Any of you guys here? How are things going down there? I heard the president is fucking things up and people arent selling bread?
Why are you using the wrong flag?
The president a cat and the biggest moron you could ever imagine
Well economy is cyclically shitty in this country and its at low point, the government is dissapointing, but its elections year too so in a few months we have to elect a new president. Not much else to say.
If it all goes to shit i'm gonna go south to Argentina and find me a beautiful, green eyed Castiza like pic related to marry and breed.
Macri is the president right? I heard some woman is in the lead right now. Really guys? A woman?
Give them 5 years and they'll be OK
the argentinian economical cycles are pure chaos
> Green eyed Castiza
M8 you got based taste
We're going to die.
Fucking useless Macri it's was pretty well know how fucking idiot he is. They voted him just for the hate on CFK. The richfag never showed a little understanding on economics, so what could you expect from him?
The new debt is a national record, so there's no hope of anything.
What's a surprise to me, is that even in crisis, paraguayos, brasileiros, peruanos and venezolanos don't leave the country... I-I don't get it, why they keep coming???
Venezolanos I get it, brniggers probs are richfags that thinks their country is worse
> I-I don't get it, why they keep coming???
Because our crisis are all fake. Nobody is really suffering. They are simply not being given as much free government money as they used to.
Fuera piratas.
There's always a worse shithole.
People ARE suffering, but to be fair most of those people are immigrants that shouldn't be here in the first place.
2 millon bolivians came here to "make the America" and they only found gibs.
They should fuck off to their country.
>larping too hard as huwites
Lmao saving this
Also to make everybody seeth today is the sentence of the doctor who shot dead a nigger that wanted to rob him.
"Abuse of legitimate defence" what a joke.
Justice in this country only exist to oppress the middle class and let the niggers run rampant stealing shit. The state don't protect you and does not let you protect yourself.
im venezuelan, been here for a year and i've never been suffering.. in fact i've save enought money to leave this shithole in a few months, yes the inflation rate its higher by minute, but the only people i've seen crying all over are just niggers complaining about "muh gibs capo te puedo mostrar un par de medias sin compromiso?"
No llores Argentina kek; pero de verdad esto solo es pero un capitulo de la historia de Argentina y vos tienes a pasar las pastillas rojas a la joventuddd si quieres que la cultura Argetina sobrevives la invacion de los micco feo Haitianos.
>Spanish isn't my first language, forgive me Mapuche-chan.
Historically all of our female presidents sucked.
Probably you mean Vidal, meh, it's not bad, but I hope some other party but Macri's wins.
Well, the other option was Scioli kek, I have no regrets in voting Macri.
And if it came down to Macri vs Kirchner again, I would vote for him again, in tears but without regret.
You probably are a non retard that can get a job.
We have people that doesn't even know how to write or read let alone how to use a computer.
Most of those peoples are basically indios or bolivians and they sholdn't be here.
That's the in the first place why we are bankrupt, Peronism taught people/monkeys that they have to be given shit for free in truckloads in exchange of nothing, even if you are not a national.
truly sad desu. you know these people will get cristina back right? i wish you the best, but honestly you guys are fucking doom
>Abuse of legitimate defence
Man, that is so cukced. I'm glad we elected bolso, for this if not for anything else.
IMO she will not run for president
Unlike years ago, she has no party, no husband, no mothers, her daughter is a fugitive in Cuba, the other one is quite useless. She has no control over other powers, she has no loyal collaborators left(most of them are in prison, have denounced her or switched sides ("betrayed"), there is no leftist context in the entire continent, ergo no international support, venezuela is pure rampant chaos, not like back in time, and opposition to her would be as strong as ever.
Yep, this is why I am 90% convinced she will not run for president.
Jose Luis Espert is a liberal economist who is running for president but he has no real chance of winning,lefties are not going to vote for someone that belives in small goverment and people who are not lefties will vote for macri. One thing you have to know about Argetnina is that even the rigth wing belive we should have a economy closed to trade and that the state should do everything,we have no rigth wing in this country and thats why people are fucked,in the early 2000s an liberal economist called Lopez Murphy got like 25% of the vote an almost became president,but I dont see a small goverment economist getting into power anytime soon so we are never going to break the cycle.
We need free trade and low taxes to grow but people want to "protect national industry" so we are forced to buy shitty products made in argentina that no one else in the world uses instead of just buying products from the US,Europe or asia,people think that if we have free trade everyone is going to be poor but Argentina used to be the richest country in the world in 1895 or 1896 and was in top ten richest countries at the begginig of the 20th century until we decided to change our economy to promote industry,I dont know why people dont want to focus on doing what we do best since we would be so much richer.
>why they keep coming???
It because you have very good steak.
If I can avoid it I will not vote for Macri
Argentina is cute and classy for Brazilians.
The rest are just dirt poor animals, of course Argentina is better to them than their own countries.
>Justice in this country only exist to oppress the middle class and let the niggers run rampant stealing shit.
B... but... isn't that the purpose of Justicialism/Socialism?
Paragua here, been in this country since 97.
From what I've seen, bolivians have their "mafia" and live in pretty shit conditions as every argie here may know. So I guess that having their own clique + being extremely frugal, more than jews even, pay dividends.
My paisanos mostly work in construction because I guess they're cheaper than argies and living in shanty towns make it worth it, there are quite a few who are contractors by themselves and that always yields good money.
Idk what peruvians do besides restaurants and narco shit (like the other two above, ofc).
Chinks come here because some shady govt deal that make them tax exempt for # years, and then they change the ownership or something wacky like that, it's hard to get a read on their activities due their cultural isolation and ofc the language barrier.
Venecas, well, they sell overpriced food, some of them come with a proper degree and work, though some of them don't have something comparable to either UBA, or their own national university so I wouldn't trust them in some fields, sorry lads.
I guess most wont leave because of the public services; health and education being the most important ones, and the job availability.
Also this.
I guess that BRs feel quite dazzled when coming to Buenos Aires and seeing the european architecture (french, italian, and english mostly), then they remember the bullshit Niemeyer pulled off in Brasilia.
They got what they deserved.
1883 lonquimay, i hope argentinians die on the most gruesome and painful way possible, NO FUCKING MERCY.
seething texans
Chill mate that was over 130 years ago
Yes. Exactly.
They seem to think that Buenos Aires is part of Europe.
But I feel pretty bad for them because although I also would like to visit Buenos Aires, I think Brazil itself has some top notch European architecture on its own.
And Rio de Janeiro could easily be one of the best scenary cities in the world if they didn't allow the favelas to grow like vermin...
>Idk what peruvians do besides restaurants and narco shit (like the other two above, ofc).
Top Verduleros
what is that
But they do, kek