How do you stop masturbating to porn if you're using it to distract yourself and cope with psychological trauma...

How do you stop masturbating to porn if you're using it to distract yourself and cope with psychological trauma, low moods, escapism, loneliness?
How do you do this when it feels so fucking good, you first masturbated aged 11 and you can't stop yourself?
How do you stop using sexual media/imagery in general?

Attached: 1562682864255.jpg (1080x1080, 117K)

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simple answer "you can't"


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Talk to a therapist. Porn addiction is pretty much like drug addiction, floods the brain with undeserved dopamine. Went through the same shit myself, first fapped at 12, did it every night until I got some help. Best of luck user.

If you're using it as a distraction, pick a different one. A hobby that has an end result (that doesn't take too long) will do. I do photography (travel to different local places); play an instrument; read books; make games..

Whatever works for you, that can fill your time so you don't have to focus on loneliness and past memories.

If you want to stop masturbating and watching porn, keep in mind it probably won't be easy. For me it took a lot of time and effort and prayers. A good start I'd say would be deleting any kind of porn you have stored on your pc(that is if you have any). I went even further and deleted any image of cute/beautiful girl that could awaken my attraction and make me go back to porn.

Joining nofap also might help, I did it without them though so I can't speak for myself.

Lastly, I prayed a lot for my addiction to end, and went for confession in different parishes to look for guidance on how to deal with this from the priests.

Really hoping for you to win this battle user, I'm going to pray for you.

Extending this, there are programs (or browser add-ons) that can help you block porn websites. If it's too easy to turn it off, get one that has a password, and then just put a random string of letters in it. Obviously you can uninstall it at any point, but it will also teach you discipline if you can stop yourself from doing so

why do you fucking retard want to stop masturbating so badly? That's really not a normal thing to do. why don't you try to be normal and do normal shit

because user is scared they jerk off sometimes twice a day.

i jerk off 3 or 4 times a day when my attractive girlfriend isn't around. good?

my phone is so full of porn any girl I'm hanging out with can see it I don't give a fuck im a sexual being an integral male with a healthy sex drive its what makes me a good candidate for the opposite sex

I was heterosexual aged 8-20 and I started to masturbate while self inserting as the girl at 19 then self inserting as the tranny/trap at 21 and now its all I can get off to, I feel jealousy and I writhe around in bed wanting to get fucked by dominant men. I'm still not attracted to men visually that much especially not their faces but attraction to men is based more on how they make you feel.
I only masturbated once a day around 18 and started decreasing the amount since femdom. But now the pleasure spikes and urges are the strongest they've ever been despite my test levels being the lowest they've ever been, I masturbate once every 1.5 to 2 hours the entire time I'm awake.

that's a lot of masturbation. maybe you should mix it up a bit with other activities and see some people and try to get fucked like you want. a lot of guys actually like to jerk off together

It just seems like if it hadn't been for porn I never would've developed these urges, all of my wet/romantic dreams when I still had any were with me talking to girls or them rubbing against my crotch to the point where I could feel myself ejaculating despite being asleep. I never had a single homosexual thought or urge or attraction until the ages of 20-21

>if it hadn't been for porn I never would've developed these urges
interesting theory, but porn isn't that old and perving out has been around a lot longer. in any case i don't see what difference it makes. you're not straight and neither are literally most men

Aren't there only 2-3% bisexuals/gays, there are probably more but surely that isn't most?

we're in the stupid idiot fuck did you get that figure from?
>Kinsey's 1948 workSexual Behavior in the Human Malefound that "46% of the male population had engaged in both heterosexual and homosexual activities, or 'reacted to' persons of both sexes, in the course of their adult lives".

>46% of the male population had engaged in both heterosexual and homosexual activities
imagine how many more there are who don't act on their deviant sexual impulses? it's basically normal. don't worry so much, man. as you experiment a bit you will continue to develop your tastes

It's crazy but try to realize where these kids are coming from
They're not just doing it once a day or less to some normal shit
They're looking at traps, guro, etc for hours on end everyday. Nofap is actually good for them

I think the person In the photo you posted is 17 or under you sick fuck.