What’s the point of racism?

1800 :
>niggers are inferior, they are our slaves and will remain as such forever

>They can live among us but if we see one of them look at a white woman we will hang him


Racists: what make you think anyone cares about your opinions? The world will continue to change no matter what you do
There will never be an ethnostate and there will always be more and more racemixing, fighting against nature is pointless
You will die someday and your opinions will slowly disappear like a fart in the wind

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Based and nihilismpilled.

>that flag
>that post

Yep, checks out.

>The world will continue to change no matter what you do
Historical determinism is false.

Our country will share the same fate as yours
It’s the same everywhere

How do you imagine the world in 10k years?
Still with determined races like today? If yes you are retarded user

Either the world is destroyed by then or humanity would have merged in a single race

Who knows. You don't and neither do I. If you believe white people will go extinct, and are white yourself, and you tell other white people this, it will become a self fulfilling prophecy. The actions of a few can result in unprecedented changes. Historical determinism is a dangerous idea that will just result in people never trying, and thus nothing ever changing. Another self fulfilling prophecy.

>fighting against nature is pointless
If racemixing is "natural" why do we need continuous propaganda and social shaming to get people to do it?

>What’s the point of racism?
being racist means I spend less time around blacks and therefore am safer

There are no niggers in Estonia lol, maybe some students but they are very tame because me dont take shit from them, unlike you cucks.

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That's because there's nothing in Estonia worth stealing.

>What’s the point of racism?
Self-preservation. Is that simple enough for you?
>The world will continue to change no matter what you do
Fuck off retard.

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>It’s the same everywhere
Do you see blacks bending the knee to white minorities in South Africa?

I can't imagine there won't be a massive societal revolution as soon as the boomers start fully dying off. In fact, I intend to start it. I consider them the yard duty's on the schoolyard of life. Desperate to protect your order. When they have perished, I will smash your order with all my might and the whole world will once again will either fight for survival or appease the demands of our movement.

Racism is about love, not hate.
Only a feeble mind would think otherwise.

All races will disappear
I don’t get why black people think that racemixing isn’t erasing their race too
It is

Fair point

So the niggers get the same treatment they got in 1800? The world didn’t change and I’m a retard

There will be no minorities in 10k years or less

Care to develop?

>All races will disappear
I mean China alone disproves that, and America still has enough white people and guns to murder the entire world multiple times over.

It matters because it helps us understand why they keep failing at school, why they get themselves shot by doing stupid shit during police interactions, and why they struggle to adapt to western society. It will literally save lives and makes lives better for everyone if we acknowledge they have no place in the civilized world.

Do you really think that one race will get the military power to totally destroy another race without retaliation?
Where would that race live?
America is like 50% white at this point, and less than 1% would go as far as genociding everyone
You know this will never happen
China will be kept in check by the rest of the world until it changes

Grow up, the world isn’t Jow Forums
You had a black president for a decade ffs

>All races will disappear
Do you have some type of foresight ability? I can't even make the claim that white people will still exist in 10k years. I'm not that naive. The difference between me and you is I would never tell people to stop trying and just give up. I'd encourage them to try their hardest until the end.
Imagine my shock.

>muh whig history
lol i'd wager that more people openly hate niggers now than ever have in the past 30 years, god help the black man if whitey ever is killed because latinos give zero fucks about ethnic cleansing

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Well keep fighting like your ancestors
I’m sure they would be proud of the world you live in
No matter what we do in this world is pointless and you know it
Get that in your head: when you die it’s not the end of the world, just yours

Fuckin racists doctors trying to look for sickle cell anemia in black patients. Fucking don’t even pretend that it effects white people as much. Race is a social construct.

There will be an ethnostate. A brown ethnostate. And all the brownies will be racist over who is more brown and who is less brown. And racism will be even worse than it is now. Mullatos vs quadroons, race war now and forever, and worst of all, you won't be able to blame whitey for your chimpouts.

The reason of racism is evolutionary purity.
New species won't evolve from the masses if everyone mixes all the time.

Might as well do incest if we follow your stupid logic

That's what I was getting to.

fr*nch people are utterly cucked, your 'men's' testosterone lvl is lower than polish women
thats why u gonna get colonized and eradicate, good, nobody will cry for u


>In this enlightened age, there are few I believe, but what will acknowledge, that slavery as an institution, is a moral & political evil in any Country. It is useless to expatiate on its disadvantages. I think it however a greater evil to the white man than to the black race, & while my feelings are strongly enlisted in behalf of the latter, my sympathies are more strong for the former. The blacks are immeasurably better off here than in Africa, morally, socially & physically. The painful discipline they are undergoing, is necessary for their instruction as a race, & I hope will prepare & lead them to better things. How long their subjugation may be necessary is known & ordered by a wise Merciful Providence.
>Robert E. Lee
This was their plan all along.

You're an idiot, skin color is a product of environment, we spend even less time in the sun than ancient Northern Europeans, the future is albino.

Past performance is not indicative of future results.

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Yeah I get the whole race mixing being pushed thing, but are you guys really ONLY attracted to other white people? I personally woulddn't mind having a wife of other races like Latin or Asian as long as she was a cutie with a good personality. Humans probably will merge to one race in a relatively short time, but it doesn't have to be the whole blacked/incel bullshit

>there will be one world race
>what is china
user, stop being fucking retarded.

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Everything you said works both ways.

You are not French, nigger

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It's exactly this racial-Marxism that is the problem. The kikes failed to use economic-Marxism to destroy the West so they switched to this. We can stop the change: fire the kikes. This is isn't happening in Turkey or China.

>be anglo
>have retarded ugly wife
>bitches whines and complains
>fuck off of the island
>conquer the world
>bring her back with you to constantly bitch whine and complain
>you cave in and give her what she wants
>muh empathy, muh tolerance, muh equality, muh human rights, muh right to vote, muh domestic violence prevention
>whore ends up destroying everything you created while having a chuckle and laughing at your misery
>blame negroes
This is what happens when you don't beat your women and give a shit about their opinion.

suck some black dick Op and stop posting here...

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I don't think it's that we're attracted only to white people, it's simply that the ethno-geographical nation states should remain pretty much as they are demographically. This is probably most of all because the different 'races' are different in a number of ways.
I don't know why people are so blase about the destruction of what is every groups genetic and cultural history, and for what? The perceived notion that you're doing something good? Why do people even think letting millions of third worlders into their nations is good? There's still many more poor people in those third world nations.

You are thinking too linearly. It is an easy mistake to make.

There mistake was letting women vote and choose, obvious they pick the huge dicks, height and strong bodies. It was obvious it would happen, I can only think that white men did it so they could be systematically cucked by the stronger Black man

Well, you start off wrong as you imply you don't belong to a racist group, but one way or another I assure you that you do. Or else, you'd be an anomaly and therefore your opinions would be invalid as your reality would only be real in your small world.

Now, here's the difference.
You say the world is gonna change no matter what. Like vultures are going extinct in most civilized countries because there are no predators leaving carcasses behind and it's ilegal in most countries to not dispose of dead stock in containment areas for burning.
Still, civilized people care about vultures because they're unique. In Africa, they are the only animal capable of stopping anthrax from spreading.
Your logic is basically saying that we shouldn't care about the vulture, it's an animal that's going to disappear anyway and we don't really need it to stop anything that scientist couldn't. So fuck the vulture.

That's where we disagree. You have no empathy, interests or passions.
You get a sage for making the slide thread so obvious, but nice chance to vent though.

>Do you really think that one race will get the military power to totally destroy another race without retaliation?
Yeah, all it would take is an ethnoviral biological weapon.
Anti-racists are some of the dumbest people imaginable because they think genetic engineering is going to lead to one single race and not a synthesis of civic and ethnic nationalism. They sincerely think technological progress won't result in new paradigms completely counter to their anti-racist viewpoints.

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> I personally woulddn't mind having a wife of other races like Latin or Asian as long as she was a cutie with a good personality.
The problem with race-mixers is that they're ultimately selfish. They care about "looks" and "personality" when the ultimate question is how can you ensure your children have a good life. It's objective fact that mixed children have higher chances of mental problems.
>Humans probably will merge to one race in a relatively short time, but it doesn't have to be the whole blacked/incel bullshit
Completely wrong. Transhumanism will result in humanity diverging in dramatic ways. Entire new races will be formed from genetic engineering. Ethnostates will be formed where you have to modify your own genes to gain admission and even attempt to become a citizen.

>1800 :
>>niggers are inferior, they are our slaves and will remain as such forever
This is natural and biologically normal.
This is human nature devoid of ideology, humans who didn't override their instincts and "genetic egoism" for ideological principles.
An animal having a territory for himself and his pack/kin and displacing other competitors and predators from it.

>They can live among us but if we see one of them look at a white woman we will hang him
This is against nature/instinct, we only arrived to this point due to intense ideological indoctrination.

divide and conquer strategy used by your masters.

Well faggot, I bet Estonia is doing much better than France-caliphate. Do you even know where it is on a map?

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speak for yourself cuck

nope, because the left is pushing identity politics too much. We will live in a racial society, since everything leftists do turns into the opposite eventally.

>There will never be an ethnostate and there
>The world will continue to change
>your opinions will slowly disappear
Whig version of history, thinking that things are gonna progress in one fashion forever and ever. Thinking that history is a straight trajectory towards a feel good conclusion, or any straight line towards anything, for that matter. Makes sense, coming from a French poster.

This is the Myth of the French Revolution. There will be a time of upheaval and morality will go out of the window for years and your uniform will be your skin, and millions will die. Then there will be a whole different world, and plenty of Ethnostates and Democracies and Federal Republics and Micronations, and City States, and Dictatorships that'll come out of it.