Because of circumstances, the only means I have of meeting women is through online dating. I have some questions for anons more experienced with this though:
>Advice on profile pics? I don't normally take pictures of myself so I'll have to take some just for this
>Which site should I use? They all suck from what I've heard
>Any general advice on setting up a profile?
Any advice at all would be appreciated really. I'm pretty new to this
Not OP, but go outside and do what? Unless there is an activity that requires more than 1 person to accomplish, you're not going to meet friends.
Carter Smith
doing activities is how males bond literally just talking is how females bond just go outside and talk to somebody its really not hard
William Turner
He thinks this is the 1950s and you can just go up to some random girl and start talking to her like a Skyrim NPC without it being weird and uncomfortable for both of you
Jackson Ortiz
Yeah, job and the places I do my hobbies at aren't really an option, and I'm not going to do PUA shit and approach girls on the street.
Gabriel Reyes
Isaac Hernandez
I'm literally just asking for advice on making a dating profile. Somebody here has to have some input besides "don't do it"
Brody Smith
Get a friend to take photos of you, or hire a professional. Don't do a phone selfie.
Hunter James
Alright thanks
Liam Wood
Unless you're very good looking, don't do it. It all boils down to looks in online dating, WAY more than it does irl. irl at least your personality can shine through and boost up how much girls like you significantly, but even on the websites that allow for personal essay writing, almost nobody is a good enough writer to get their personality across in a good way. So after enough totally bland "I love travel, food, and adventure" profiles that all read exactly the same, all they really have to go off of to compare people is their looks again.
I feel really bad for the retards like you who refuse to go out to social places, because their confidence is probably getting fucking DESTROYED relying on trash like internet dating.
Levi Morales
For me it's a matter of being realistic. Outside of online dating the only three places I could meet girls:
>Work I work with a bunch of older guys. We occasionally get girls my age as customers but I would literally be fired for stopping to flirt with them. I know this because it happened a few months into working here.
>Hobbies Without getting into my hobbies, I'll say that it's the same situation. Definitely no girls here. That leaves one last option
>"Outside" Strangers approaching you and trying to talk to you and get your contact information is creepy and weird. Frequenting stores to harass the workers is also weird. Most people go places in large groups with friends. Approaching strangers and interrupting their conversations is fucking weird and obnoxious. It's creepy as fuck and I'm tired of people suggesting this as if they actually do it.
You anons say this shit like you can "go outside" and humans will magnetically fucking gravitate to you, and it makes me believe that you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about and are either a troll or pua. Conversation needs to flow naturally, and there's nothing natural about approaching somebody based entirely on superficial appearances and pretending you want to talk to them about anything except said appearances, especially when you don't want to be inconsiderate and interrupt them to begin with. Go ahead and try your own advice, you'll end up in a cringe thread somewhere.
>Bwaaah you just want to complain Then why would I make a thread on dating girls? I'm stuck using online dating. If work was an option, I'd do it. If school was an option, I'd fucking do that. Yeah, online dating is shit, but it's what I'm stuck with. I'm not going to just give up because you got your little bitch feelings hurt by trying it and now you insist I shouldn't do it either.
put yourself as your propic and go on
Blake Rogers
imagine talking to a woman
Nicholas Fisher
the only people who can accurately give you advice would be females who are describing what they would hypothetically be attracted to on a dating site, and i dont know how youll find that on 4ch
but dudes on here arent willing to give advice because they dont have enough courage to try to find women themselves and dont understand your predicament because they literally are all socially autistic incels, and theyve heard "online dating bad!" so they repeat it, or they had no luck and are forever jaded against women for all of these things ive described
i will try to give advice, i am a female myself so maybe it will be more constructive to finding others
1. put something in your profile about "i dont want any fake shit, if you are genuine to me i will be genuine to me, i am interested in a long term relationship with somebody so i dont want to be lead on and it be fruitless, i will be dedicated if you are etc etc" 2.make sure to warn about any issues you know you have, like if you have trust issues say that you want to make sure your female is being truthful to you and she shouldnt be mad about not having privacy because she shouldnt be doing anything youd disapprove of
3.if you are very interested in sex you should make sure they are semi compatible by saying "i am dominate, i prefer this and that" or whatever
4.the picture will matter a lot because 99% of women care a lot more about appearance than anything else so just pray you can take a flattering one
5.i hear that okcupid is one of the best sites, i dont know from experience but ive heard people get good results from it because you can easily avoid people with opposing opinions (religious, political and other things are put on your profile i believe)
good luck dude, i cant give a lot of advice which can apply to you directly because idk anything about your personality but i hear that women on dating sites are terrible
good intetions, bad advice bad intentions, bad advice
this is how you meet girls: 1) family friends lets say your aunt/sister/ect knows a girl >do you trust said relation? go for it 2) friends lets say your friends have friends who are girls >do you trust said friend? go for it
why you shouldn't trust online relationship anything: an overwhelming majority of women online are cheaters/unfaithful. if you meet her online, she'll meet her next boyfriend online too. the internet is just too easy. that's the hard facts. because it's so easy it grooms people in certain ways that will destroy any capacity for a traditional relationship.
this used to be summed up as "dont seriously date girls you meet at the bar." these days people are so individualized and alienated from family and friends that the only thing left for idiots is to try picking up girls at the bar (hobbies and internet). it all ends the same though, and always will. never bet against the odds on this one, either put in the hard work for a real relationship or just jump on the casual carosel
also >i am woman so trust me you're on an anonymous imageboard. i shouldn't have to explain this but the whole reason to be HERE rather than REDDIT is because HERE you judge the advice solely on the basis of its own merit, not based on the merit of the poster; aka if it has reddit gold, karma, is a woman or is a man or is a billionaire or is super popular. any appeal to merit outside of the content of the advice given is a good sign to be wary.