Why do you smoke?
Smokers of Jow Forums
Smoking is enjoyable
I only vape weed :)
because addiction
Feels good man. Also I'm introverted and need a social excuse to remove myself from a social situation and get my head together. Socially you can get people on their own to talk to if you smoke by asking them to come and smoke with you, you are able to have a one to one conversation where there usually would be no chance to do so.
Because it's hard to quit and life is stressful.
Cause I like it.
I enjoy it and it helps me relax. It leads to calmness of thought and sharpens my reasoning and logical abilities.
If every human being started smoking today, we'd have world peace tomorrow.
Best vice to cope with living in this clown world
>smoking pleb sticks
It's relaxing, introspective and stops me smoking dope all the time.
because it's pleasurable and I have the disposable income to engage in it
pissing off soibois and weak-lunged old cunts in my proximity is just incidental but still great
I only smoke tobacco to smoke weed as it is too expensive to roll pure weed joints.
Otherwise I don't smoke barely at all.
I smoke like 4 hash fatties at night to be able to sleep.
you know, that you dont have to smoke a joint in one go, bong?
also vape, pipe, waterpipe, brownies
you want to live forever faggot?
I unironically smoke a pipe. Shit is cash
what the kraut said, also mixing tobacco and weed is really bad for your lungs. like really bad
sleeping pills are cheaper you degenerate retard
yes of course there are those things klaus,but desu you cannot beat a joint.
medicine and poison yin and yang.
Smoking is terrible for the lungs and makes you susceptible to all kinds of diseases.
>medicine and poison yin and yang.
yeah or instead of using 7th century islam knowledge of the human body you could use 21th century knowledge to know that weed opens up your lungs which isnt very good if youre inhaling something even more dangerous than plain smoke
thta's for you to believe, everything is just an opinion.
"Smoke what?"
slowest form of suicide so i can laugh at clown world more and not miss many memes
Actual quality bait, well done
because addiction
how I started is a better question
>be me
>just started studying
>riend dies in car crash
>have to carry him in the church for sermon
>gf fucks some dude then breaks up with me
>first "great love" bs
>roomate committed suicide
>all in weeks
>got a real dip, started smoking because "hurr durr fugg life"
>just didn't stop since
That's a sad story
Live well user
Literally out of boredom
Seriously I tried all the pipes and bongs,chillums and shit 30 years ago.
What happens is this, I smoke a pipe of weed & then ten minutes later I want to smoke a joint.
So by just smoking a joint I actually smoke far less.
It's pretty much the only way to get a short break from work at this point.
Not here bro. Polen its kike 4 euros gram. And benzos are strictly for when I have anxiety. I dont want benzo withdrawal when suddenly you need 5 pills to sleep because oops goy! They are addictive and build tolerance like bitches, who would thought.
Also I need shitloads of them. The other day in the middle of a really heavy anxiety attack I had to took 3 mg alprazolam to get to 100 bpm. Zero nodding. Talking like a bitch.
My anxiety when its not under control its pretty fucked up.
Smoked cigarettes for a few years as a wagie working at all call centre but quit once I became neet.
Now I just vape weed but trying to quit that as well.
im not cool enough to smoke
>sleeping pills are cheaper
not found a single one that works so it's a waste of money
joints are the least effective style of toking, yet build up tolerance very fast
tobakko works against/hinder a good clear high
try a .2 pure waterpipe hit atleast once man
ITT weak degenerates
>lost a war to fucking birds
>try a .2 pure waterpipe hit atleast once man
I have done bongs/pipes all that crap years ago as I said, to repeat myself I find I just want a joint afterwards anyway so what's the point?
because i want to die but i don't want to die until my parents die first because i have a heart. because it's all so tiresome and health is an illusion.
For me they work. But at copious amounts. And not even an usual consumer, only for panic attacks. Which when Im fine occur once a month or less. But I can pop 4 mg alprazolam grab the guitar and headbang. Relaxed. But headbanging.
Ah yes. The same guy that wanted whites to convert to Hinduism and monarchs to be worshipped.
>I never felt any other thing that I personally felt so everybody should feel the same.
That lack of perspective its pretty sub80 m8.
>HAH look at that fag having a stroke. I never had a stroke faggot how are you so weak.