No crime.
No famine.
No whiteys.
>Any questions?

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If 13% commit 50% of crime, how much crime will 100% commit?

can't commit crime if theres no laws

So... only Japanese people left then?

>no gibs


No white laws, Esau faggot. White laws only impede progress.

What are white laws?

Pic related. We don’t need y’all.

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>Ended slavery
No blacks in the USA.

Forgot all of the aids

works like a charm in haiti

That's a good point, if there are nowhiteys making things to steal there's no theft

>No Crime


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90% of the population would die off from starvation and violence and the survivors would return to simple mud hut living

Does this mean whites get their own cities as well? We should implement this immediately!

At this point I don’t even care if all niggers die

Just the usual common sense laws.
>Don't steal other people's property
>Don't murder people
>No parking right next to a fire hydrant

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You guys can have wakanda if we can have Europe. We'll even pay you all to go there. Free tickets to Wakanda, you can leave today.

Why the fuck won't you just leave.

That means they can't blame white people for all the damage they do to themselves

What fantasy island is this?

This is what paradise would look like. Are you afraid?

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South Korea and Singapoure do also qualify

>no crime

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we already tried that with liberia. for some reason it didn't turn into wakanda but they started eating each other instead.

I mean most of Africa has no white people, and seeing as their "paradise" is mud huts and starving children, not very afraid. You can take off the flag and go back to r/asianmasculinity though.

would it mr. male hapa?

do you believe in fairytales, dumb nigger, is this why africa is such a peaceful utopia and not a god forsaken aids ridden canabalistic rapey hellhole

Dumb wh*toid cope. This is what REAL civilization looks like.

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Whites destroyed my land and continue to rape it. They must pay.

that is a fucking cartoon mate

Yes. Scared as fuck. Why don't you go in Africa and build it? With no evil whitey messing with your perfect kingdom?

Thousands of years from now when white people have vanished from the earth And earth has devolved into tribal conflicts of nogs chimping out a few white children will be born and the process will start again. Again we will raise civilization and again nogs will destroy what we have built. We are the souls who intended to up lift this shit hole and help as evidence of our nature only to be dragged down by them. Eventually we will opt out of the helping and earth will die. We are the star children. This would be the third time this has happened and there time is running out

Like a a drawing probably made by a white man?

wow that struck deep
elliot rodger was a bitch that would jizz his pants if a woman looked at him

And what is your land? Because, you know, colonisation ended almost a century ago.

I don't think mud houses could reach the size of that skyscraper

LMAO @ the white COPE itt

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>Whites destroyed my land
how exactly??????
>and continue to rape it
careful with the use of the word rape there matey
>They must pay
again.... how exactly..... ive got an idea maybe we could just send your privileged ass back to africa and see how that works out for you

Why is it unattainable?

I am in Africa as long as I am with my people. YOU are in African lands.

Look dude, I understand finding a chick is hard, but just know far more pathetic people than you were successful in it, I believe in you hapa faggot

do you have any other pictures or is your image collection as shallow as your mind????

Why are all those people in blackface?

>We are the souls who intended to up lift this shit hole and help as evidence of our nature only to be dragged down by them.

You did a great fucking job

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>t. white fag

>elliot rodger was a bitch that would jizz his pants if a woman looked at him
Elliot Rodger was also a half white little incels like y’all. Y’all are just jealous.

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Canadian/Polish shitposter

True, countries in Africe have trived so much since whites left it. Maybe they reach the IQ of Koko in 50 years.

niggers already tried that. shit they over 2000 years to learn to make a boat... niggle me that.

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entitled twat doesnt realise he has the privialge of using a computer (western invention) and posting on the internet (western invention)

enjoy africa nignog



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Think again white faggot

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Well go work on it in Africa then ? Why are you in a western country bragging about this ? The americans gave you Liberia after Abe gave you rights and their war was done.

>Any questions?

Yes. Have you always been interested in science fiction?

I am in my homelands. You must leave.

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>No law
>No order
>No civilization
>No jobs
>No food
>No money
>No gibs
>No electricity
>No clean water

LOL I’m using it because I KNOW for a fact it intimidates whites

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Leave or face that wrath of my people who came here on boats 10,000,000 years ago, before the Esau whites.

I get that nigger education is somehow deficitary, but I hereby inform you that Africa is a continent, you can find it going south across the Mediterranean see from my country.
Also, I can't see negros nearby, therefore this is no Africa for your standards right?

>Y’all are just jealous
of what, your dead-end hapa genetics or your comitted larping as a nigger
btw elliot has shit taste in cars lmfao who the fuck drives a bmw

כושי מזדיין

>no whiteys
Enjoy getting slaved by chinks.

>impotent wh*toid fantasies

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This. Asians will enslave the black man again. Even they get a turn.

The Moors were the original inhabitants of your lands. If they was still around, this is what your cities would look like, not some faggot italo-Esau hut that you cavemen live in.

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Also Somalia.

Explain Haiti, nigger.

עודדת אותו ליצור את החוט הזה

That fantasy is very much real now, since the chinese goverment gave out cheap loans for africa.

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>half white
his father was a jew and jews aren't White.

What? Do you think I'm from Sicily? Now I'm insulted. Also, the moor arrived in Sicily more than 1000 years after the greeks.

Whats funny is that your not even black. You are that same faggot from reddit who posts the blacked threads 24/7.

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>No slavery
>No blacks coming to America
>pure white america
>Africa is no longer a shithole but a black ethno state

whats to hate? blacks stay in africa while whites control the US.

>more than 1000 years after the greeks.
10,000,000 years before the Greeks


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Lel, Nice try. Getting desperate aren’t y’all?

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um, it's already happening. chinks have given out a bunch of loans in africa that blacks have already defaulted on and chinks have been taking over resources for lack of payment. This is past tense, not some fantasy future.

Wakanda doesn't exist, and it cannot.
Congoids are naturally less rational and more emotional than Caucasoids, which explains why Caucasoids evolved through technology and why Congoids stagnated.

This tendency to emotional and irrational behavior can be observed in various ways.

>a regular character, one of many in the bunch, added to diversify the original mix
>turned into an obnoxious wewuzing wakandan
Why are they doing this?

Lol, try to educate others after you learn 2nd grade English.

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>Wakanda doesn't exist
But it can. And it will.

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>the only successful black civilization is fictional
how appropriate

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Well okay why don't niggas try this for example Liberia gets rid of all white people. Let's see whats going to happen lil Spoiler: they are going to die just like they do already

Please pursue this society and leave us the fuck alone.

Looks like it stinks mate desu

HA Didn’t know this was wh*toid fantasy hour. Get back to your cave

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I guess you doesn't even know where Sicily is. No wonder coming from a wannabe nigger.

How many copies of this same image do you have stored on your fucking computer?

it would be the Fallout univers without ever inventing the atom bomb

based kike
would let you subvert my country/10

Looks like Planet of the Apes, do it faggot, we will help you with filling your new country with human material

Don't forget the part where the newly freed ex-slaves who went there immediately enslaved the locals and tried to use them to set up their own plantations.


They’re not even full blooded Africans, look how light they are

The same percentage as Zimbabwe’s rate of inflation.

See, it INTIMIDATES white boys to witness Black excellence.

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