Talmud says that the reason why Jesus was able to do miracles was because he was taught black magic in Egypt...

Talmud says that the reason why Jesus was able to do miracles was because he was taught black magic in Egypt, what if this is true?

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>healing and feeding people is a black art

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Fuck the talmud. The scripture was fullfilled. End of story.

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Discussed in Matthew 12:
22 Then some people brought Yeshua a man possessed by a demon. The demon made the man blind and unable to talk. Yeshua cured him so that he could talk and see.

23 The crowds were all amazed and said, “Can this man be the Son of David?” 24 When the Pharisees heard this, they said, “This man can force demons out of people only with the help of Beelzebul, the ruler of demons.”

25 Since Yeshua knew what they were thinking, he said to them, “Every kingdom divided against itself is ruined. And every city or household divided against itself will not last. 26 If Satan forces Satan out, he is divided against himself. How, then, can his kingdom last? 27 If I force demons out of people with the help of Beelzebul, who helps your followers force them out? That’s why they will be your judges. 28 But if I force demons out with the help of God’s Spirit, then the kingdom of God has come to you. 29 How can anyone go into a strong man’s house and steal his property? First he must tie up the strong man. Then he can go through his house and steal his property.

30 “Whoever isn’t with me is against me. Whoever doesn’t gather with me scatters. 31 So I can guarantee that people will be forgiven for any sin or cursing. However, cursing the Spirit will not be forgiven. 32 Whoever speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven. But whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven in this world or the next.

He did it for free, so of course the jew would think it's black arts

Talmud was written by a bunch of Rabbis who thought they knew better than all the old testament prophets

Talmud is literally just the book of Jewish cope for killing the Messiah

All magic is "black" just embrace it.

You're a Christian convert


yeah and they even admit this. They think God visited them and gave them a superior list of laws while moses was still on mount sinai.

The Talmud has never been translated, because jews refuse to make their own holy book public like everyone else
what are they hiding??

>Egyptians know physics defying black magic
Go on...


kangz n sheiit


Kinda weird for a black magician to use his magic for the sake of other people, or to proclaim such a rigorous and benevolent ethic or even go to his own death in obedience and charity.

crossniggers: 0
crowley: 1

>Kabbalah practicing heebs, a religion all about deception, magic and manipulation, accuses the man of logos of learning black magic
Have they always done that? Project what they are onto their enemies?

Yes. Orthodox.

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Fucking based.

t. found sheep
Praise Him!

Unironically based and red pilled

how come the Talmud isn't publicly available and translated unlike literally every single other Holy Book?

what are you hiding?

Talmud also makes a lot of other interesting claims.

When a Jew has a Gentile in his clutches, another Jew may go to the same Gentile, lend him money and in turn deceive him, so that the Gentile shall be ruined. For the property of a Gentile, according to our law, belongs to no one, and the first Jew that passes has full right to seize it.

Schulchan Aruch, Choszen Hamiszpat 156

If it can be proven that someone has given the money of Israelites to the Goyim, a way must be found after prudent consideration to wipe him off the face of the earth.

Choschen Hamm 388, 15


>10,000 pages of "well aktchually"

hahaha literally.

Based, welcome to the light brother

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I am not a jew anymore, I have nothing to hide, but if you want the talmud its pretty easy to find.
Thanks brother.

What's it like being orthodox Christian in Israel?

Why do you think? It literally says goyim are cattle and any goy who reads it should be stoned to death. The last time it got translated all copies got burned.

The mo$$ad sends their regards

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>but whoever speaks against the holy spirit will not be forgiven in this world or the next"
I was a satanic devil worshiper when I was younger and I cursed God but I thought I came to know God and turned almost all of it around.

I still fear that I've committed the unforgivable sin and that i am doomed to hell no matter what.

Even though i fear i am already destined for hell, I continue trying to be a more godly person

1 of the 144k to be saved!

me too.

Pretty good. No churches where I live though sadly.

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You didnt curse the Holy Spirit, have peace. If you are a believer, and feel compelled to do good, the holy spirit is in you right now. I did the same as you and felt that way for a long time. Have peace knowing God did not abandon you and that you are not a reprobate.

A lot

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You need to take the sacrament of confession. All sins are forgiven to those who are truly penitent.

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Do your parents know?

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Hesus was Not!

What if they knew?

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>Talmud claims Jesus was the son of a Roman soldier
>late 1800s, 100s of years after these claims are written. This soldiers grave is found with the same same
>Talmud describes an arial battle better Jesus and Judas, ala Neo vs Agent Smith in the Matrix.
>they describe St. Paul as an agent of Judaism to subvert the fledgling Christian movement.

I spent an entire day deep diving into this stuff. Its absolutely bizarre,and the coincidences all line up too nicely. There is a well documented historical lineage for these writing as well, way better than anything from the new testament.

That is the unforgivable sin right there.

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Talmud, Jesús, jajajajaja

Brother Nathaniel!?

talk to a priest lad.

>The scripture was fullfilled
Well at least there's one jew who acknowledged it.
>Torah says Mashiah will bring goyim under jewish law and make jewish tribe rule over them
>Jesus claims he's Mashiah, rabbis who see only other rabbi and not a kind or conqueror do not believe him and kill him
>His death creates religion that subdues goyim to jewish law and destroys their native cultures
>Religion also keeps jewish diaspora safe from being physically eradicated by goyim as they infest Europe, allowing them spend lot of time accumulating critical mass of wealth and take power
It seems that Jesus was indeed a Mashiah, and it's not nice that yids still didn't apologized to him.

the reason why jews don't believe in Jesus is because it says when the messiah comes they temple will be rebuilt and universal peace will happen , jews didn't built the temple and no peace happend , this vid explains it well

black magic doesn't exist
theres only fat bitches with dyed hair that think they are witches

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It isn't because Yeshu is not Jesus.

Lol sounds like a bit of a lazy hippie that did not want to work and pay taxes, instead he mooched off others, crashing on peoples couches. Liked free paddies in questionable places and turned cheap tricks while getting drunk at weddings! Had a bunch of men follow him around and one he liked it when he dressed up as a gal for him!

Still better than momed who spent 5he night with a katholic priest and a goat! lol

Religion, the path to nowhere good and productive as proven!

>Did someone say free?

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Fucking based!

>Yeshu (ישו in the Hebrew alphabet) is the name of an individual or individuals mentioned in Rabbinic literature,[1] which historically has been assumed to be a reference to Jesus when used in the Talmud. The name Yeshu is also used in other sources before and after the completion of the Babylonian Talmud. It is also the modern Israeli spelling of Jesus.

nice try schlomo

Based heeb

Meme flag - check
Talmud says - check
Bullshit about Jesus - check
Question post - check
sage - check

Fuck your virgin faggot
He looked nice on the cross though, serves him for trying to subvert

Pussy faggot
Kys now

When someone points the finger at you there are three fingers pointing back

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Jews got routinely killed and expelled by christians, and the jews of jerusalem were gleefully massacred by the crusaders.
Understandably as jews killed jesus.

The devil is with you user, watch your profanity.
Why is the star of solomon (the one who turned from god) on your flag by the way?

Believing kikes...

Hahahahaha. This.

No! Because kikes made the Christianity myth and also talmud myths. Debating if one jewish lie is more true than other jewish lie, rabbis are laughing at you goy, the layers and webs of lies are numerous, but the truth cuts them like a sword cuts a spiders web.

“No lie is too big for a Jew, no lie is too small… Jews live by lying, and die with coming in contact with the truth.” Bobby Fischer

Entire Jesus story was stolen from Romans and life and death of Julius Caesar
Pic related:
Based on the descriptions that are preserved by Suetonius (Jul. 84.1), Appianus (BC 2.146-147), and the parallel tradition, the Utrecht artist Pol du Closeau has tried in a first approximation a drawn reconstruction of the central scene of Caesar’s funeral.

Attached: Caesar.gif (305x432, 42K)

"Why are Gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like an effendi (a title of nobility) and eat. That is why Gentiles were created." "The sole purpose of Gentiles is to serve Jews."

- Late Chief Sephardi Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, 2010

Why are you denying Christ? Isaiah has been fullfilled.

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I fucking hate hitler for not doing the holocaust, he was far to idealistic and nice.

Show flag

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for those who doubt
pic related.

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Only if its water melon and kfc

The literal translation is that he swam, not walked.

don't do this. Talk to a preacher/pastor.

Perhaps you brothers in Christ can help me.
I am a beliver that keeps falling into disbelief. My life is misery, and in turn no matter how hard I try I cannot pick myself up so I ask God for help. I see my own pain and that of others and I begin to doubt the Lords existence, I also question much of what is written, it seems that such a God is rather unconcerned with human life, even of his believers. Is there any books that address Christianity and the world of suffering at the philosophical level and metaphysical as well?

Pastor Jim doesn't know wtf he's talking about, talk to a priest of a real religion

The mere fact you accepted Jesus alone is proof of your salvation. Denying the Holy Spirit essentially means dying a non believer

Nothing you said “lined up” though. You’re treading on steep dirt.

>why the fuck do you have the nihils version mutt, or you proxying?

Just read the Bible lad

Imagine following the heretic version of your own religion. You are oficially a cuck

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the holy trinity is: Parents, children and then Gaia. Or the global consciousness, as shamanism teaches. It's been so misconstrued and butchered, we should all be ashamed.

>not posting the superior version

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Talmud is a cringey jew book of seething at the existence of Christ.

This is what he looked like.

Attached: Jewcifer.jpg (310x403, 21K)

Not yet



>I still fear that I've committed the unforgivable sin and that i am doomed to hell no matter what.
If you committed a sin that was unforgivable the Holy Spirit would not be influencing your soul. What would be the point?

>nigger magic
The only places where faith healing is still prevalent is equatorial africa and US.

How bad does Jesus annoy the jews? On a scale from 1-10?


>standing on a rock in the ocean is black magic


The way my pastor explained it to me is if you're worried you committed that sin you havent if that makes sense.

Then the Talmud is equating the work of the Holy Spirit to the occult, which is blasphemy of the Holy Spirit.

Now the question is were the Talmud writers ignorant or like the Pharisees had clear evidence? If the former I think they can be forgiven.



Jesus was the king of man-king not Jews.

The real Jews were the followers of Christ.

Common misconception so it's understandable to have confusion.

And here we have another thread created by a memeflag in order to antagonize people

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Wow they sure talk about owning slaves a lot.

As Christians, we believe that Jesus had special magic Jew powers because he was the only son of the magic Jew-god Yahwah and that the special power is transmitted by heredity. We believe that Yahwah and Jesus live forever and now float around invisibly. They are beings in our Judaeo-Christian pantheon and are uneffected by gravity and can read minds.