment.

I could never imagine being such an ignoramus
Have sex, but unironically

lmao, have fun never getting married because guys cant get a guarantee that they will get pussy
>oh no why wont guys grow up and settle down
Because you wont promise to put out
>cant use her body
Oh yeah but lets ban prostitution right
Men non non ironically have sexual needs and we DEMAND that they be satisfied, its in the interest of men everywhere to NOT get married because getting married makes you be at the mercy of a single girl, so youd be better off on your own, using tinder, going to bars and clubs, and asking out random girls wherever you meet them

Id rather be a bachelor / playboy forever and and fuck around with girls than get married, because fuck putting my nuts and my head and my whatever at the mercy of a single girl

>oh no where have all the guys gone
They've decided to not get married because fuck putting yourself at the mercy of a single girl for all your nuts / head / whatever

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>Oh yeah but lets ban prostitution right
Correct. Prostitution is highly degenerate, and no decent person would ever need or want to partake in it. It will obviously still occur no matter what the law is, but there must be strong standards, legal or otherwise, in place to keep it away from anyone who isn't committed to wrongdoing.

>Men non non ironically have sexual needs and we DEMAND that they be satisfied
Then actually go and fuck yourself, degenerate incel.

You know what? Go fuck yourself, go to hell you fucking faggot cunt nigger piece of shit
When marriage rates plummet, and civilization collapses, remember, you said that sex didn't matter, and that if men just had to jerk off then so be it
Pussy or Death
Fuck your fascist utopia

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