Poles see any true mention of the raging anti-Semitism on naked display in their country as propaganda, a strong victim complex that THEY are the real sufferers of persecution, not the Jewish people. It sickens me.
Other urls found in this thread:
This is the true face of Catholicism. People who insult these traditions should be strung up and beaten as well.
>he doesn't know
the jews have no power in poland.
why is it racist or anti-Semitic?
We burn an effigy of a Catholic on huge fires every year, yet I don't think there is any animosity or anti-catholic sentiments towards them at all
bwaaaaaa muh hall of cost
>Poles see any true mention of the raging anti-Semitism on naked display in their country as propaganda
people are just trying to defend themselves and explain themselves - what's so weird about that? That kind of dishonesty falls in the end anyway, doesn't it
Maybe Jews should just stay away from Poland?
>why is it racist or anti-Semitic?
Because jews do not like it. People really should learn something that every child in Poland knows: "anti semite" is person that is not liked by the jews. Not person that does not like jews. And since they control media they can call us anti semitic all they want.
>And since they control media
>Because jews do not like it.
no, it's because burning an effigy of a jew can be seen as antisemitism. The more you try to justify it, the more people will see you as dishonest and you will lose in the end
Breathing the Chosen People's air is anti-Semitic
shlop shlop shlop
pope is licking black feet
fix that first then you can larp
who that english prince married to the divorced black lady with the huge toes?
that guy is definitely catholic.
you have to go back, noseberg
What do they have against judas? he was the coolest of the apostles
About fucking time Poland does something right
>he thinks modern kikes are the same as the biblical israelites
Hating kikes is not anti semitic, kikes for the most part habe hamitic genes, not s(h)emitic. It makes you an anti hamite
>the more people will see you as dishonest and you will lose in the end
So jews are fucked huh
>Hating kikes is not anti semitic
it is, sorry
>So jews are fucked huh
yep, this is true as well
Anglo scum.
Considering that after WWII jews never let anyone forget the holohaux and play the eternal victim.
They've also done plenty to damage America, including suggesting laws to prevent Americans from talking shit about jews, Imagine being so fucking disgusting they have to make laws to prevent normal people from hating you.
>burning effigy of one specific Jew, not because of his Jewishness, but because of his deeds
No, they would have to be descendents shem for it to be anti semitic, however obviously they are not
Thats the issue with kikes, they believe people hate them for what they are, not what they do, in that regard they are more brainwashed than most other people. So when someone criticises a kike the others dont see it as critic on his behavior but baseless gate of his race, their own. They are so indoctrinated that everyone hates them that they fear the next shoah and in an effort to prevent it cover up and defend any deed of any other kike because they believe attacking this one kike will mean that all others will be attacked as well, so they group together to stop the attack no matter if justified or not, not realizing that this is the very reason people despise then
I watched a video, where there was a Jewish school trip to Poland to Auschwitz and one grandpa came to Jewish girls and said something like "hello girls, I didn't know girls in Israel are so cute", and translator said that he is telling them, they are all filthy kikes and should gas themselves...
I am deeply concerned about the recent surge in anti-Polonism in the media
Please respect our unique culture
The guy wanted to blow up parliament, overthrow the monarchy and convert the country to be fair
Well, he should have said it
it's not at all recent, you just starting to see the scale of it.
Israel Singer, secretary general of the World Jewish Congress (WJC) from 1986 to 2001:
>“More than three million Jews died in Poland and the Polish people are not going to be the heirs of the Polish Jews. We are never going to allow this. (…) They’re gonna hear from us until Poland freezes over again. If Poland does not satisfy Jewish claims it will be “publicly attacked and humiliated” in the international forum.” - Reuters Agency, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 19 April 1996
Basically the World Jewish Congress wants to blackmail Poland into giving $65 billions worth in assets = JEWISH TAKEOVER OF POLAND.
Basic history
Jewish lobbying
Polonia counterattacks
U.S. State Department responds
>Jews right now are pushing their anti-Polish, pro-Russian propaganda like never before. No one on Jow Forums asks themselves why.
That's because an army of well funded, well organized jew shills patrol the internet in effort to shut down any counter-jew discussion and to promote the globalist anti-white jew agenda.
>ACT.IL shill recruitment video
>Why Facebook and Google Are Complying With Israel to Delete Certain Content archive.is
>Israel’s Online Shadow Operations
>Numerous well funded, organized projects by and for Israel work to flood social media with pro-Israel propaganda, while blocking facts Israel dislikes. The projects utilize Israeli soldiers, students, American teens and others, and range from infiltrating Wikipedia, Reddit and Jow Forums to influencing YouTube. Some operate out of Jewish Community Centers in the U.S.
>Israel launches secret squad to challenge negative image & boycott campaign
>"Israel's Internet Censorship War - If Americans Knew" youtube.com
>"The Lobby P1: Young Friends of Israel – Al Jazeera Investigations"
>"JIDF Editing on Wikipedia"
>Israeli American Council shill recruitment video
Fuck them all.
They can suck on my Polish kiełbasa
so Jews look like a sack filled with straw?
Fuck you jews, boland is based.
>not because of his Jewishness, but because of his deeds
There would be no controversy if this wasn't a jewish effigy
the sooner you come to this conclusion, the less energy and time you will waste
The Jews hung a blond haired blue eyed Jesus on a cross
The kike doth protest too much, methinks
The jews do the same thing during the purim and it's OK then.
jezus pedał matkę jebał,
duch święty pedofil wyklęty,
maryja dziewica ma spermy pełne lica,
józef z nazaretu je gówno z bidetu
That's a jewish prayer, jew.
I`m pagan slavic, you are jewish idiot who believes in jewish lies, fuck you
you don't even go to church so why do you care so much?
I care because idiots like you believe in jewish lies and catholic church is part of zionistic occupation government together with jaroslaw kaczynski who wants to give jews plenty of money because of II world war.
What happens to Jews is of no concern to Europeans. “Jews, out!”
again, you don't go to church, so why do you care if somebody attacks christianity??
Kys ugly jew.
Poles = white niggers
>oh good what an embarrassment for us... let me tweet about it XDDDDDDD
How disingenuous
The anti pope is a cuck that is trying to destroy the church
except for the whole jesus was a jew thing
the "jewish roots" thing is just a meme he occasionally used to his advantage
there were secret recordings a while ago where you could hear him bashing the jews
Jesus was white
I wonder who could be behind this post.
he is jewish
look up his bank how funny it all becomes
Santander Bank Polska
>sikret dokumints
jewgames, learn them, expose them
>sikret dokumints
it's a 3.5h recording anyone can find on youtube, where Morawiecki, Jagiełło, Kilian and Matuszewska have a candid conversation about everything from world politics and history to music concerts. they use very colloquial language, and the things they say would make 95% of Jow Forums consider them all /ourguys/
here's one interesting extract from it:
>Morawiecki: [...] in Nigeria alone there's more people below the age of 17 that in all of Europe. All of Europe, including all of Russia!
>Matuszewska: One day they'll come here
>Morawiecki: For fuck's sake. You know they will, they will do something. All those iPhones will show them: this is how people live here. And what are we going to do when a fleet of fucking rafts, even from North Africa, comes to the South? What are we going to do, fucking shoot, push them away?
Ok, that's probably what all European politicians said in a similar fashion behind closed doors. Which is the part about the Jews? I'd like to know that now.
Judas was a Jew.
>Morawiecki: I just finished my... my, you know, tournee of all the hedge funds, investment funds and so on. Interesting experience, but just as depressing. Fucking hell -- you've got all those rich Americans, Jews, Germans, English, Swiss, right? They sit in their deep armchairs, they've got so much accumulated capital, you can kiss them in the ass in there, and still you're asking for that capital. And they, of course, in their greed [...] I still kind of look at this world from a geographical and historical perspective. And I think, they're making a mistake, by not doing some kind of redistribution of it. I mean, I'm a liberal [he means in the classical sense, there's no other kind in Poland], I support free markets, we all do after all, but you can't have such disparity that [...] in a moment or two 90 million in Pakistan...
then begins the part I translated above
there's so much more in there, i wish someone would translate all 3.5 hours of it, but it would take ages
here's the whole thing in polish: youtube.com
here are some highlights: youtube.com
(cont.) the funny part is that the media tried to make a scandal of it when it came out, but the response was positive more than anything else, what they said made sense, and it showed a human side to them
wtf, stop divulging our secrets to westerners, you're literally a threat to national security
This was the religion that I was supposed to inherit. Where did it all go wrong?
you're assuming that westerners are capable of reading something longer than 2 lines of text
no niby kurwa racja
>Words mean whatever I want them to mean
Jf f rirkf e rkgkg. Ejckc f wkek f dkrk f eekkl. Oeirnr ayaa
Hah! I win
Seeing how jews are trying to milk money out of Poland now, even after Poles gave them refuge for centuries when they were expelled from all over Europe, makes it really obvious why people don't like jews. They are anti-white leeches who hate Christians while they live in white Christian countries and/or take advantage of them. Sincerely, fuck jews.
What's the job market like in Poland?
Is there any available room, or is it fuck off we're full?
I love the fact that beating Judas effigy is tradition in a single village in one of the most undeveloped and backwards part of country, yet it made international news.
You messed that story a bit Tomek, but still close enough. Documentary in question.
>beating Judas effigy is tradition in a single village
>single village
I thought you were based but i guess i am wrong
>victim complex that THEY are the real sufferers of persecution, not the Jewish people.
The Jews are history's greatest victims.
Burning is common.
Beating with a stick together with whole family, not much.
oh ok then
what is haman?
ha ha ha ha
Jews fear the plumber
Is Braun being memed internationally now? I know Korwin has become pretty popular, but I've never seen Braun translated into English before
W8 till he gets (and he will) to europarliment.
How about Kikes mind their own fucking Kike business.