Why does current media demonize sexualized stuff so much? Most of the people like me who consume this kind of stuff is never gonna touch a real woman anyway, who cares if these representations are unrealistic or objectifying? I'm literally never going to have any effect on a real woman's life.
Why does current media demonize sexualized stuff so much...
One of the general ideas behind it is to stop people growing up / being influenced by it, which in turn will produce fewer people like yourself.
Your post isn't asking for advice, try posting on /b/, /v/ or /tv/.
Fuck off back to /b/ incel faggot
Influenced by what?
"literally never going to have any effect on a real woman's life"
You probably don't realize this, but you sound like those guys that talk about the earth being flat, or how government chem trails.
You're black pilling yourself.
Your life isn't going to be miserable forever
I won't even touch' media demonizes sexualized stuff' because what the fuck does that even mean?
What media? What sexual stuff?
a lot of media is pretty goddamn pro sexuality
>a lot of media is pretty goddamn pro sexuality
Only to women and good looking people. If a woman is appearing naked in any form of media, they call it a women empowerment/sex positive thing. But if they were to find out that a fat neckbeard incel user were to masterbate to the said women in the privacy of his own house, somehow tfats a bad thing and they demonize him.
What's wrong with people like me existing? We pay taxes, work and then retire to the houses we pay rent to to masturbate to cartoons.
I'm not miserable. Though the phrase was incorrect, I do have an influence on my mom and sister's lives but obviously what I do sexually doesn't matter there. But me having an unrealistic view of women sexually influences exactly zero real women.
Dude, I know people that think that might be kinda creepy, but I literally know no girl ever who was like "CREEPY GUYS CAN'T FIND HOT GIRLS ATTRACTIVE THEY CAN'T MASTURBATE TO THEM"
Like come on, dude, no one is saying this in real life.
It sounds like someone gave you these ideas about how the media, sexuality and men interact with each other, as opposed to you having experienced this personally.
Does that sound about right?
Also the whole 'naked woman empowered in media' thing isn't as true as you make it out to be either. There is still a lot of stigma around female sexuality
The truth of it is, men and women both have a lot of shit to deal with.
Bad shit
The world sucks for everyone.
Fight the things making it suck, not the other people suffering with you.
I think you're right desu. I meant more in the way that they demonize "overly sexy" designs such as 2B here or stuff like that.
I have absolutely no problem with fan-service but I do have a problem with it only being for fans of sexy little girls instead of men too. It's always moongirls with ribbons covering their crotch or some such nonsense and there's never sexy men or boys who are drawn for women to look at or oogle. The men are always fully clothed in suits of armor or trench coats and hats while the girls prance around wearing napkins and yarn and shit. I hate it.
I'm a woman - I want to look at sexy men just as much as you want to look at sexy women. GIVE ME FANSERVICE TOO!! Give me large throbbing penis-bulges wrapped in ribbons! Give me ass cheeks encased in a thong! Why do only women get designed and drawn as eye candy for men to drool and fap over and not men for the lady-fans of the show? We are every bit at perverted and sexual as you, so we also deserve to be acknowledged.
I don't mind sexy useless "armor" and outfits - just as long as both male and female characters are wearing them so that everyone gets to enjoy the fanservice.
"napkins and yard and shit"
fucking lol
You just aren't as demanding or numerous as horny men are, sadly. You're not a terribly sound investment. By comparison.
Puritanism and stuff
"You just aren't as demanding or numerous as horny men are, sadly"
This is why feminism (the actual equality stuff, not the sjw bullshit firestorm its turned into)
is important.
Women have been historically disempowered, in favor of a male dominated society, which is why we have this problem partially.
feminists don't wanna cut off your dick and feed it to their cats for dinner, we just want hot porn
Gib us porn.
I mean, not really. If it was really a thing some companies that do draw that kind of shit would be swimming in money and they just... arent. Especially of the drawn kind, except fujos (who like very feminine men regardless) women just don't want as much visual sex as men, nor are willing to spend as much money.
Example: This girls tits are flopping around like two water balloons on a rollercoaster. That's totally fine. Now, to make this fair, give me a close up shot of a male running next to her with his giant dick and balls hellicoptering around and flippa-flopping just as hard as her tits.
THAT is how you make fanservice for everyone. That's how you make it sexually fair.
It's not about protecting women, it's about controlling men. Don't expect your enemy to fight fair.
Dicks are gay. Tits are straight.
Anime (that degenerate medium) is helping you to become a loser.
>Dicks are gay. Tits are straight.
Probably one of the weakest trolls yet today.
What if you're a female? Are dicks still gay for them? Are tits still straight?
Yes. Even dykes love dicks. They pork each other with dildos quite often.
Ugh, now you're not even trying. Go away and take your weak shit with you.
Clearly girls are gay since they like dick. This is elementary stuff user.
Gay men also try to fuck women to pretend they are straight. Denial is a bitch.
If you aren't against sexuality will you be my girlfriend
I say people should sexualize men also.
That way everything is ok, women get to benefit from this also and I finally get a clue on how to be sexy with my gf.
I think you're in denial about your sexuality since you're pushing this so hard.
I already know I am straight. Fags like you are denying something.
I think that would be more comical than sexy.
Maybe the dude's packs can do a little bounce.
I don't fucking know, I'm a dude.
>I finally get a clue on how to be sexy with my gf.
Ask her?
To be perfectly honest, I wish dudes had a way to be various shades of sexy like women can.
I constantly feel that dressing up basically the same way everyday is way too boring. Meanwhile women have a fuckton of options to get all kinds of different effects, from comfy and functional to sexy and elegant.
Dudes have pants and shirts. Social pants and shirts for special occasions. It's fucking boring.
Yeah, denying you any further attention. /dab
Her tits are comical too, so it's fine. It's just the lack of gender sexual equality that's kinda the focus of the problem. You can have sexy women - but make it fair and give sexy men too.
Because it gives little girls a fucked up standard of beauty that is unhealthy to chase after
>I wish dudes had a way to be various shades of sexy like women can.
They do
>I constantly feel that dressing up basically the same way everyday is way too boring. Meanwhile women have a fuckton of options to get all kinds of different effects, from comfy and functional to sexy and elegant.
I'm with you on this one, us men don't have as many different styles as women and that's sad
She says she finds guys dressed like lawyers are sexy.
My work does help with it, but I don't want to dress like one every time I wanna smash.
There's a lot of ways to be sexy, ask her for other ways
I'm the kind of dude that when I don't know how to do something I make it a joke.
Really fucking up on the sexy aspect when I make jokes about shagging her.
Well that's a problem
The fuck do I wear to look sexy and elegant?
Keep in mind, I'm not exactly fit. I'm skinny as a branch.
Whatever fit your body
I'm skinny as fuck too but I'm regularly complimented on my looks
Like what?
I'm imagining myself at the beach with some shorts. How do I get it to be better than just pants?
Tits are not equivalent to dick and balls so that's an unfair comparison in the first place. Under that context there's plenty of attractive and sexualized men in anime. Not my fault you're such a whore that the ripped bare chests of the men in anime don't turn you on as much much as tits turn the dudes on.
I was at a party recently with a whore throwing herself at a gay man openly trying to convert him because he's gay and talking about how she's done it before and enjoys it. You got it backwards especially since being straight is the current social stigma except on an anonymous image board.
>being straight is the current social stigma
You should go outside more