So I am a Western loser who was nearly about to kill himself because of his situation. Now I will go to Russia...

So I am a Western loser who was nearly about to kill himself because of his situation. Now I will go to Russia, a country I have never been to, and learn a language I have never spoken. I was always afraid from going to Russia, but at this point if I don't care anymore. If I get killed, it would be a win for me. If I survive: It would also be a win I guess.
Am I doing it right Jow Forums ?
What can I do with Russian language speaking skillz careerwise? Also can I finally find a girlfriend over there? The west is fucked and I get rejected for the way I look again and again.
Btw: I won't be in Moscow or St. Petersburg, but rather at some less known places.

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Why do you hate the west? I hope you enjoy being surrounded by muslims. Russia being some alt-right paradise is bizarrely overrated.

> I hope you enjoy being surrounded by muslims.
They make up around only 20% of the population and are not that extreme with their religion like here in Germany. So I'm fine with it.

>Why do you hate the west?
Well, basically the west is great. No doubt about it. The only thing I don't like is society, the fact that more and more refugees are coming, feminism, etc. Also women are whores here and only fuck with the top 20% of men. So yeah, I don't see a reason to stay here any longer. I wish I could, but not like that. It drives me nuts

>They make up around only 20% of the population
Worse than Germany then. Cool.

Russia already has more Muslims per capita than anywhere in Russia, and they have open border with islamic countries where more are streaming in from. You drank the Putin cool aid.

Women every fuck the top 20% of men. And no russian woman is going to fuck some little scrote of a foreigner.

>than anywhere in Europe

Rusanon, don't be mad, okay?

Okay, I’m a Russian, so I think I’m qualified to give you advice.
Women here are pretty traditional, in some way. They are shallow, not very smart, and care about money a lot.
They don’t have sex on the first date, but they don’t really care about sex, it’s “yucky”. They’ll still expect you to pay for everything.
A simple woman’s goal in Russia is to get married and have her husband provide for her. If that sounds what you want to do, sure, go ahead.
Myself, I prefer meeting foreign girls on tinder and having a good time with them, because they are actually interesting and into sex.

It's true though.

If you are a loser in Germany then you are going to be a loser in Russia. What the fuck were you planning to do there anyways if you cant speak the language? Clean toilets? How do you expect to socialize with anyone if you don’t speak the language? Who cares that there are muslims and refugees in Germany? It sounds like you’re a beta like every right wing faggot and you have to blame your failures and shortcomings on a minority group. When was the last time you tried dating or even asking a woman out in Germany? Probably never. You fucking pussy. Just lol if you move from a country with one of the highest standards of living to a borderline third world shithole because muh open borders. fucking faggot.


Why not go to Austria? At least you share a language with Austrians.

I'm not quite as desperate as you are, but I also plan on moving to Russia or some other Eastern European place once I graduate.

Absolutely spot on. Cheers senpai


Mostly because I have a high percentage of russian/eastern euro heritage and I just don't like the USA that much. The only thing I'd miss are the guns, which I do have plenty of.
And if I can't go to Russia or wherever, I'll probably go to Alaska. I either need away from the USA entirely or away from the urban USA. This shit is awful

Well OP, I think getting out of your situation and going to a foreign country is a really good idea. It's a clean slate, it's exciting, and will likely make you not want to kill yourself. I think you should take some time to learn some basic words before you head out though. Food, water, bathroom, shit like that.

I am doing this already. Learning some words and stuff.
Also have a punch of people who speak my language and Russian around me as well.
Women or not. Personalitywise I would propaply improve myself.
Right anons?

It doesn’t sound like you have a good reason to want to be in a place like rural Russia. It feels like you’ve over romanticised it in your mind as the answer to western degenerate society. You even mention german refugees. Russia has far more Muslims immigrants per capita than anyplace in the EU. Except if you complain about it there the government just makes you disappear for criticism of state policy. I’m not sure what you hope to find there.

user moving to some slav shithole isn't going to improve your problems. Stop blaming others and things (like feminism as you said) and take some fucking responsibility instead of being a bitch that runs away from your problems. Start admitting fault and work to fucking improve yourself. I know a lot of this is making assumptions but every time I see some far right person in this scenario, it's normally cause they dont want to admit fault (since your sitiuation seems to be a common thing).
Similar to what a previous user said, if you're miserable or a failure now, you still will be over there. Also their government is corrupt as fuck and very anti free speech, and living standards are pretty shit compared to the west.

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>Also their government is corrupt as fuck and very anti free speech, and living standards are pretty shit compared to the west.
Yeah user, I know that.

>Start admitting fault and work to fucking improve yourself
Okay user, tell me how then. I have a social circle, I am studying computer science right now, I travelled to over a dozen countries already, lived several months in Australia, learned and worked in a trade before all that. This is no fucking Larp here, even though you propaply think it is. Everything seems to be going alright then, right? Absolutely not. You can't imagine how I am suffering because I get rejected over and over again. I am not fat, I am 6' tall, I am white. NOTHING where you would say that it is a dealbreaker.
I just don't manage to get ANY fucking girl interested in me. It works out from time to time when I am abroad, but not here. That is why I consider myself a loser. And I don't know what to do anymore, than just moving places. That stuff makes me depressed, like you can't even imagine. I am not a virgin, I know how great it feels when a girl likes you as much as you like her. It gave me a boost back in the day. Right now I can't even focus on my studies anymore, because I don't see a sense in anything anymore because of me failing at such a fundamental thing ober and over again.

>I just don't like the USA that much
Why not?

Is that really true? I find it hard to believe that a remnant of the soviet union is a mass intaker of refugees

Go see a therapist before you make such a radical decision. If you can not be happy with your life now, such a move won't fix anything. Especially not moving to Russia of all places.
>t. russian that left as soon as he got a second citizenship and never regretted it

>Go see a therapist
This sounds like good advice as well, as I am at a point where I personally don't know what to do anymore apart from just moving the fuck away.

Sounds like an adventure dude. Who cares what others think this is your life. And you can always come back

>Sounds like an adventure dude. Who cares what others think this is your life. And you can always come back
Good points as well fren. It would be limited to 6 months anyway, before I would have to go back. The whole thing includes an internship. Means I would work there actually as well


Unless you're rich, hot as fuck or going to take her back to Germany with you, only desperate women who don't love themselves will approach you

Russia still have freedom of movement with islamic shitholes like Kazakhstan from the Soviet Union days. That’s where all the muslims are streaming in from. Do you think putin is ever going to stop that? Not a chance, cheap labour for all this buddies. Read up on it. Russia is a shithole on every concierge level. Shit economy, shit community, shit society. Everything good about it you hear from the alt right is just memes.

>Everything good about it you hear from the alt right is just memes
t.never been to Russia


Too many minorities, no culture beyond killing natives, big Macs 4x4s, and wageslavery and just generally no future that I see that is worth sticking around for. Sorry for the delay

Everything i said is true and you can’t even deny it. You swallowed the blue pill on russia.

Lol, what do you think is there for you in Russia? In Russia you just work harder for less money.

Of all places you picked the one with highest suicide, alcoholism, HIV and lowest wages? Really? Russia?

Cant you pick a little less shitty country?

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Russia pussy tho

I knew I'd be chastised for saying that. I mean it more like I'm viewed as a disposable cog here, so I might as well go be a disposable cog somewhere slightly more interesting.

Jow Forums bluepilled him on russia probably

>going to russia for pussy
Kek. There are way better slavic countries for that.

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You’ll be far far more disposable in Russia. Enjoy being worked to the bone and getting cancer from the non existent work safety regulations. Then being dumped in a landfill missed by no one.

You talk tough, but you’d be crying yourself to sleep each night if you went there.

Well, we'll see I guess. I'm not trying to "talk tough" but it seems any disenchantment with the US is a punishable offense so I'll refrain from now on. Thanks

Why would you not save up some sweet yankie dollars to move with, it'll surely be worth more?

That's my plan. I'm not the op, I'm someone else. I said I'd move after (college) graduation. I'll either get a decent job and move there, or work here and save up and move with that