Why did Evropa give up on tradition in exchange for Christianity?

Why did Evropa give up on tradition in exchange for Christianity?

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because paganism is literally fucking stupid.

Slaves and plebs bought in to the everyone is equal in the eyes of God meme.

Lots of Europe was converted forcibly

Why continue to honor it?

this. paganism was degenerate shit. no morals and the like

Because it's what we've done for almost 2 thousand years. Pretty much the same argument as for paganism except far more relevant to now rather than larping as a caveman.

They did it because they realized the superiority of the Holy Roman Empire of German Nation and they wanted to trade with them.

Why did Evropa give up on tradition in exchange for endless hordes of filthy shitskin Indo-Europeans?
Still a mystery it is...

because of compassion. it's our peculiar weakness, the one which always fucks us in the end.

>He thinks tradition equals paganism...

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Why did Christianity tried to eradicate Pagan tradition, all of them? Baning them, persucting them and in the luckyest of cases, assimilating them.

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I must say that I am disappointed in your and my fecklessness.

good one

What's feckless about saying fuck your pagan larping?

>that’s right goy, your ancestors were no better than niggers. thank g-d us jews were here to teach you how to be civilized!

Religion is a mechanism of power and control. All of them, paganism included (do as you're told or you're getting sacrificed to someone/going to hell/whatever).

Read this.
Tl, dr? We were forced to. Just like we will be forced to switch to islam in 50 years

holy fucking cringe

If anything it jut shows how primitive and disgraceful a people that ultimately value nothing but materiel goods are. It just goes to show that you didn't even have the resolve to be your own people.

I don't disagree with you, but at least it was our religion, not someonelse's

Christianity is not the veneration of material goods. In fact giving up your material possessions and going with god instead is pretty much peak Christian.

>Rome rapidly expands to foreign territories
>Foreign territories full of competing cults
>Romans realize they need a way to keep occupied territories from rebelling collectively/adopting anti Roman beliefs
>Rome develops a state religion to replace/retrofit the traditions of existing cults/tribes in their favor

Christianity as it stands relevant to the world today is pretty much entirely a European construction.

Read Gibbon.
You're wrong.

Now I disagree with you, it's jewish, midle eastern in origin, sure Euros adopted the fuck out of it, but it's still foreign origin.

OP is a globalist Jew shill.

>all of your books were written by Jews
>all of your prophets were Jews
>your god was a Jew
hmm yes very European

In origin. Much like the Paganism of Britain did not start here either, instead coming from the mainland somewhere back in the mists of time (and that again probably has origins elsewhere). Though neither is it the same as you will find on the mainland. The names of the gods are slightly different and as are the rituals.

All the stuff that makes Christianity recognisable as Christianity, the reformations, the churches, the rituals and so on are all European.

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You are leaving out 2 thousand years of European history there m8. Your argument is the same as the one claiming we are all African because a monkey climbed down from a tree there at some point.

More like you are a Christian and you have troubles recognicing Christianity as the parasistic religion that erased each and every other faith in Europe, when that's exactly what happened. We were one people, Indo-Europeans from West to East and North to South, we had many religions, with an ancient common root, and thus many cultures, all of them dissapeared when Christianity slowly but surely started digging in their fields and converting their believers little by little, forbiding their rituals casting out and marginalicing the Pagan people from their ever growing social circle.

it didnt

christianity absorbed and incorporated pagan and local traditions into it as it spread

Yeah, 2000 years is a lot, but 3000 years is still more imo. That's how old Indo-Europeans were in Europe before Christ, some even held hundreds of years after Christ.

>More like you are a Christian hurr durr blah blah blah
Argument not found.

>we’ve been drinking the Jew kool-aid for 2000 years so it’s basially not even Jewish any more
sure thing dude

I feel you, still not a derp.

>two thousand years worshiping a fictional sandnigger and following sandnigger traditions suddenly makes it European
There is nothing more degenerate than a Christcuck

Yeah people worshiped rocks and trees for a very long time. What's your point?

Mine is that Christianity in Europe in 2019 is not the Christianity of the Middle East in the year dot.

Only protestants gave up tradition.

Catholics, Orthodox retained their cultural customs. Go to any Catholic or Orthodox country and you will see their ancients customs in full display.

>about 40-60 years of edgy atheism means... Fucking nothing.

>We've been evolving for a very long time and so we are no longer monkeys

I'd much rather my people worshipping rocks and trees tbqh. To each it's own, you seem like a pretty reasonable dude. But at least recognice that Christianity recognice those of us who have a love for our anceint traditions, cultures and peoples an a pology for literally erasing our lore. They kept bits of it alive here and there, even wrote some folklore down too, the monks that is. But I still feel like they did much more damage than what they actually preserved. I would appreciate an apology at least, I feel like what was lost was priceless.

>if you don't worship a fictional jew, you must be an atheist!
Just keep showing everyone why belief in Christianity correlates with lower IQ

You people need to realise that the cultural destruction attributed to Christianity is solely the repsonsibility of Germanic tribes and Germanic dynasties.

Well then stop using standard atheist arguments about muh fictional skydaddy faggot.

And not breeding correlates to higher IQ.
Keep thinking that having high IQ will save your or your kind, then look and face demographic changes and think about what Darwin said.

Because Europeans are weak cucks that ALWAYS submit to darker people, who are superior

In a few cases sure, in others it was just a social/spiritual war

what "few" cases?
the germanic early middle ages were massively destructible to Europe and Europeans.
Look at the Iberian peninsula. Realise a lot was being written when Romans ruled, nothing was being written when Germanics ruled, and suddenly after Germanic dynasties die off and local native rulers take control suddenly history blossoms.

Germanics were the sole reason for the vast majority of attacks on European culture. They have none, and they don't want anyone having it.

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The gods are real, Yeshua is fiction. '

Christianity certainly isn't doing anything to prevent demographic change. Christianity is in fact the sole reason for the problems we face today. If not for that degenerate sandnigger cult, there would be no sandniggers, Jews or Muslims, in our nations. Christcucks are race traitors who work against their own folk and our nations will continue to rot until Christianity is eradicated.

You have a flash in the pan where you aren't on all fours and think that makes you strong? You know what's about to happen :)

>muh burning people in wicker and worshiping tree is totally legit, while your bullshit isn't.

Fuck right off faggot.

>Flash in the pan

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Kill yourself, race traitor. You worship the fiction of a foreign tribe. There is nothing more degenerate than a cuck like you.

You can we wuz all you want but the truth is that my people WILL

C'mon, nigger, show us your "great african empires"

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My mother is white as is my father. Both are Christian, as were their parents, and theirs, and theirs.

I have betrayed nothing. In fact, you are asking me to.

Christianity is not responsilbe for your massively high IQ and associated massive sexual dysfunction.

Catholics once were the target of the massively high IQ germanic protestantism for their large families and fertile women. "Haha, look at those papists outbreeding us! They are so duuuuumb!"

God tells you to grow and breed. I'm sure you hate that guy.

that's a whole another debate, just because Indo-Europeans didn't have writing (in Europe) that doesn't mean they didn't have a culture or even history, just that they didn't write it

You will do nothing because niggers can do nothing.
The only thing you have ever been able to invent is how to blow air up a cow's ass.

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If you want to be an atheist, go right ahead.
If you want to follow paganism because you believe it is more European, I can understand that.

But don't sit there and tell me that Odin or Zeus or Cernunnos are real, that's just stupid

Europeans did write. Before Romans, Iberians were writting. Romans were writting. Germanics were destroying everything.

It's not another debate. Most destruction of culture that you pin on Christianity was done by Germanics. Germanics destroyed Europe over and over again. They destroyed the Roman Empire, they ruled during the early middle ages, they causes religious wars, they caused BOTH world wars, and they are responsble for the fucking ROMAN salute being seen as evil and called today the NAZI salute. If that doesn't show how disgusting destroyers of culture germanics are, I don't know what does.

Technically, the Roman salute thing is a myth. There's actually no evidence Romans ever used it.

I know Celtiberians were writing by 1th century BC, but that's a very rare case, I seriously doubt Germanics are as guilty of the destruction of culture as you say they are. Romans and then Christians did a lot to erase Celtic past for example. I don't know the details about the Germanics, but I'm affraid they just fell for the Christianity meme, it's like a poison first you start praying for your salvation, next thing you know is you don't remember the name and the culture of you're ancestor and you're claiming Israeli/Jewish origin, such a shame.

well like you had any choice , it was forced
also people were really dumb back then , most likely believed all the fairytales etc.

Paganism present during Roman times, culture was fine.

Chtisitanity was present in the Roman empire, and the Roman Empire stood.

Germanics came along, and destroy europe and european culture.

Christianity was present during European conquest of the entire world.

Are you sure it's the Christians and not Germanics that fuck up Europe? Are you sure the variable is Christianity and not Germanics?

Europe doesn't require less Christianity, it just requires less or no Germanic influence. Who's pushing for the cultural destruction of Europe if not Germanics? Are the Christians forcing you to destroy your culture? Are the Christians telling you to stop pagan culture during carnaval? Or was it all the germanic protestantism that turned Christianity into this destroyer of cultural aspects?

You live in a romance speaking country, whose history tell of Germanic rule and what happened during it. Disarming the people, constant civil war, inviting the muslim invaders into Europe (will happen throughout history), not being able to defend shit. Local dynasties brought Iberia into glory. Germanic rulers dumped it on muslims hands.

Fairytales are good. Abandoning all that for some Jewish hogwash is cold even by my standards.

>Muh Axum
>Muh Nubia
>Muh Mansa Musa

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According to the little I've read about it, it was Romans first and Christians later the ones responssible for the dissapearance of Celtic culture. As far as I know, Germanics didn't converted them.

I guess another important fact is that Germanics came here after the Romans were already here, if I'm not mistaken, they were pagans when they got there, and Rome would certainly have been Christian by then. So the Celtic culture would have been certainly diminished. I'm guessing here to be honest I'm definitely not well versed in that particular part of history. But Germanics (Visigoths specifically in spain) embraced Christianity once they realiced they had to fight the invading Moors, so they converted. I'm not sure how that went, it took hundreds of years, but what I'm fairly certain about is that Christiany reigned while Paganism faded and completely dissapeared.

>Mansa Musa
>Richest man in the world
>This is the best africans could build with all that money.

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Kings and leaders wanted political power and prestige so they sold out, much like our leaders sell us out today. Women also played a key role in Christianization at the lower levels, just like they play a key role in fucking us over today as well.

It doesn't matter what religion Germanics worship, when they were worshipping their gods they behaved like jihadists: rape, steal and kill so that you can die during combat and become a martyr and accepted by Odin and receive your alloted number of Valkyries to fuck or whatever.

>who had been the priestess of the goddess Živa but is now a Christian. She persuades Črtomir to get baptised too.
Told you

Retarded mutt.

Mansa Musa was like one of those black sports personalities that earns huge amounts of money but pisses it all away and then has nothing good to show for it.

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what’s with all the anti christ threads today

I mean, I don't like germans but you take it to another level, you hate germans the same way I hate the jews, that's sick, how did you became such a german hating user?

Fippy bippy. Be gone, LARPagan.

>subhuman Amerinodis

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>mom! I posted it again!

>muttflag imitates jews
The irony hurts.

he said what you sperg not why. you're a literal knee jerk NPC

>muh traditions
>muh heritage
>muh old shit
>muh trees
>muh way things used to be
none of that shit fucking MATTERS
the only thing that matters is TRUTH, DIVINE TRUTH. if you look at pagans and atheists and muslim proselytizers they'll tell you "old gods were stronk! stronk is good!" or "dude you can't like, SEE god, so he can't be real" or "muslims keep their women in line, so clearly we should be like them". but NONE of them ever make any arguments that claim they possess DIVINE TRUTH, it's all either childish idolization of traits that don't matter ("my god can beat up your god!"), or failure to understand what divine truth even is ("hurr durr i don't see any bearded jewish sky wizards so clearly god is all just made up") or selfish pragmatism in using religion as a tool to achieve your own ends ("if we become muslim, we can use islam to make our women listen to us, then we win!")
if you can't claim to have divinely-inspired understanding of the spiritual world then the only thing you worship is yourself which makes you a satanist

>he thinks larping as a drunk snownigger suddenly makes him european and white

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The pagan cries in pain as he strikes you.

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i bet there's all kinds of weird shit hidden in those mud walls

Are you okay, fren? Do you need a hug?

>Trying to act like 700 year old traditions are worth anything when they couldn't even preserve Rome or anything

Chirstianity was stronger and the better moral arbiter for Europe. If you believe in pre-christian paganism you're just trying to LARP some hipster notion of an alternative religion and set of morals, values, philosophy, and cultural unity that isn't your native one.
We get it, you're trying to be different and make up for the fact that modern Christianity has lost all its teeth and modern liberalism is corrupting the moral fabric and pulling the church down with it. But starting to praise a bunch of ancient deities with sub-par values just because they were developed in the place that supposedly your ancestors or the pale people you admire are from doesn't make them valid or useful.

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Thor was totally based in that Infinity War movie, man. He really fucked that purple space nigger up.

Divine truth as you call it comes from humans. Enough with your Jewish supremacy.

>yeah goy you can believe in your religion
>but don't you DARE believe in your religion
It's afraid.

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Whoa man christianity is a based cult of worldly power and riches!

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>everything i don't like is jewish
>everything vaguely related to judaism is jewish
christ was born a jew, he did not die one

The only moral arbiter here is an iron fist.

Just pointing out the typical american myopia.

To appease (((them)))