This guy shows up at your front door

what do?

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show him pictures of neo-nazis

I invite him to drink a tea and we talk about politics, then with the new ideas he gave me I become president of France using my superior speech and then I gas kikes and niggers and trannies and boom world saved.

Invite him in and ask him to sign my copy of Mein Kampf

Tell him his impatience, hubris and generally acting like a cunt caused the wholesale destruction of European civilisation, gave us 50 years of communism and gave the left an excuse to be the insufferable pricks they are. Then kick him in the balls.

fpbp as usual

I'd redpill him and make him watch Sargon and PJW videos

>damn these guys are pretty based, i wonder if they say the n-word

Offer refreshments while I prepare to map out all the jew areas.

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based frog

Invite him in to hang out with my diverse group of friend. Watch as he sperges out over the cognitive dissonance.

you are alright, jew

Friendly reminder that Hitler survived the war. If snow-nigger russians had found his body it would of been dragged through the streets with vodka being guzzled from his skull. No body, no death.
>captcha chimneys kek

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I'd punch him in his face and say "des woa fia südtirol du züpfiklotscha" and than I would close the door.

David delivers

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Show him Blacked and leave him alone to jack off like you know he’d do.

i want to cut my eyes out. wtf is wrong with you

Sit down, have a cup of tea

make him a cup of tea and get the meth out

offee him tea

I'll hand over to Hitler and tell him to throw him in a gas chamber.

And we're gonna drink a beer while watching him roast.

Fill him up to date on all the dank National Socialist memes. Then plan on his live stream reveal video to the world, followed by a kick ass crowd funded campaign.

Open the door?

Put a bullet in his head and send him back to hell where he belongs.

T. Eternal Angloid

He'd fuck you up little bitch.

get on the floor?

prepare a vegan meal for the first time in my life

Fuck off libtard

Laughed. Lord of time be with you

Invite hm in, ask how I can help with his agenda.

The digits do not deny

Smack his ass silly for not using chemical weapons to genocide the subhuman anglo scum

Ask if he wants a cup of tea.

You know, He might still be alive.
In any case, he lived long enough to see his predictions for the fate of a western world run by Jews start to come to pass. He was right, and he knew he was right.

Our fathers and grandfathers have doomed us to a Jew-hell on Earth.

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Ask him what he really thought of Mexicans. Can't seem to find any literature on it.

Then you would procede to suck ferociously the nearest jew or nigger dick to prove that youre not a racist to the homosexual god emperor Trump, in a frenzy of nationalist zeal while gawd blass ameriga blast in the background

well get him inside get him comfortable start pumping him for info and then set up a company that sells disintegration chambers for waste disposal or to use as suicide booths and accessories such as 55 gallon ash trays, then retire very fat and with a well sucked cock.

Invite him in and tell him everything I have is his, ask him how I can serve him. Thank him for trying to make Europe a better juden free paradise.

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Everybody walk the dinosaur?

t. descendant of people that allied with communism instead of fighting it

In future,another hitler will rise,every action has an opposite effect,like degeneracy we have today will get a new medicine

Invite him in ask why he shot himself like a little bitch rather than go down in a blaze off glory with a MP40 in each hand

What about the muslims, Pierre?

I say
"Quick, get inside. There's no time to explain"

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