Tactical Friendzoning

I went on a date with a guy I met off Bumble out of boredom and turns out he's actually really cool and I want to keep seeing him. Problem is I'm not attracted to him whatsoever and he asked me out to another date via text.

How can I gracefully decline the date and make it a hang-out instead, without losing a potential friendship? We get along really well and I really want to keep hanging out with him. I'd be genuinely upset if I fuck this up please help

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You shouldn't "friendzone" guys like that. If you have no romantic interest in the man, you should tell him. He might respect your honesty.

Stop cherry picking at the cost of others

>I met this man who likes me but I want the benefits of a relationship without fucking him

He wants one thing and one thing alone, and that's to be in relationship to you. While you're here vapidly contemplating what your best course of action is to keep him orbiting you, he's off thinking to himself that you two really hit it off and that he has a chance and that he's going to really make it with you.

Just be honest with him and stop playing highschool games, you child. Shit is old.

Ask him for dick pics
It’s a great shit test

The friendzone doesn’t exist.
Playing games with peoples feelings is disgusting. When you realize how many opportunities you pissed on trying to fill up your pussy with cheating fuck bois, you’ll be that old woman asking “where are all the good men?” As you get your cellulite legs waxed with your bingo partner Ethel, who smells like dusty farts and cat food.

Right. How can I tell him that without hurting his feelings and while showing I really want to be his friend, not just as a consolation prize?

As for the rest of you, I don't owe him sex. The thought of having sex with him scares the shit out of me, just like almost every other man I've seen or met. I don't fuck men. I'm not opposed to it for the right one, but I haven't met him yet. I mostly talk to girls anyway.

you don't owe him sex, he doesn't owe you friendship.

You have to tell him you are not sexually attracted to him. Tell him you want to have sex with other men but still want to have him around. If you let him off easy, leave any chance of a relationship or let him have the idea of sex with you, it will manipulate his motives and ultimately crush him. Be honest

You dumb fucking cunt don't let him struggle like that he will constantly get his hopes up and feel misarable

This. Wymn aren't empathetic beings

tell him that and give him a free meal.

Tell him you had a great time, but you weren’t feeling the spark. You would like to hang out and be friends though.

He might say no. I had a guy do that with me. I was sad he didn’t want to hang out with me if sex/relationship/whatever wasn’t on the table but whatever, his loss. Some guys are cool just being friends and some guys don’t give a shit about making new friends.

>Goes on a date with a guy designed for hooking up
>Decide that you've got cold feet
>You're hoping that a guy, who you met off an app DESIGNED for hookups will suddenly throw out his own desires of HOOKING UP to be platonic with you
Women like you make heterosexual men hate living. If you wanted to make friends, you should have used the platonic section of Bumble.

Men get treated like absolute trash even when they play by the rules in hook up culture because of insecure girls like you

This is the most relevant thing in this thread.

Try just telling him.

You need to be brave and just be honest. See, guys have to do, what you are doing right now, all the time. Be honest. And bold. And accept that you might be rejected by this person you want to be friends with.

This is just how it works. Women get to decide who gets sex and men get to decide who gets a relationship.

He either will or wont want to be your friend.

You gotta understand, an so to a guy is like. Super friend. That's who he holds at night. That's who is goes on one on one vacations with. That's who gets to be part of his Hope's and dreams. That's who he tells about the things that make him scared or fearful.

Normal friends? Thats guys he watches football with and helps him move. Maybe get a burger and bitch about work.

I mean, I know guys who like having girl friends as just... platonic friends. There’s your super-friend girlfriend, but she’s not your only friend, and girls make awesome friends too.

But it’s his choice. He said he had enough friends as it is, and that’s on him to decide. I still think he’s missing out, but he was graceful and honest with me, and I appreciate that.

This, you have to consider what you can offer that his friends don't. When you're a woman and they're men the answer is obvious, and when you take that out it really doesn't leave much. In fact I'd say it's even worse because you're left being just a friend to someone you're sexually attracted to. Male friends don't cause these complications and generally make life easier for other men.

This feels pretty dehumanizing. “Oh, you’re only good for sex. It doesn’t matter if you share interests or hobbies and a sense of humor, your value as a human being is reduced to whether I want to and can stick my dick in you.”

I’m positive you don’t mean it that way and wrote what you did in the nicest way possible. It’s still what it boils down to, and it hurts.

My only comfort is that I have male friends and relatives who have plenty of other female friends they have totally normal, healthy, human friendships with, and I know that not all men think the way you guys do.

You're in so much denial about yourself it hurts.

Denial of what, that I’m not a human being? That my male friends, all in long term relationships, don’t value my friendship and are secretly orbiting me? I know orbiting is a thing, but not every male-female friendship is a man secretly hoping his friend will fuck him.

Sometimes she’s the person who builds up his self-worth, reminds him of his good qualities, and gives him the courage to put himself out there— and it have to put himself out there alone. Sometimes he likes someone he can talk about non-manly things with, without judgment. Who knows? Men aren’t a monolithic entity.

*and not have to

What a headcase

I have some (very few) female friends that I get along well with, but I never went to them with the intention of starting a relationship. If I went to someone I was attracted to, tried to start a relationship and was rebuffed then I can't remove those feelings. I'd rather not pretend to just be friends.

OP here. How's this?
>Not as a date, but I'd love to hang out on Saturday. I'm free all day. Any ideas?

I'm kind of expecting, if he says yes, to go over to his place, listen to this a record neither of us heard before that we bought together because the cover's funny as fuck, and fuck around with his music gear (seems like he has a lot) since we're both musicians. That's what we talked about last I saw him.

nice, not completely killing his hope so you can keep stringing him along. Top notch.

You give yourself (and your gender) far too much credit.
Why do men need to seek your guidance? To further their own ability? To improve their relations with the opposite sex? To have a confidante? Someone to enjoy an emotional cathartic conversation with? I think you're just making up excuses to sell yourself to this man, whether it be because you enjoyed the date and didn't find him attractive (It's pretty obvious you changed your mind since he didn't look like how he did in the photos).
While I think it's great that your ending paragraph sounds like it's an snippet from a self help book for social retards, let's clarify a few points:
> You're not owed anything. No one is owed anything here. Not sex or friendship.
> No one has any obligation to communicate after the date
Right, what makes you so special as a friend? After all, we can safely assume you two wanted to hook up ('I went on the date out of boredon')
>Improve his own ability
In what? Are you assuming you'll sit down, he'll talk about his hobbies and by some sheer chance you'll chime in with knowledge on the topic? That you're a guru on whatever he likes? Hell, women cannot even give advice on how to attract other women (and if you're searching for advice on how to attract the opposite gender, you should ask someone from your own gender since they can ACTUALLY ATTRACT someone of the opposite gender. You don't ask your mother for tips on how to get laid)
> To improve their relations with the opposite sex
Do you have any other female friends? Are you willing to introduce him as 'a funny guy' because I'm certain no guy wants to be tagged along with a group, a bunch of other guys and realise he's got to be the IV drip for the girl since she cannot do a simple M/F ratio. Don't give me that 'I have more guy friends' bullshit when you invite out a guy
>Someone for emotional release
You're on fucking Jow Forums. Why would anyone trust some emotional trainwreck for advice
Tell him you're not interested.

>Im not attracted to him whatsoever

Judgemental and rigid much?


By always inviting your other males friends along.

I think youre naive about this. Guys generally value male friendships a lot higher than female friendships (unless theyre romantically/sexually interested in the girl, obviously, but at that point its not about friendship anymore). I see it in myself and in all my friends. Dudes always put girls theyre romantically interested in first, then guy friends and then girl friends.

There is a higher degree of freedom in interacting with dudes for a guy, fewer social norms and all that. And the result is that guys will generally act nicer to their female friends than they would to their male friends, despite not caring as much about them. Which in turn will make them care even less about them because their interactions feel less natural. But girls generally are not aware of that, because usually theyre more like themselves with guy friends than guys are with girl friends.

Its purely social, but men generally are encouraged to seek male friends and dismiss female friends. Were "trained" to see guys as friends and girls as partners.

>There is a higher degree of freedom in interacting with dudes for a guy, fewer social norms and all that. And the result is that guys will generally act nicer to their female friends than they would to their male friends, despite not caring as much about them. Which in turn will make them care even less about them because their interactions feel less natural.
Damn you just hit the nail on the head.

OP here. A lot of people in this thread are confusing another girl in the thread for me. These are my only other posts.
Carry on.

You and the other girl are stupid as fuck and deserve nothing


Give it another chance, maybe you know yourself well and know you couldn't get attracted to him but sometimes it's hard to tell when you first meet someone.

I tried to do this to a girl I thought was cool (but she was fat) and she ghosted me. Bump for interest

>Sometimes she’s the person who builds up his self-worth, reminds him of his good qualities, and gives him the courage to put himself out there— and it have to put himself out there alone. Sometimes he likes someone he can talk about non-manly things with, without judgment. Who knows? Men aren’t a monolithic entity.
>this is what female friends actually believe
I swear we must be different species...

Male here, have a few female friends I genuinely have no attraction to, but it's cool to hang out with them once in a while, mostly because they're my age and usually in a relationship.

girls aren't incapable of helping and they can be more sensitive about feelings as well
the point is more the thought that girl friends do this automatically or even naturally
they actively choose to do this and most women will not.
I like my female friends as well but they can't/won't help me emotionally, that being said when I'm emotionally stuck a female won't be able to help me out either
except if I can smash some puss


1. Those people started many of those friendships with those women because they wanted a romantic relationship and either failed or the woman shut them down. They hang around because they care about the girl's wellbeing.

2. Dont listen to these guys that boil it down to sex. They've read too much pick up artist shit. Or are old fashion Europeans.

As I said, a romantic partner to a Male is a super friend. That's the best friend a dude will have. When a guy says he only wants to be romantic, it means he only wants that ultimate stage of friendship. That he wont be happy with half of that. Sex is a very small part of it. Sex is not the same thing as love to a man. Men can fuck women they hate. No, he wants you to be his super friend. He wants to build a life with you. He wants to come home to you. He wants to have and raise kids with you. He wants to work to take care of you. He wants to grow old with you. He wants to share what little time he has on this earth with you.

Normal friendships just dont reach that level for men. Men dont hug. They might hide their fears from each other. They dont want to live together. They dont want kids with this person. They dont want pay for their shit.

Seriously, it's not about the sex. I've had a couple girls ask to be just friends. Only one meant it. For the rest it was just a way to let me down easy or to say "please dont flipout/hitme/ihavenoideahowtodealwiththis" One girl meant it. We are very good friends. She is better than some Male friends. She would do anything for me. She buys me gifts. And dinner. Helps me move. Change flat tires.

But my feelings never went away for her. That's still a girl I would give my life to. She's married now. To a fit guy that ignores her. He doesnt care anything about who she is. He doesnt help her with their baby. I've seen him make her cry then let her cry for an hour. And i just have to kind of live with it. Because that was her choice and i respect her.

This is a big reason men dont like having female friends when they are romantically interested. It's very difficult to watch them wed and live with inferior men just because they thought that guy was cute.

Its emotional torture. It's easier to just say nope and peace out than watch your besty cry and be unable to do much.

Like, I'd love to hug this girl and tell her everything will be ok. Or tell her husband to get his shit together. But I cant. I end up like getting her a chocolate shake and letting her talk. I cant touch her. And i cant attack him. I have to respect what she wants.

It's a very painful thing to do for years. And accepting it worked out that way because your friend thinks you are ugly, is difficult.

ITT: naive people that put friends on pedestals.
One day your friends will cheat you, steal from you, betray you, ignore you and disappoint you.
When that day comes you’ll understand it was never about your looks, you just didn’t have anything they could destroy or take from you when you met.

Sup oldfag
How are you coping these days

This is the world we live in nowadays

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Noted climatologist Random Whore

Post was fine until you revealed what a cuck you are for keeping her around through that kys

When you're an adult you'll understand

hmm okay interesting...
>But my feelings never went away for her. That's still a girl I would give my life to. She's married now. To a fit guy that ignores her. He doesnt care anything about who she is. He doesnt help her with their baby. I've seen him make her cry then let her cry for an hour. And i just have to kind of live with it. Because that was her choice and i respect her.
oh you're a cuck, nevermind.

He claims to be proud to be a cuck so kindly stop cuckshaming him

>I met this girl and I want the benefits of fucking her without being in a relationship
Works both ways, senpai

You have a weird fucked up view of men.

Trust me on this, but nothing turns a man off more than some girl who just thinks all men want to fuck her. It’s the same line of thinking as paranoid rich people who divide themselves off from society because ‘everyone just wants my money’
Well Scrooge McDuck you do the same thing with your pussy.

The truth is your cunt isn’t special, I already know this.

Not saying all men are like that. Just wanted to present another perspective since you made a biased statement.

Also, have sex. Or at least try to. I already know how difficult that is for you :^)

I'm a man and I will happily just fuck a girl without ever doing all the retarded relationship stuff.
Who needs it.

No thanks I'm not into diseased roasrbeef

hmu I need a bottom twink

I wouldn't even try something like this with a guy you really don't know. this is how girls go missing

You did not help her out by being her emotional tampon. By enabling her relationship to the douche, she felt complacent to mother his child.

Should've bounced my man.

Put you intentions clear on the table next time you meet with him. Say you are looking for just a friend. If accepts so be it. If he says no or freaks out, you have your answer. Trust me, having a beta orbiter will cause you problems down the road

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You're missing that this app have different sections with clear goals. OP should've used the one for friendship as she wants. There's a 90% chance that guy wanted to fuck OP w/o gettinh into a relationship. And who gets into a (romantic?) relationship after fucking once anyway?

Well, fuck off, you egotistical slut. Sell you ass gape pics on reddit if you need some self esteem. Do not play with other people feelings. Damn retard.

Why do you think he's missing out?

That was the only post I’ve made in this bait thread.

>This feels pretty dehumanizing. “Oh, you’re only good for sex. It doesn’t matter if you share interests or hobbies and a sense of humor, your value as a human being is reduced to whether I want to and can stick my dick in you.”

The whole point is exactly reversed: I've had female friends with which I shared interests and hobbies, with whom I've shared my inner emotions and they did the same, I've shared food, cigarettes, clothes, experiences... and GUESS? I would have liked to share (GASP) sex with them. Unbelievable, uh? Why would a human male have sex with a human female with whom he has lots of things in common? Crazy, that's totally dehumanizing (SIC) women.

It's interesting that this same argument does not comes up when a quarterback who's just interested in beers and brawls fucks a cheerleader who's just interested in gossip and fashion. What do they have in common? Yet they fuck, and you don't call their relationship "DEHUMANIZING".

How about you just leave him. His feelings aren't worth it.

He's probably not on Bumble to make friends but to find a partner. Tell him you wanna keep hanging out but just as friends, it's probably gonna upset him and he's gonna think you are wasting his time but its better than leading him on

> That my male friends, all in long term relationships, don’t value my friendship and are secretly orbiting me?

How do you arrived to those friendships? Did you turn them down? Or was just from an organic friendship? Contrary to popular belief, men don't want to fuck everything. However, if fucking was among the goal, it's pretty hard to go to base one.

I don't think anybody is saying that men and women cannot be friend. They can. But this is totally different from trying to make friends out of a man who was attracted to you physically (with the goal of fucking you) but you turned down. By fucking, I don't mean you'd fuck and that'd be it but having sex is undeniably a driving force between men and women.

The best OP can do is tell him she isn't attracted to him and be more assertive and clear next time. Why would I want to be friend of a girl I was originally (or might still be) attracted to?

>What do they have in common? Yet they fuck, and you don't call their relationship "DEHUMANIZING".

You’re describing a relationship of mutual interest, user.

It can’t be difficult to imagine it’s dehumanizing that a friend wants to have sex with you, and then stop being your friend if they can’t. Then it’s not just “I’d like to have sex with you but if we can’t, that’s cool too”. But if you quit the friendship when she’s not interested in sex, how is she supposed to feel?

Friends who fuck like you describe are friends with benefits. It’s mutual.

I grew up with most of them.

I met some in college. We shared classes. I was good at biology and tutored them. They helped me study for other courses. We played video games and took turns carpooling to go grocery shopping once a week.

When we started getting annual wasp infestations, I was the one they sent in to catch and kill the ones that flew into their rooms. It was kind of comical. They’d buy me my favorite candy as thanks. I made some guy friends this way— they would knock on my door, tell me they were told I’d take care of wasps in exchange for Good n’ Plenty or Milkduds. Mostly they were roommates of guys I was friends with. I took care of the wasps. And sometimes spiders. And someone’s tarantula that got loose while the owner was in class (captured unharmed, returned to enclosure in good health).

Seriously, fuck wasps. But I made cool friends because of them.

People were also lured in when I made ice cream brownie cakes in the common kitchen. They’d make Mac and cheese, maple syrup crackerjacks, and other stuff with me and we’d split the goods. We shared recipes and tried new stuff, sometimes it was disastrous, sometimes it was a hit.

I did basically no dating at all while in college, didn’t have the time or emotional bandwidth for it. But I made friends.

>It can’t be difficult to imagine it’s dehumanizing that a friend wants to have sex with you, and then stop being your friend if they can’t.

Once again, I see it in an exact specular way: so, we both like to spend time together, we share common interests and thought and emotions, AND when for all the above reasons, I feel sexually attracted to you, and you don't, I should just swallow that and pretend it's all fine?

You have no idea how many times I've heard "Oh, you are great, you are full of great qualities, I'm sure someone will appreciate them in the future".

[And why not YOU? You were appreciating these qualities, right? Otherwise we wouldn't have shared all this time together: you would have blocked me on social, you would have stopped answering my messages, you would have come up with excuses not to meet...]

In my eyes, THAT'S dehumanizing. "You have good qualities, you'll find someone that appreciates them. Personally, I don't appreciate your good qualities". How many layers of hypocrisy can you count?

And to be crystal clear: I've had friends with which I shared time/emotions/experiences/ without feeling the urge to end up in bed with them. Sure, I had some fantasies, but they were just that, fantasies, not an actual visceral love involvement.

I could talk for hours about "dehumanizing" behaviours. And, guess, it was never me who practiced them.

One of the two or three girls I had sex with told me "My bf treats me bed, he doesn't respect me, you are different, I don't want to be with him anymore". --- She ghosted me after three days --- Went back to her "disrespectful bf" which she "didn't want to see anymore" and stayed with him for years after.

What did you say about "dehumanizing" ?

>I should just swallow that and pretend it's all fine?
What’s odd, though, is that becomes the all encompassing thing to you. You want to have sex with her so badly that everything else about her is suddenly unimportant in comparison?

>and why not YOU?

Because you can appreciate attractive qualities without actually desiring them. I’m a straight woman and can tell when other women are very attractive, and how they can do things to make themselves more attractive. That doesn’t mean I want to be with them. Similarly, I can tell when a guy has attractive qualities other girls will like, but not ones that click for me.

And there are things that are fine in friends that aren’t fine in partners. Some of my guy friends liked to get fucked up with alcohol and saw it as part of their masculinity. I hate alcohol. I don’t have to hang out with him when he goes to drink. But I also don’t have to worry about him coming home to me drunk and spinning stupid, because I’m not his girlfriend. Yet there are girls that would go drinking right with him or not mind that he’s drunk. They don’t mind kissing him with alcohol
on his lips. But I do mind.

What you don’t get is that it’s not a checklist: “If I have x y and z and am in this percentile of attractive men, any girl in this percentile of attractive women with these qualities should like me.” But it doesn’t work out that way.

>What’s odd, though, is that becomes the all encompassing thing to you.

How is that odd? Sex is biologically an all encompassing activity, involving body and mind. I have friends with which I like listening to metal, I have friends with which I like playing videogames, with others I drink beer... We share an interest, and that's fine, friends are what make life interesting and worthy (most of times). But sex (or should I say love?) goes beyond that: which brings me to the next point

>You want to have sex with her so badly that everything else about her is suddenly unimportant in comparison?

In fact, that's exactly the opposite: everything about her it's important to me, and THAT'S WHY I want to have sex with her.

Again, I'll reverse that: so many things about me are good (in "your" own words) and YET that's not enough to have sex?

>Because you can appreciate attractive qualities without actually desiring them. I’m a straight woman and can tell when other women are very attractive, and how they can do things to make themselves more attractive. That doesn’t mean I want to be with them. Similarly, I can tell when a guy has attractive qualities other girls will like, but not ones that click for me.

Yeah, don't worry, I've already heard this story: and, AGAIN, it's not even self-consistent (not that I expect it to be, since it comes from a woman: no offense intended, I've already noticed your kind just does not get the point, or pretends not too).

"I can tell when a guy has attractive qualities other girls will like, **but not ones that click for me**. "

But these girls literally just told me that they like my qualities :O --- "I like your qualities, but not like I really like them, you know? I like them, but I don't, actually." --- "My boyfriends beats me. I like that I can talk to you about that, you respect women" [actual conversation happened with multiple girls]

...Seriously? You don't see any problem with such statements?

>What you don’t get is that it’s not a checklist: “If I have x y and z and am in this percentile of attractive men, any girl in this percentile of attractive women with these qualities should like me.” But it doesn’t work out that way.

And THAT'S exactly the problem! Girls say A, but they want B. They'll never admit they want B, you need to read their fucking mind (like, how the fuck I'm supposed to do that), and see beyond their lies.

I'll say it again: countless times I've heard of girls beaten by their bfs. Yeah, eventually they left them. And, guess, they ended up with another bf who beat them, or controlled them, or was insanely jealous, or whatever.

The only time I punched a girl I was seven years old. But, hey, I'm the one dehumanizing women, because I'd like to connect emotionally with a girl I really like. Nevermind if her boyfriend literally left bruises on her skin and tear hair off of her head, he probably has "qualities that click for her" (SIC!)

Yeah, this convo isn’t productive anymore. I’m sorry you feel this way, but it’s clear you and I are talking past each other and I don’t think we can even find some kind of narrative common ground, so I’m gonna have to call it quits. I can’t even relate to women who stay with abusive men, but that’s all you’re focusing on, and it’s like you expect me to somehow explain or justify them. I can’t, I’m not them. I’m only me. Wish you the best.

>Because you can appreciate attractive qualities without actually desiring them.

I mean, who does appreciate qualities without actually desiring them? That's book definition of schizophrenic.

>Yeah, this convo isn’t productive anymore. I’m sorry you feel this way, but it’s clear you and I are talking past each other and I don’t think we can even find some kind of narrative common ground, so I’m gonna have to call it quits. I can’t even relate to women who stay with abusive men, but that’s all you’re focusing on, and it’s like you expect me to somehow explain or justify them. I can’t, I’m not them. I’m only me. Wish you the best.

Yeah, you're not them, you're only you, yet you felt the need to school me about how they feel about me, and when you realized you cannot do that, you quit :) Don't worry, that's typical of women: "You don't understand us, it works this way" ---> *proves her wrong* ---> "I don't feel we can find a common ground in this convo"

Sure we can't, you are talking about wishful thinking and pretending you know what I've experienced, while I'm talking exclusively about cold hard facts that I've actually experienced in my real life.

It's like if a castrated 6 years old kid wanted to teach Kamasutra to Rocco Siffredi.

Imagine someone works a job that’s 80 hours a week and pays well, like a doctor. You admire their work ethic and smarts and think the paycheck is spiffy. But you don’t want to be with someone whose job requires them to have such a poor work-life balance.

Do you think there aren’t other people who think being a doctor is a great quality and the shitty work-life balance associated with it isn’t as much of an obstacle?

Lol, imagine being so driven by your dick that you reduce another human being’s entire worth down to whether they’ll fuck you or not

False dichotomy on so many levels. Not always being a doctor pays well, not all have a great work ethic, and also my point is about personal qualities, not exterior ones (such as "what's your job, what car you drive, what football team you root for").

"Oh, such a nice girl, too bad she is a baker and needs to get up so early and has always flour on her clothes" --- like, wtf?

Lol, imagine not understanding neither biology or simple texts.

...But you don't even need to imagine that.

>and also my point is about personal qualities
so wait, you're saying exterior qualities aren't a valid reason for someone to not want to be with you even if they like being your friend? I wasn't following this shitshow very closely but I am right confused

Change the date to fun things that friends usually do. If he keeps insisting just friendzone him and suck his dick right after to keep him around

I said yeah I want to hang out and he invited me to go kayaking (we live really close to a lake, it's normal). I really want to go. Is kayaking okay or nah?

>your value as a human being is reduced to whether I want to and can stick my dick in you
You're obsessed with sex and you're objectifying men
A relationship is more than just someone to dick down

>A relationship is more than just someone to dick down

But you'd end a friendship over whether you get to dick down or not?


Jow Forums needs IDs

Yeah but get the individual kayaks and not the one where you're both in it together. You have no idea how horny dudes can be sometimes

Do you guys seriously not see the benefit to female friends?

So they don't want to fuck you? Big deal. They'll introduce you to their single friends. Rinse and repeat and you'll eventually have a multitude of dating options, as well as the added bonus of other girls seeing you with a group of girls and their interest being piqued

They’re really single-minded, honestly.

Yeah but if they're hot we want them not their ugly friends

People generally get along best with people around the same attractiveness level. Again, how do you not know this?

I guess it really depends on if the guy really just wanted you for sex or a romantic relationship.

I think women pretend all men want sex only so they can play the victim card. They dont want to e entertain the idea that the Male is hurt because he wanted to create a last loving romantic bond and was instead denied and offered an inferior friendship.

And it is inferior. It's the difference between talking to someone and having laughs, and having someone hold you at night before bed and tell you that they love you.

Many men would find settling emotionally painful so they just opt out.

Okay, I thought "have sex" was a meme, but obviously not.

This is coming from a recovering sex addict.
Here's the "have sex" secret:

"Expect nothing from others except their company and perspective"

Then they'll want to fuck you.

You have to 100% genuinely want to know them/connect with them as a person. If you can't do this rn, then fake it till you make it.

All rebuffs are just turns on the way to getting laid.

You met him on a dating app and whether it's just sex or a serious relationship, he met you under some pretense of something centred around dating. If you're not interested in any of that with him then obviously that's fine, but don't go wasting his time with that shit. Just be honest and tell him you're not interested in taking it any further as a relationship but would like to remain friends. If he's okay with remaining just friends or hasn't got the guts to walk away then you get what you want, if he breaks contact entirely then at least you did the right thing.

I see the benefit but

1. I already have a lot of friends
2. I might want a relationship that is deeper than just a friendship.
3. Guys put pressure on you for befriending women you find attractive. Call you cuck and shit.
4. 75% of the time women say they just want to be friends to let a guy down easy. They dont mean it. I have like 1 female friend that meant it. She's fucking fantastic.
5. Having that one great female friend is painful at times. I still think she is hot. I would still like to have her as a partner in life. And watching her struggle with bad relationships over and over is like a kick in the dick.

>People generally get along best with people around the same attractiveness level.
Exactly, people of the same attractiveness are more likely to be couple

>Again, how do you not know this?
What the fuck are you trying to say

Tell us more king of sex

>Do you guys seriously not see the benefit to female friends?
That's not the issue here. More often than not women make better friends than they do partners, but that was not the circumstances under which they met. In much the same way that she's not obligated to enter into a relationship of any kind with him, the same is true of him to her, and being just friends is included in that.

Women that have lots of Male friends often dont have single female friends.