Up and coming NS youth group in Ireland?

I posted this in Eire/pol/ section last night and it received positive feedback.

Thought I'll make a thread for it. Looks like an up and coming NS youth org in Ireland.



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Any “group” is going to be infiltrated by federal agents that are trying to get you locked up. 3-4 man pyramid squad tactics are the only way.

based and redpilled


The state of that "Who We Are" , lad. I bet there is like 4 people in your "organisation".

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Sounds like you are going against true Irish values of being anti imperialist and anti Brit.

Contrary to Britain, Ireland is a true part of Europe and it's union. You Nazis will never tear us apart.

I've reported ye to the Garda, they've got yer ip address and have back traced it.

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>Irish NA
Solid, it's like they wanna be derided as fuckwits and then banned.

>Heil Hitler
Oh good fucking lord.

Good luck, I'm behind 7 proxies.

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Oh? L'albion perfide se montré ?

Beat the British again plz. Dis time niggers too.

I'd wager its a group of Slavs or other immigrants behind that group just like that stupid sons of Odin group. Imagine naming a group in Ireland "sons of Odin" ffs. Irish Nationalists have no need of a bunch of foreign fags calling themselves National socialists or after a fucking Nordic God. Its retarded.

Possibly slavs. I mean, just look at how the guy in the pic is crouching

why is it always slavs who LARP being nazis/white supremacists?

like you do realize those same nazis and white supremacists killed more than 20 million of you and considered you inferior race?

if your people are too cucked to actually fight back, perhaps you shouldn't be mad at foreign europeans doing the job for you

You got a source on that one? Or is it just another Hollywood movie?

There is lots of Lithuanians and Latvians in Ireland, why?

Neither the Slavs are anyone else should be here. Youre own Lithuanian people are probably one of the top 5 scummiest ethnicities in the country. I hate all foreigners want them all gone. Ireland should be for the Irish and absolutely no one else.

not enough potatoes here

Where did it say that group was pro imperialist, and pro British?

ok then how about you actually do some shit in order to get all the foreigners out instead of sitting on your ass all day?

Cheap labour. A lot go home after they earn their money though.

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They get better money than in their home, and Ireland has a great market to sell drugs in, Slavs just do the jobs we don’t.

what about me I was born in Scotland but I'm more Irish than you I must be allowed back

And a lot don’t ever leave, especially niggers, and Brazilian favela monkeys.

If your ethnically Irish then go home, more Irish people in Ireland is a big improvement over the current standard of immigration to the island.

fucking read siege you fuckin nonces

they might bully me for my silly accent I dunno

God I fucking hate the Modern Irish, tells you something when they support a Government that sold out an entire portion of their island and then chimp out about anything non-irish, while thinking being Irish is singing several hail mary's, being an Republican and the such.

You aren't going to fight off third world immigration by shipping several paddies throughout the world back home, that's not going to happen AT ALL.

I'm telling all the remaining Paddies, stay wherever the fuck you are, some remnant of the famine probably rotted the minds of those who chose to stay home. Thank fuck I'm in occupied soil and not in the "irish free state".

I do what I can and I know its not enough. I fought along with my friends against every group of foreigners that tried to settle in my town back in the day and we were just teens but we seen them all off. In this day and age I'm more into the political side of things and I want to get into politics in the near future and do something like that but I'd gladly join a Nationalist paramilitary if one was formed too.
We desperately need a strong Nationalist party in this country to right past wrongs and clean house.
You're always welcome home. Sure its your ethnic homeland too. Other groups who are closely related to us are welcome in small numbers too but the whole world coming in is a different matter.

You fought as a teen and now you want a ''nationalist'' political party? Marching through the institutions? Collecting votes, spreading leaflets?

Go away ya fucking clown lmao, you're lying through your teeth and it's obvious.

You're nothing but a pussy and you'll remain one. Go and prep the bull.

I don't lie. You're probably just some salty Slav living here or some reddit type and triggered by what I've said. Or maybe you're one of those Nazi larpers. Either way you're a faggot.

Lad, just save face. Go away and vote for the NP, will ya? But don't come crying to me when Tyrone takes your girl and you aren't able to ''fight him off'', 'cause you realize real life isn't Tekken or Street Fighter.

Fucking nonce lmao

>Fucking nonce lmao

No one here uses the word nonce. I'm guessing you a Brit.

Oh yeah... TOTALLY a Brit. Here to give you divine punishment in the form of a Brexit clobberin'.

Real talk though - you're a faggot, a pussy and a fucking coward. Not to mention a retard.

The only faggot, pussy and retard in this thread is you and you're absolutely seething and it's hilarious.

>you're seething
>completely ignores his own posts crying about foreigners and doing fuck all about it
self-awareness gone I see lol

This is a stupid idea and will result in anyone actually dumb enough to join this group getting put on some sort of watchlist like all those edgy idiots in the UK with that stupid natsoc group that was full of edgy lads who ended up getting banned and labelled as terrorists and iirc some are even in prison....

Lmao, while the Provo's were running drugs through fucking Limerick and Cork it was those 'foreign' Sons of Odin actually cleaning the streets of filth and junkies.

"ACKHTUALLY IT'S LUGH, NOT ODIN GERMAN!" Have you had any insight in how you fucking sound with anal and banal terms like that? Eat a bullet you fucking moss-monkey.

>imagine believing in "parties" and "voting"
get a load of this absolute faggot

Shalom nationalists brother I hope ur org will not turn anti semetic like Soo many others we must remember the true enamy which is Islam!!

go back to your field, potato serf

Instead of swearing loyalty to eachother and creating a secretive fraternity that meets up every once in a while to do some networking and exchange ideas and information, they wear thug-tier garb and hang around on the streets all day.

Go do a study and become a professional in your field. Then use your fraternity to help you brothers up into the hierachy. All it takes is you and some friends. If everybody started doing this, we'd be on top of the game within two decades.

A culture of lodges and fraternities is the awnser. Not playing some larping thug.

The absolute state....

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kill yourself

W.. what??? Potato??? Serf???? U calling me a slave u fucking Nazi dog

Imperator: Rome soon.

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Unironically kys retard

you better dig out a big bulba or I wont give you food

Purity of Essence and purity of blood was found in National Socialist Germany, which is why plenty of people would prefer it's usage, symbolisms than the fucking tri-state flag that not only split our country in two when we could've easily taken the north (Britain only rejected full annexation of Ireland due to threats by Ulster Planters of insurrection in England), you represent the people that killed Cathal Brugha, Provo Drug runners that used their funds from selling drugs to wage a cops and robber war in the north and fighting petty wars with Nigerian gangsters throughout the cities in Ireland.

>Larping Nazis

Because it's all about roleplay amirite? We want to reverse the current trends in our society, not live within hermitages like a group of Monks in a degenerate one.

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Imagine being a part of some fruity little group with a bunch of foreigners and queers.

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go on, vote your way out of this, paddy
trust the plan
trust the q-user
make ireland great again

Imagine being irish lol

Intellectuals like you are the worst scum. You are all too cowardly to do anything, so you delude yourself that voting or participating in the "democratic" process is a valid way of dealing with the issues we face. This is PEAK slave morality. You find a "solution" which changes nothing and is absolutely safe for you. In fact, you don't want any change, as change would be dangerous to your current way of living. You just want to keep lying to yourself so you feel good.

Seems i struck a chord, did i not?

You fear that post, for you know it's the only real and feasible way to attain influence and power. It happened during the weimar republic, it happened with the broederbond in SA. That is how you take shit over, and depending on the societal circumstances it can be accomplished within half a lifespan.

Everything else is just larping by low-iq emotional child-men.

Preach it. That guy is a total clown and a coward.

Imagine being a parasitic kike

You are completely ignoring the fact that NSDAP got elected only because they have been beating the shit out of communists on the streets of german cities for YEARS before they won. Elections were only a formality - the results were decided on the streets. With beer bottles and chairs.

Neither of you two cunts are even Irish and I've triggered some folk on Pol in my time but you two spastics have been triggered to the fucking moon and back. Why don't you both gtfo out of this country because all you are is just part of the foreign hoardes infesting the place. Good and be neo nazi fags elsewhere and leave us Irish Nationalists to fight for our own ethnic homeland.

I really have to thank you for making this afternoon so good for me, haven't laughed that hard in a few months. Don't take it so personally, user. It's fine, go grab a Monster and just relax.

Your nation is too spineless to actually fight back. Can't you see we feel pity for you?

Cry more retard lmao

Probably Nigerian.

that's four more than yourself, Abdul-Jones

Ireland hasn’t even been added in yet, except for like ancient Antrim.