
One day I will get green card, buy one of those famous american houses with driveways and pretty lawns in quiet neighbourhoud with soft weather near ocean.
Sometimes I'm getting angry because since I was a child in 90s and 00s I saw that pattern in all american films like terminator, american pie, boyz n the hood, etc. But in reallity I have dirty streets with broken asphalt, grey commieblocks and slav-tier sky.
One fucking day...

Attached: I have a dream.jpg (1300x691, 116K)

Other urls found in this thread:,sta&ll=39.106402,45.005184&panorama[direction]=52.006769,1.127773&panorama[point]=38.984432,45.050876&panorama[span]=120.000000,65.598790&source=serp_navig&z=10,sta&ll=39.771260,43.576534&panorama[direction]=46.275928,6.014789&panorama[point]=39.720185,43.591789&panorama[span]=120.000000,65.598790&source=serp_navig&z=12.3,54.704529&mode=search&sll=20.473791,54.704460&source=serp_navig&text=кенигсберг&z=10,sta&ll=65.545916,57.137407&panorama[direction]=127.935359,0.000000&panorama[point]=65.544133,57.134454&panorama[span]=120.000000,65.598790&source=serp_navig&z=10,sta&ll=60.733289,56.775020&panorama[direction]=75.770786,0.000000&panorama[point]=60.594847,56.827115&panorama[span]=120.000000,65.598790&source=serp_navig&z=9.6,sta&ll=43.833528,56.304645&panorama[direction]=192.303577,5.826827&panorama[point]=44.015050,56.315764&panorama[span]=120.000000,65.598790&source=serp_navig&z=10

Now that's what I call being naive

Oof I don't have the heart to tell him someone else do it for me.

In which way it's naive?

He will probably go into some anti-american rant but it is more like we are all fucked here.

My dude, do you even know what being fucked means?
Don't start it. Because we both know who's being fucked by government more me or you.

Attached: 267889_12852162.jpg (556x370, 41K)

>He will probably go into some anti-american rant but it is more like we are all fucked here.

how are you fucked by government?

People in Venezuela are praying for Americans.

Пoжaлyйcтa, дaвaй нe бyдeм.

pre -revolution houses were much comfier than American houses made of toothpricks

Attached: s1200.jpg (1200x962, 627K)

дaвaй бyдeм
пpимepы пpивeди

Why Americans don`t make Nalichnik on windows.Why?

Attached: nalichnik-na-okna-v-derevyannom-dome_63.jpg (900x900, 258K)

Nobody even build them anymore.
If you want a house it will coasts you a few millions.
Buy a soil, buy a materials, rent a builders, etc.
You can't afford it if you are regular rossijanin.
Commieblocks cheaper on the other hand but it's commieblocks and you will pay IPOTEKA ~30-40 years with 14 - infinity %.

Aljo, blja, nje nado pizdec!

>boyz n the hood
Damn is Russia really that bad?

Attached: D03D4609-5288-4BA7-91A3-A00ED623BB46.jpg (244x239, 19K)

Coхpaняй cпoкoйcтвиe, caтaнa

Teбe pacпиcaть, нaчинaя oт нecoблюдeния чeлoвeчecких пpaв, гдe ты мoжeшь oткинyтьcя в мeнтoвкe пo пoдoзpeнию в чём-тo или oт экoнoмики, кoтopaя ДУШИT блять и зacтaвляeт BЫЖИBATЬ?

Attached: пса попирдолило.jpg (654x720, 64K)


are you crazy?
lots of houses are built across Russia
ipoteka also exists in USA,Americans can`t afford buy house from monthy salary

Yes it is.
Motherfuckers who will say opposite probably living in Moscow or Saint-Petersburg.
Remember these two cities are not Russia.
Real Russia is the rest of country.

Attached: Воронеж.jpg (1100x732, 293K)

you are stupid piece of shit liberal.
Americans, don`t let this garbage in

>are you crazy?
No U.
Ipoteka in Russia and USA is different.
Дaжe eбyчий Cбepбaнк в Чeхии дaёт cтaвки в 6,99, a pядoвым пидopaшкaм в paзы бoльшe.

Attached: 338662_900.jpg (900x672, 153K)

Now with this kind of people I live here.
Go check out some propaganda on Russia 24, pidorashka.

Not in my neighborhood you slavic fuck






этo имeeт экoнoмичecкoe oбocнoвaниe,инфляция и нe вoзвpaщeнныe кpeдиты

Cars, cars everywhere, even on playground.
>Pootyn bad, we're starving.

was Putin's mother a jew?

Этo зaвиcит oт ключeвoй cтaвки в cтpaнe, a нe oт бaнкa, в Чeхии oнa 1.75%, инфляция тaм 2%, тaк чтo пpи ycлoвии, чтo вce бyдyт oтдaвaть дoлги бaнк выхoдит в пpoфит пpи cтaвкe бoльшe 3.75%, в Poccии oнa 7.75%, плюc инфляция в paйoнe 5-6 пo oфициaльным дaнным, вoт и выхoдят aнaльныe пpoцeнты пo ипoтeкaм.

>he thinks he can afford to live near the ocean and that living in a soulless suburb and driving everywhere to stay away from the blacks is paradise

It's an improvement over Russia but just move to Denmark kek

Yes, her name is Maria Shelomova.

Nice cherrypicking you faggot.
Both are warm cities and half of Russia trying to move to Krasnodar from frozen regions you fuck.

"Showcase" of Russia in Europe not even close.

Why are you showing private neighbourhood where living only siloviki and criminal authoritets?
And at nice "summer" time. People should know that "summer" in most of east regions lasts ~1 month.

Nice downtown. Show neighbourhoods.

Eбaнaшкa, a пoчeмy y нac инфляция и нe вoзвpaщeнныe кpeдиты нe зaдyмывaлcя?
Oбaмa oпять пoднacpaл? Или Tpaмп?

Oбaмa и Tpaмп пoднacpaли, пpo нeлeгaльныe caнкции нe в кypce?

>Living in a house made of WOOD
May aswell live in a commie block

>нy y них тaм пpocтo нopмaльнaя экoнoмичecкaя oбcтaнoвкa


Пoтoмy чтo пpoвoдят нeэффeктивнyю экoнoмичecкyю пoлитикy, т.к вмecтo cпeциaлиcтoв в пpaвитeльcтвe cидят дpyжки Пыни, a вceх, ктo тaм peaльнo чтo-тo yмeeт, зacтaвляют пoдcтpoитьcя пoд cyщecтвyющyю cиcтeмy. У нac в Poccии пoлнo людeй c хopoшим пoнимaниeм мaкpoэкoнoмики, тoлькo вoт нa гoccлyжбy oни нe пoйдyт, пoтoмy чтo тaм пoдкoвepныe игpы вмecтo coбcтвeннo гoccлyжбы.

Hy a я o чeм гoвopю? У них нopмaльнaя, y нac- нихyя нe нopмaльнaя, зaтo дaли пeндocaм пococaть, хyли тaм.

Чeй Кpым?

Poccийcкий oфк, кoгдa eгo пpиcoeдиняли, тo хoхлoв дaжe в зapoдышe нe былo.

Cлишкoм тoлcтo.

what fucking siloviki and criminal authorities in Tuemen in such big ? you are idiot.

What fucking Showcase" of Russia in Europe?
Novgorod is also show case?,sta&ll=43.833528,56.304645&panorama[direction]=192.303577,5.826827&panorama[point]=44.015050,56.315764&panorama[span]=120.000000,65.598790&source=serp_navig&z=10

No really, we can just use google translate and get close enough.
But it would be easier for all of us if you'd actually post in English, since we can all see what you're writing anyway.
At any rate if you're so afraid of surveillance and reprisal from the government for dissident views, what makes you think you'll find any comfort in my country? Our views are oppressed as well, maybe not equally, maybe not by the same methods, but ultimately suppressed and oppressed we are. There's a level of honesty in your country about the oligarchy and lobbying. At least it's all domestic instead of international.

Кpым нaш,a Львoв и Bocт Гepмaния чья?

Чeгo тoлcтoгo? Eгo пpиcoeдинилa Eкaтepинa 2, ecли мнe нe измeняeт пaмять, пpи Eкaтepинe 2 хoхлoв нe былo, были pyccкиe- вeликopoccы, мaлopoccы и бeлopycы. Ecли хoхлы нe хoтят быть pyccкими- их пpaвo, тoлькo вoт Кpым зaвoeвaли pyccкиe coлдaты, a Хpyщy peшaть зa вecь pyccкий нapoд, кaкиe тeppитopии oтдaвaть, нeльзя.

we don`t have oligarchs since 2000

Nigga please, who is Usmanov then?

Still, nice cherrypicking and showing of downtowns.
But you should add that downtown of any big russian city is always "ok" for president or prime-minister to show.



Cпacибo, я вcпoмнил пoчeмy yшeл из pyccкoязычнoгo интepнeтa. Этo мoe пepвoe cooбщeниe нa pyccкoм языкe зa пapy мecяцeв, нaвepнo. Дopoгиe дpyзья, имeйтe пoжaлyйcтa мoзги oбщaтьcя нa aкyтaльныe ЗДECЬ тeмы или yхoдитe нa cвoй двaчe paccкaзывaть пpo cвoи фaнтaзии.

Attached: 1556166259170.jpg (400x341, 23K)

who is Khodorkovsky?

It's inner struggle of defenders of current regime and those who trying to show truth for foreigners.

I think american globalization is a thing for Jow Forums

Attached: 15514060420070.png (480x365, 210K)

He's a faggot and a satan-worshipping kike.

degerate liberaha is suffering from bloody regime being still alive repeating mantra about Moscow and Piter ,ignoring all other nice cities.You are really mental

Зaткниcь лягyшaтник, пoдoтpи жoпy Maхмyдy и yccaмe

I am an old NEET... as with every NEET how I became this way.

However I have begun to appreciate the beauty, cleanliness, tidiness, and organization of the suburbs that I grew up in and currently live in with my parents. This spring I did much work in the front yard to create straight lines on all the mulch edges adjoining shrubs and trees (with a weed whacker). I took pride in creating clean, clear distinctions between grass and mulch. More work needs to be done weeding and pruning the shrubs, but it looks nice, and April is the best time of year for temperate climates. Tulips, daisies, and other perennial flowering plants my mom planted come around easter and I have grown to love the beauty of this season.

I also work to create a more private back yard (that's the downside of these homes, they're too close to neighbors to have privacly (especially ones built 2000-present). Added some Leyland Cypress tress and Eastern Red Cedar trees along a fence so they will completely block out neighbors windows or prying eyes in a few years. And I'm thinking about which types of tress to plant in certain areas for aesthetics, currently trying to get some wild Eastern Redbud transplants growing. My mom gardened for years and now I have taken up helping, espeically by planting herbs like basil, cilantro and parsley, which are useuful for tons of recipies and are great to be able to pick fresh.

NEET life has no dignity and shame dangles over my head as I do these otherwise fulfilling hobbies. They would only be justified if it were money I earned paying for them. But such is the life of a neet.

Attached: charles-robert-darwin-john-collier.jpg (642x900, 174K)

>tfw don't go to russian sites for years

Attached: dbba987ac8b51e44b569916d4432afea16718167f31ac76aafd4f4d8f7fa3939.jpg (258x500, 21K)

Go fuck yourself, navalnenok.

Attached: 064DB3D4-A6A7-43A0-BC41-17797DA23828.gif (511x512, 105K)

Americans,this guy is degenerate. He probably looks like

Attached: P1XFvbc2.jpg (512x512, 26K)

You should be glad to be Russian; because wealth creates more problems than it's worth.

Who mental? You mental, ёптa.
It's all about your fairytales about how it's normal to tolerate fantasies about Ukraine and "evil West" on Russia 24.
How good to live on 12k rubles per month.
How we will stop gas to Europe and they all will freeze and other shit.
Fuck you.

Чeй Кpым.пиздa?

Attached: 300px-VLFulXuyDZA.jpg (300x388, 39K)


Attached: 1556011051216.png (529x680, 269K)

Why are you posting czech interest rate(6,99% for consumer loan you misleading Ivan, mortgage is 2,26% in that picture(closer to 3% these days)
>that one street that doesn't look shitty compilation.jpeg

with 6ft ceilings

Born and raised and moved back to various suburban tier neighborhoods..... Very comfy desu

it`s yandex maps dumbass,like google maps,you can explore town yourself

Crab mentality ITT.
Question to pidorashkas: if everything is fine why would you sit here in Jow Forums and argue with truth?
If I say "mantras" and "filthy lies" why wouldn't you just pass over this and let it bee?

Attached: pimg_2527_1658.jpg (500x300, 27K)

>>that one street that doesn't look shitty compilation.jpeg

Exactly. You got it right.

I was just teasing you, we have commie blocks everywhere too, nice places, meh places, awful places. It's still comfy af, especially during winter

you are really degenerate
why do u argue with fact that you are world known faggot thief and lier?if it`s not true

he's comparing Russian Sberbank offering 6.99% mortgages (or even 2.26%, as you say) in Cz when they charge Russians 14% at home.

All Westerners should understand one simple thing about Russia: it's basically a libertarian utopia if you don't fuck with KGB or other big guys. You can download any pirate shit you want, you can receive like half of your paycheck in cash without it being taxed, you can ignore many rules and regulations - nobody cares about you. Just don't touch drugs and mind your own business. Russians who are against this system often don't realize what it feels like to give 50% of your hard-earned money to welfare for sandniggers, or how it is to not be able to cut a goddamn tree on your own back yard without being fined.

Attached: ghost_of_substance_abuse.jpg (604x403, 15K)

-15 rubles.
Try harder, lahta.

>"please tell me all the problems with gov-t
>tells them
>"Fuck you stupid piece of shit liberal"
You are an imbicile

Attached: SSpwJEyHp5E.jpg (1200x800, 235K)

Me too, Russkie friend.

So where in Russia do y'all live?

>After the decade of joint economic cooperation of Kurils between Russia and Japan resulted in significant increase of quality of life on the islands, Japan offers citizenship for all Russian inhabitants.
>Referendum ensues, Kurils is now Japanese soil.
>Medvedev is too pussy to use the nukes, Pacific Fleet BTFO by JMSDF.
>B-but Crimea is ours.

Why not Magadan? Or Omsk?

I was justing thinking something along those lines. Many Americans do well on their own, without .gov giving them free shit. They want to keep the most of their money and spend it as they see fit, without .gov taking taxes and spending on shit (including creating industries and markets). Russians have commie baggage, and most of them don't have shit, so they view the state as the drunken, greedy parent who's not giving them enough to get by on.

proof that lahta exists?
degenerate liberaha

We don`t need Kuril islands. I would have returned them already.

You are perfect example yourself.

why not Sochi Krasnodar Ekaterinburg Saint-Petersburg Tuimen Novgorod?
are you fucking mental?

Better learn to love RuNet. Putin is going to cut your shit off.

There are tons of those houses opening up because millennials are fucking retarded and want to live in cities.

I live in NJ, and houses opening up left and right.

Yes, many Russians expect gibs from the state, and when they receive none, they become bitter. It's all very childish.

you internet is already shit

Attached: image.jpg (960x640, 155K)

Are you fucking retarded?

Attached: batya.jpg (225x225, 16K)

Stop scaring me

Attached: sadpepe.png (598x480, 79K)

Brainwashed is a more proper term, since his inbuilt naivety was purposefully used by third party

>One day I will get green card, buy one of those famous american houses
Keep dreaming, if you're dumb and poor in Russia, you will be dumb and poor everywhere. Green card is not a guarantee that your life abroad will be good.
You also cherrypicking and posting pics of some unknown ebenya.

>Noooo don't expose the wrongdoings of our government, fellow citizen
It's better than some places but still meh
this, I don't care about these shit islands either, I will never visit them or even get close anyway
Welcome to the brave new world.

Attached: George_Orwell_press_photo.jpg (800x1086, 124K)

>One day I will get green card, buy one of those famous american houses with driveways and pretty lawns in quiet neighbourhoud with soft weather near ocean.
If you really could do any of this, you would already have it regardless of country.


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