Yair Netanyahu is Based and Red Pilled


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someone post this on his twitter feed

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needs to be turned into ashes

He's right. All that needs to be given back to the Greeks to restore the Eastern Roman Empire.

lmao gg kikes

Somalia is Arab?

fuck jews

He needs to be gassed

I've always said this is the solution to the Palestine-Israel conflict. Give the land back to the rightful Roman owners.


I mean, he's not wrong.

Based and, dare I say it, redpilled

Who would win? One pasty pastanigger ass or 10,000 of G-d's chosen.

I have a better solution we restore pre-620 borders

Well, it's a recorded fact that emperor Hadrian named that shit-hole Palestine, after the Philistines, just to piss off the Jews.

Pajeet sucking jew cock as always

Netanyahoo forgot to color America red

Nah, somebody post this on his twitter feed.

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Just cuz Moslems live in all of those green areas doesn't mean that the Jews don't control those nations via banking and political subversion. The Jews own it all!

Jew doesn't works, instead migrates to Europe. Should have fought in home land long time ago.

>give the Middle East back to Greeks, Italians and Iranians
Problem solved

Or don't bring Judean Christianity to Greece and Rome, problem solved.

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holy fuck he's right though

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ar*b sandniggers are not human

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Holy fuck he's totally wrong and the reason Muslims occupy that area, the reason Christianity ruined whites and Jewish leaders were always shit, for 2000 years, welcome to your destruction. Don't help the Jews.

I think he's saying Islam is an Arab religion and therefore all Islamic nations are under the umbrella of the Arab world.

Just like Christianity is a Jewish religion and therefore all Christian nations are goyim cattle for the Jewish cause.

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All sandniggers need to go back to their dune.

the middle east was invaded by Greeks and Romans, who mounted a genocide against Jews, Phoenicians, and all Semites in general
who's survivors escaped to the desert to later become arabs and comeback with force
the romans who who derailed christianity into an imperial religion even tho it was a rebel religion against the empire who killed it's creator
yair is the living example of why israel is a colonist entity, he's western through and through with little middle eastern identity

he is not wrong

He's totally wrong. Algeria was still white in 3rd century and not Muslims, but Christians ruined Roman Empire.

Attached: Algeria Roman Africa Cherchell 3rd century grapes farming AD Africa.jpg (856x1024, 521K)

nice slavshit IQ post

Cope. King David was white skinned and redheaded. Kys.

Attached: 'David'_by_Michelangelo_Fir_JBU013.jpg (220x330, 13K)

USA AID to Africa:
>The FY 2019 President’s Budget for the State Department and USAID is $39.3billion

>The DoD’s $69 billion OCO funding request for FY 2019 includes $15 billion for OIR.

>Mar 31,2018
>US endorses $1.525 billion in aid to Jordan, with additional $250m

>Employment status of the Hispanic or Latino population by sex and age
>[Numbers in thousands]


>Feb. 2019

>In 2012, a study reported that 50 percent of Black women were sexually assaulted, raped, or molested by Black men by the time they reached age 18.

>Eisenhower told District of Columbia officials to make Washington a model for the rest of the country in integrating black and white public school children
>President Dwight Eisenhower on July 30, 1956, declared "In God We Trust" must appear on American currency.

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being a ginger is mutation rather common among semites
you have to go back to Poland shlome

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Renaissance, literally revival of Pagan culture and mixing it up with Judean Christianity to cover up its 10 centuries of fail. Statues and painting literal copies of Pagan myths.

America should be run more like Israel, at least in terms of bombing the fuck out of Mexico, our equivalent of Palestine.


The Romans fucking BTFO the Jews with the most brutal massacre in history. I’m surprised Jews don’t constantly cry about that and demand reparations from Italians or some shit

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It's ok, you don't need to do that, Mexicans are already Christians and Palestinians converted too or migrated.

We are getting quite the love from jews lately and i fear they try to jew us into fighting their wars.
My only concern is if we can outjew the jew and gain something from it

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Nah im fine bleaching the shitskins here. May the roman empire come to its former glory.

In reality the soldier did nothing and the Jews chimped

because they're fake jews, they're not semites at all
learned hebrew 50 years ago and can't pronounce several letters right
culture is european through and through
idenitity is european
and they self identify with europe
even having part in that faggotry euro singing contest

This. We need Titus back.

Also note that those are just the ARAB countries. Muslim countries not on the map include Turkey, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan and many south east asian countries I don't remember.

get bleached by a hizbollah rocket, slavshit psudeo snow nigger

Fuck you sand nigger. All the desert rats belong in that god forsaken region.

As Islam came to the Middle East, the whole culture disappeared there at once. Here is a coincidence.

>even tho it was a rebel religion against the empire who killed it's creator
>Luke 23:4
>Then said Pilate to the chief priests and to the people, I find no fault in this man.
And they were the more fierce, saying, He stirreth up the people, teaching throughout all Jewry, beginning from Galilee to this place
>Said unto them, Ye have brought this man unto me, as one that perverteth the people: and, behold, I, having examined him before you, have found no fault in this man touching those things whereof ye accuse him:
>Pilate therefore, willing to release Jesus, spake again to them
>But they cried, saying, Crucify him, crucify him.
> Matthew 27:25
>Then answered all the people, and said, His blood be on us, and on our children

It wasn't a rebellion against the empire, it was a rebellion against kikery. Christ spoke at a hell of a lot more about the evils of the Talmud and the people that follow it than he ever did the Romans.
>his blood be on us and on our children
It wasn't the Romans that committed deicide.

Jews = Arabs
Jews = religion
Arabs = race
Jews in white countries and those who migrated from white countries back to Israel not even 100 years ago, those are whiter, but Jews were originally 100% Arabs and Israelis were killed by them when Babylon aka Jews conquered Israel.

He isn’t wrong though. Greco-Romans ruled the Middle East for 1000+ years and flourished. But then Persians and other sandniggers ruined it

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you're quoting the bible written by a roman emperor to prove Christianity didn't start as a rebellion against rome

wasnt king davids mom a hittie princess or something? redheads were common among royalty in the near east back then.

>muh little red dot
what a huge effort is required to let that small cancer survive the IRANIAN BULL

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It was 60,000

arabs and Hebrews and several others =semites
jews =multi ethnic religion
Israel= Zionist entity
Zionism =western ideology

Then what source of information are you citing?

Why did he leave out half of Europe?

basic middle eastern history

The important part is only that Jews killed Israelis, now they larp as Israel, they larped as Romans and whatnot.

All gingers are jews. Gingers in europe are direct descendants of the root of david, the tribe of juda. Jesus was a ginger according to the talmud.

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Don't even call me arab again or I'll behead you

He is fucking hilarious. He triggered Erdogan and got him to bitch on Twitter demanding that Bibi get his kid under control. Erdogan flipped the fuck out because Yair was talking shit about Istanbul being rightful Christian clay and calling it Constantinople.

He was also recently talking shit about keeping his Swedish girlfriend safe after Muslims take over Sweden. He also thinks Western nations should stay majority ethnic European.

The same reason California and Texas aren't in Mexican borders on a map.
You mean you don't have a source. Just say so next time.

>dont call me arab or ill behead you
Spoken like a true arab and a follower of mohammed, mohammed.

>All gingers are jews
shut the fuck up troll slavshit

>its ok becuase others do it reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


>Dear jews. etc
Do you see how that works?

His point is valid, but who really gives a shit at this point?

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He is of the tribe of juda probably. A lot of muslims are of jewish origin. Retard.

nobody gives you anything in this world. you want your land back you got to take it.

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>Support regime change wars led by burgerland and the displacement of people in the middle east so that he gets to invade more land
>He also thinks Western nations should stay majority ethnic European
Y-yes goy, we're totally for European preservation!

More like Jews are of Turkic origin.

Fucking based. We will genocide those colonizer shitskin arabs and reclaim the holy land under the guise of Greater Israel.

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Babylon = Arabs conquered Israel, became Jews and later been conquered by Romans, migrated to Europe.
Same story with Morocco or Algeria.

Arabs conquered Israel and Africa, destroyed native culture/nature/race, now they larp as Jews or Muslims and pretending that's their history.

Attached: Carthage coins before Romans BC Africa.jpg (720x576, 118K)

Happy Easter

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>A lot of muslims are of jewish origin
There's barely any jews fo jewish origin left

it doesn't require a source that a jew who was anally sticked by romans with a sign on head head that reads "jesus of nazareth king of jews" was a man who started a rebellion

and counting

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Darker your skin, more subhuman you are and the end result is only destruction with shit skins. (new) Israel had a head start with white resources and white races.

So was Mohammed. No wonder the Jews love Muslims so much.

Muh 10,000.

Crusade now

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And... Turkey, France, Germany, UK, Sweden, Russian muzhole lands; Australia, New Zealand lest we forget, the US, oh and half of my country.

You already are in Middle East and accepting poor Christian refugees who are niggers and Arabs.

Better explain for your cultural genocide of the Greeks / Persians

Fucking obliterated the Arabs. He forgot to show the UK and Sweden which is also predominantly Arab shitskin now.

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i hate kikes but this yair guy is right. islam didnt spread by consent

Uh, you seem to have posted an incomplete map Yair, let me help you out

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>I don't have a source
>just trust me
Is this like the dune coon version of an ancient Chinese secret? You just make shit up on the spot then tell me how it's common middle eastern history? I believe now you're using a Grecian deductive logic, which isn't middle eastern history either and you still haven't cited a source.

It's will always be called Constantinople.

You mad Ahmed?

Shitskins are cancer anywhere they spread. India is shit because of shitskins, their leaders were whiter since they came from Europe, but later on they do what shitskins do, only breed like cockroaches and destroy everything to survive.

Attached: Early_Vedic_Culture_(1700-1100_BCE) origin of Buddhism.png (1200x863, 1.86M)

last i knew greeks and Persians still exist you fucking retarded slavshit


Greeks exist? On remote islands where they weren't mixed with Albanians and other poo in brains shit races.

istanbul is a nice city, you should visit sometimes to help the local muslim economy

Therefore, the entire Middle East is Arab and in shit.
Therefore, all the Persians are now some kind of Muslims without culture.