
I think Ann struck a nerve this time, lads.

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>Learning disabilities or developmental disabilities DO NOT equal stupid.
I mean... not all, but definitely most.

I wish she would just nut up and call them kikes.

Dinesh must've had a great time with this chick. I usually don't pay attention to murican politics but Goddamn she's got one hell of an ass.

Not cool, Ann. I have a bunch of "retards" in my family.

she's pretty based for americuck standards.

these guys are so annoying

KEK, he's spazing out the fuck out

Krassenstein brothers deserve to be called retards

As a retard I'm literally shaking after reading her use that ableist slur.

>gets called a retard
>"um excuse me, being retarded doesn't mean you're stupid"

what? she is literally a stick

Merca Durrrrr. Fucking subhumans

In the clown world, you cannot use words that might offend a special group

is he implying theres something wrong with being stupid? ableist fucking shitlord

Nice catch leaf, he called all the retards stupid
Ann didn't even do that

>There's no way Ann actually opened a tweet with "Hey retard boy"...
>it's real

Top Kek.

>Chink-level reading comprehension
Checks out.

Yeah, making a comparison between you and one of the chuckle brothers is an insult to retards everywhere.
Fight the good fight user.

Incoming Jews calling her a coal burner

>that last post
Retards are retards. Being retarded literally means to be slower, the liberal thinking that retards feelings matter more than truth is the reason we are living in clown world right now.

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When your enemy is a bunch of retardboys I’d what else they expect to be called.

She's got to be one of us.

RWDS when?

Im fully convinced Ann shitposts amoung us

b-but muh tranny muh coal burner

>retardboys I’d what else they
t. retard

>And I'm a PROUD retard!

the BLVCK BVLL has spoken.

Holy shit he replied to that with like a dozen other tweets. Someone tell retard-boy to calm down

The Krassensteins have to be Canadian.

shit like this is why nobody likes us

>IQ Classifications in Educational Use
>Extremely Low** 69 and below
>**The term Extremely Low is used in place of the terms Mentally Retarded, used in the WAIS-R, and Intellectually Deficient, used in the WISC-III to avoid the implication that a very low IQ score is sufficient evidence by itself for the classification of "mental retardation" or "intellectually deficient."

Ummm Just because they have sub 60 IQ doesn't mean they are stupid.

Didn't that last chuckle fuck die last year?

It literally does though.

>get called retarded
>don't deny it and only scold them for thinking your stupid, too
Fucking retards, lel

shit in the street

I dunno, if she had this place as a release maybe she'd be more reserved on twitter.

Especially mental retardation....

Are you retarded? Because your ability to identify sarcasm is defunct.

I'm quarter black, Ann, and I've got a big bottle of shiraz that I can't finish by myself that's begging to be drank by the fireplace.

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Nah you're alright m8.
He's not even wrong

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war is peace
freedom is slavery
retards are geniuses

>/ptg/ cognitive dissonance intensifies

Nah, that was the first one to go, now the remaining clown really is crying on the outside too.
FTR they are/were actual brothers.

Someone with a twitter please post "no one cares, retard" after his boring spam.

reeee the poos are stealing all our 2/10, 50 year old, barren, horse-faced women

Im not sure
She might just like shitposting on twitter desu
Shes probably like an aussie and shitposts irl

Any word from them on the "I'll delete my account if Russian collusion isn't real" tweet?

shhhhh, they will hear you.

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Her personality is hot AF. You can tell she's not parroting the male handler in her life.

Kill yourself to stop the pain.

>dat retard boy response

I believe so!

So you have bad credit?

it's hot as fuck to cucks. Usually men like submissive women

So he's admitting to be a retard or an idiot?
Because he's clearly both.

If you don't know how to make a woman want to act submissive, then you're doing it wrong.

Nah, he's just an autist.

But they they really are retarded faggots tho

Some women are too stupid + fell for the strong empowered memes

Hail queen ann

Lol I didnt even check if it was real just started sending it to all my buds

what does that have to do with what I said? It's her state now - dominant.
Besides, some hags are hard to reform. The older, the harder it is. Ain't nobody got time for that.

Shut up poland fag, nobody cares about your woman troubles