Scientists have developed a decoder that can turn brain activity directly in to speech

>scientists have developed a decoder that can turn brain activity directly in to speech

>"for the first time... we can generate entire spoken sentences based on an individual's brain activity"

They can read our minds. They will be using this on criminals, cheating husbands and wage slaves.
What are the other implications of this?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>>what are the implications of this

Mind rape porn can now be made real and not a larp

this sounds hard
how does it work

wave to /x/ anons, they really need all love you can give them

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well, now they can finally confirm, that everybody is a criminal and racist - EVERYONE

if they can know what you are thinking, it's not too many steps further to control what you are thinking. They will mind rape you. They will create assassins and even more NPC characters

Sounds fake or exaggerated

>""""""""""""brain waves""""""""""""
nice thread

Can,t wait to see them try to use it on me
>The Holocaust never happened
>Hitler was right
>We fought the wrong side
>Breivik was right
>Tarrant was rights
>Hail Hitler
Stop the machine!

>no link

it's on the front page of the guardian, From the university of California. It says they will use it for who can't speak, like Stephen Hawkins.

They already have tons of different mindcontrol available. Have you, or anyone you know, taken antidepressants? If they can chemically stop the overriding urge to kill yourself then what else can they do?

This is a major fucking breakthrough!
We NEED to strap this on a bunch of Jew's so we can figure out what they're really thinking.
This isn't even a joke.
We could end all the arguments that make up 80% of pol

post a link to the story, you fat useless retard.

This guy fucking gets it.

It's funny cause antidepressants cause mental polarity shift which in turn when you run out of said meds makes you 100X worse than before causing people to do crazy shit like buckshot their entire family in their sleep.

>they can chemically stop the overriding urge to kill yourself then what else can they do?
pretty easy to make someone want to kill themselves, just ruin their diet, strip them of any purpose they might think they have, promise them pleasure and get them hooked on instantant gratification.

once you do that you're their god and they're your slaves.

hey will implement a global social credit system with real ID along with this tech.

It's over, Pack it in.

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America in a nutshell
Especially for us white devils

>antidepressants? If they can chemically stop the overriding urge to kill yourself then what else can they do?
lots of things. governments around the world have experimented with methods to chemically control people for decades. interesting thing with psychiatric medicine is that there have been many drugs synthesised where the professionals aren't exactly sure how they work in the brain or know the full side effects they may cause.

Can it turn speech into brainwaves? I think that would be more useful.

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Guess it's time to literally wear a tinfoil hat lmao

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>culling children with measles
why is your population so retarded to not vaccinate, are you people literal third-worlders, is UK a meme country now?

But if you take them at the same time every day like a semi competent human being they are useful for shutting off the biological stress that can build up over years of depression. The issue is is that depressed people either don't ever want to stop taking them or doctors don't encourage them to. I did ssris for six months and weened myself off them. They kill your sense of humor and make you slow.

It's a problem across Europe

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what a bunch of idiots, all they need to do is watch TV and here > to know what people are about to say.

Cool, because when I'm at work I'm thinking of 56k modem sounds and REEEEEEEEEEE

if they use it on a black guy, his ebonic thoughts will cause an undefinable error

Can't wait to learn what women really think about.

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It is.
They basically figured out how to measure the signals you send to your mouth and throat to move as you speak and use an algorithm to convert those motions into the predicted sound that corresponds to those movements.

This means that you have to be consciously trying to speak or at least subvocalizing for it to work.

>They can read minds
>They can fake video evidence
>They can and have doctored the news to promote violence
>Callout culture, #MeToo, and It's Ok To Be White

Fascism is here, but we need to take the reins.

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37 deaths Europe-wide in the first half of 2018, concentrated among old people and useless imports.

Bit late for Hawkings..

>Put this on a head of a nigger


Anyone ever watched an anime called Psychopass where this is the story's running concept?

So in the show, the city's technology is so good that it actively scans brains for how likely they are to be a criminal. If you're scanned and it sees that you're in a mental state that is likely to perform criminal activity, you're labeled a "latent criminal" and arrested. It's virtually a thought crime.

We're on the fast track for being thrown in jail for thinking the wrong thing. It'll be whether you actually do it or not. It'll be whether you say it or not. If it exists within you, it will be found and punished.

Fuck this gay Earth

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It involves putting electrodes IN your brain. They're better off bribing or making deals than using another torture method that will never work.

Torture is pleasure, not persuasion.

>We're on the fast track for being thrown in jail for thinking the wrong thing.
Yeah, the problem there is that it will be literally fucking everyone at some point. It's a system that can't work for more than a day if implemented.

>turn brain activity into speech
This part doesn't make sense because you have a speech function that actually has to process in the brain. You would actually have to be talking to yourself "in your mind" for that to even work.

>Anyone ever watched an anime called Psychopass
First season was fine, second was dogshit.
Please realize that your doing the equivalent of
>remember in Harry Potter/Hunger Games/etc

>and wage slaves

I think it's impossible to make a system that truly "works", but people will be satisfied with close enough. Just raise a few generations inside that system and they'll be fine with it.

Oh sorry, let me rephrase:
>ReMeMbEr In ThE BooOk 1984?1?1/?

More like Jow Forums needs all the help it can get :^)

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>Oh sorry, let me rephrase:
>>ReMeMbEr In ThE BooOk 1984?1?1/?
>implying those faggots aren't just as bad

can i get a source

I think there's an important distinction between name dropping a title and discussing content. Fiction is commonly used as a limited hangout for various political and scientific schemes.

>jews try to decode Jow Forums's thoughts
>nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger gas the jews
>what did Jow Forums mean by that?

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>THX 1138
Sorta. Though that was about drug induced contro-
Oh. Wait.

>Mind control drug in Brave New World

>Fast forward eighty years
>Some sickfuck maxtroll names actual mind control drug Soma

Fuck this clown world.

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you're fine he's just touched from the sun
>remember in Harry Potter when Hagrid's dad fucked an abbo?

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>I think there's an important distinction between name dropping a title and discussing content.
>Remember in Harry Potter when whatever the fuck non-magic users were accused of stealing it and abused, that's just like Nazi Germany!

also comparing entertainment literature for children like Harry Potter to works by people like Orwell isn't fair. Orwell was ideological from the start, he spent most of his life contemplating his idea's are fears of the future. Rowling is a dime a dozen female fantazy novelist who got massively lucky.

Better than fucked by the dog, Leaf.

The fictional tech scans the EM effects of the soul itself, not the mind.
OP didn't give any archived link, so this is fake and gay.

people with no inner voice are animals, not humans

just wear a tinfoil hat loool

>Decades of research has shown that when people speak -- or even imagine speaking -- telltale patterns of activity appear in their brain.

(((they))) knew this technology was coming down the pipeline.
the npc meme is propaganda to make you think you are special for subvocalizing, something that almost everyone does... all so that you wouldn't make the effort to stop doing it.

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Harry Potter is about a cryptocratic elite that holds the common people in total contempt. It's only value is showing a barometer of the opinions of our rulers.

If I play music in my head will they be able to pick it up?

Same in that tom cruise movie

The Chinese tried a social credit which would use mass surveillance to monitor everyone. It was in the news recently because it was too successful and getting to many party members

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>immidiately thinks about rape when presented a question
Checks out

damn it us deadbeats have to stick together

Brainwashing and brain polluting are two different things with one goal - psychological warfare
The jews have no choice but to cull billions before officially installing their mind altering tools

hard to tell what exactly this process is doing from the reporting on it.
recorded auditory brain activity -> neural nets doing signal processing -> vocoder?
is it the signal that is driving the vocoder or is the ANN spitting out a text representation from the signal? if the former than maybe.

also it might depend on the region of brain being recorded? from what i understand there is a separate part of the brain for music processing than speech processing.....not entirely sure if this/there is a general auditory region that covers both.

Think of a color.

What I am curious about is if they are referring to speech motor function directly or the "processing" of said speech. The "processing" and what you're "thinking about" aren't the same thing, so it's not "reading your mind".

Baby's first steps into a totalitarian regime.
You naively assume everyone who commits wrongthink will be punished. It will be reserved for those that are an actual threat to the system. If everyone's a criminal, it will work as intended.
During communism, we had homosexuality charges for that. They didn't give a fuck if you were an actual faggot, but people pissing off the wrong party member would be labeled as such and thrown in jail for it.

>or at least subvocalizing
Already useless on niggers, I see

being able to read subvocalizations is immensely powerful tech in itself.
no more screaming "COCKSUCKER" at your boss inside your head, that's a fireable offense.

Well personally I play music in my head when I'm at work, I taught myself how to when I practiced using third eye.

where it sounds exactly like the music you listen to? full instrumentation?
this happens to me entirely unintentionally on occasion (usually as im drifting off to sleep) probably because i listen to the same music repeatedly until it's buried deep in my psyche.... if i actually notice that im doing it though, the song stops and i cant continue it.... at least not full instrumentation.

>new laws are passed where everyone needs to wear one so people always know what you’re thinking
what will this new society look like?

Yeah thats not going to happen goy

there will be a super popular reality show about a schizophrenic.

It's actually been doable for the past 3 decades, just that normies are not following developments in the technological progress in society, and live in a perpetual 2000's.

EEG's have been around since the 1930's, and new techniques in molecular chemistry in the means of quantitatively measuring the metabolic activity of enzymes have been done in the 1960's. Tedtalks did a demonstration on telemetry induced stimulation using electrodes and electric stimulation of shallow nerves in the forearm, which was done back in the 1950's.

No real ground breaking things aside split ring resonators, and concatenated manufacturing of nanotechnology.

Tone-to-tone variant of ASMR i believe is what it's referred to (not the meme ASMR that's a sex thing) but yes its a shorter song over and over, I got so good at it my brain kind of vibrates a little when I do it. I also learned how light-sensory hypnosis works, so I used third eye to "write" sequential actions to certain colored light flashes so that I can "hypnotize" myself into doing boring tasks at work.

Your daily reminder measles wasn't considered serious just a few decades ago. Amazon has now memory holed this episode.

uhh, real world mind control? If the commi- I mean socialists get ahold of this, we are all fucked.

>No real ground breaking things aside split ring resonators, and concatenated manufacturing of nanotechnology.
youre forgetting advancement in machine learning that is making all this stuff we had lying around actually usable

>pic related

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t. MSc Clinical Neurology

Is this why (((they))) have been attacking the idea of tinfoil hats for decades?

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It just dawned on me the tinfoil hats were right about everything...

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So basically we’ll be removing niggers and Jews from the population? Sounds pretty great to me.

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just because a sitcom (and culture at large at the time) made light of it does not mean it was harmless.
there's sitcoms who entire premises are heavy drinking and culture still largely thinks nothing of it despite alcohol related deaths being one of the biggest killers.

>have to hook up your brain to a machine every time you have sex so you can later read the recording and find out if both parties consented and whether or not the person knew the other person consented
>will get hooked up to machines when getting a new job so the employer can find out if you hate niggers

>it does not mean it was harmless
I said serious, you said harmless.

>as a recourse, nazis start collectively practicing meditation to be able to empty their minds at will
>they realize, when simultaneous, their collective meditation efforts can have real life effects
>nazis now meme 4th Reich into existence via shared, global meditation sessions


Anyone who doesn't realise the cult-like nature of modern science at this point is braindead. First, there is no legit way to verfiy the veracity of said phrases, and two, if i'm reciting Milton in my head, there's zero chance that Milton is what would come out of this silly machine.
Modern science is a gigantic racket that wastes enormous amounts of money for worthless bullshit and vanity-project careers for mediocrities and women.

it will be fun to watch the thin veneer of civilization dissolve.

>They will be using this on criminals, cheating husbands and wage slaves.
They can't really access memories, you could just constantly repeat a phrase like "fuck off fuck off fuck off" in your head and that's all they could read from you. Quickly putting yourself in a trance with meditation would probably fuck up the reading as well, you can switch to a trance within a few second if you have training.

Is this your way of telling us you can't remember a single line of Milton's world?

>Sir, you appear to be a Nazi, we're sending you to the reeducation centre.
You didn't think that through did you.