I want to kill myself

been ejected from mental hospital twice
ssris didn't work (made me feel worse)
almost committed murder-suicide on my therapist
suicide hotline hung up on me
is it too late for me

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I was recently feeling kind of like that. (probably good I don't have bullets for my revolver cuz woulda played russian roulette).
The first couple of episodes really helped me out mostly in how it made suicide so light hearted.

i don't like slice of lifes

I don't either in the vast majority of cases. This one is extremely different. A lot of the time it has a mixture of cryptic statements and good philosophical statements in the background.

I'm watching Ben 10 right now.



though I am only recommending the first few episodes, it devolves into slice of life after that and I stopped watching it.

Slice of Life is the best genre, I'm so sick of all the shounen bullshit out there with magical powers and minimal character development.

i like shounen because it makes me feel like a kid again

I like shonen because I like martial arts.

>i want to kill myself
>my life is so hard
>it's too late for me
Why don't you just fucking kill yourself then? What is so hard to understand? If you don't kill yourself then you don't want to.
>b-b-b-but there might be something--
No, just kill yourself. Nobody will care.

I like shounen because love and friendship can overcome anything.

i didn't say it was too late i was asking
you're not the first person to do this lol
i have a relatively easy life which is why it confuses me

but I love fighting

>i didn't say it was too late i was asking
If you have to ask then you already know.
>you're not the first person to do this lol
I don't know what you're trying to say here. Everything someone could say to you has probably already been said.
>i have a relatively easy life which is why it confuses me
Yea, almost everyone does. It doesn't confuse you, nor it shouldn't.
I'm just asking this. If you want to kill yourself, why don't you just fucking do it? If you honestly, truly wanted to die, you would have. You said you failed before, but that's bullshit. You probably took a bunch of pills knowing you were going to fail. Jump off of a fucking high building.
>b-b-bbut theres none around me..
Then walk to one. Unless you're scared of running away from the comfort of mommy being there to rush you to a hospital because you took a bunch of pills, so you have stories to tell people about how sad and lonely you are?

Love and friendship is what gives us the strength to fight user.

They needn’t be mutually exclusive!

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Protein gives me my strength. And maybe carbs.

i shot myself in the head and missed, hit the frontal lobe
neighbors called 911
believe me if you want to

>i shot myself in the head and missed
>believe me if you want to
imagine coming to an online ANONYMOUS image forum and lying about wanting to kill yourself
i honestly ponder what you have to look like

6'2 200 pounds 7 inch dick

imagine saying this proudly


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imagine lying about wanting to commit suicide on an anonymous image forum

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Become a suicide bomber, thats what im gonna do in a few years

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do you have a lot of energy ever?

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Lol. I've always liked this philosophy. The problem for me is always that I'm holding out for things to get better. Ironically if I gave up, I could live how I want to and everything would be great. ...

I think the single thing that's held me back has been that I'm afraid of messing up. If I just had a little less aversion to that, I'd be free.

Sorry, I'm drunk.