When do I finally say "I love you?"

Before or after we have sex?
Just randomly one night? Or after something romantic?
In bed? Or while we are doing something together?

I'm just so afraid its too early and she won't say it back.

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Never. Never say that ever

Say it now. it's just a word/feeling, who the fuck cares?
what if she dies today and you never got to tell her?

Sometimes I say it during sex because i'm "in the moment" and it's arousing, but otherwise you should ALWAYS wait for the woman to say it first.

This. "Love" is essentially mutual delusion unless you are actually an objective 10/10 man in every conceivable way

telling someone you love them shouldn’t be about hearing it back. say you love her because that’s how you feel and you want her to know and to feel loved.

Hey man, if she don't feel it right now, that's fine
If you keep on keepin on she'll say it back to you one day

Don't hide your emotions from her, that doesn't make for good relationships

>If you keep on keepin on she'll say it back to you one day
If a man keep saying "I love you" over and over to his girl she'll ultimately lose attraction for him

this. i told my boyfriend i love him first, he didn’t say it back right away. i was ok with that. i just wanted him to know that he was loved, so i kept telling him. and then after a few months he started saying it back.

Holy fuck all of you give fucking shit advice

Wah wah
Tell me what it is that you want to hear and I'll tell you it

Before the relationship starts. It throws them off big time.

That only worked because you're a girl and he's a guy. The person you replied to said it was the other way around. Unless you find the perfect-wife-material, saying it first as the male is a death sentence.

No nono
not saying 'I love you' over and over
I mean persisting, effectively, as her boyfriend
And even if she doesn't feel it when he first says it, it doesn't mean she won't

You misunderstood
She isn't saying that he should behave EXACTLY as she did. she's expressing how the same idea worked in her relationship

Also it absolutely is not a death sentence.
Just be yourself, holy fucking shit this isn't that hard

Every man with a gf says not to say it first so now I don't know what to do

>imagine being this insecure over a word

Except I'm not nice projection

>makes a thread about it
>"n-no u"

I asked a question, what's wrong with that?

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I said it first and I'm still together with my gf half a year later

Based womanizer

My now-wife said it first, about 2 months after we started dating. I carried her to the toilet in the middle of the night (she's paralysed and it's easier than getting her chair) and after we got back to bed she put her arms tightly around me and said she loved me.

Have sex, incel.

Do not utter those words. Its always negative as perfect as movies may make it seem. Its like a burden.
Do not fucking do it.

When you feel like it. This is what relationships are made of

>Before or after we have sex?
Well before. Only marry someone you're sure you love, and only have sex after marriage.

How is it a death sentence? I'm dating a guy who said it first and we've been fine for 3 years. Also him being open is far better than a previous relationship wherein the guy told me 'he does not believe in love' 3 months in, not even 3 months after that it was over.

seconding. a lot of incels here

You say you love someone when you’ve no doubt it’s what you feel and know. I’ve said it before and am thankful I was open. Best wishes user.