What to do when you reach this point?

What to do when you reach this point?

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accept that it's okay to have sex with womam who had more than one partner

Make a Jow Forums thread

You do whatever you want. What kind of question is this, if you lifted for x and x isnt viable enough, you lift either because you want to or for y. Pick your y to lift or just lift and do whatever else you want to do, I know Jow Forums aint filled with ultra smart lads but cmon now.

you lift


Anyone have the Hitler variation? I hit that point after two 8/10 gfs who both cheated on me.

Reminder that if she isn't a virgin, she is a whore

Accept God into your life.

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If you listened from the start, you would never have reached this point in the first place. Lifting solely for women is a dumb idea. Lift for yourself, continue to improve yourself and never be discouraged because of whores.

I shaved.

>tfw that ambivalent feel when you don't want to have a gf after past experiences, but also having a gf would be nice.
>tfw it's been 4 years now

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Keep lifting. Challenge yourself by trying different styles of lifting and find hobbies that make you happy.

No, stop that right now. You want a gf.

Unironically kill thots

Wtf is the point of this incel shit? He wanted to fuck random girls then gets mad when they fuck random dudes? Who does he think people are fucking around with?

If she breathes she is a thot.

I think it's too late now, user. Besides I got rid all my social circles anyway, so there is no possible source of girls.

Improve mental health.
If you are jacked/shredded and give up because a roastie mentioned having multiple partners/threesomes, you are a weakwilled beta bitch.
Grow and realize that nobody marries "the one". Everyone just settles for less.
Unironically treat women like children. Stop showing emotions and weakness. Just fuck and move on. Ofcourse this does not apply to anyone in this board because muh victim card.

NO. It's okay for a man to have multiple partners because men need to practice to get good at sex, however it is NOT except able for a fucking femoid to get degraded and penetrated by anyone before their husband, they should be checked annually for their hymen if they do not possess it they are to be sent to the asbestos mines or the fucking mercury refineries.

Fixed that for you, just to answer your question.

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Best version. Thanks user.

someone post the gachi edit please

> everybody just settles for less
No Johnny, bad Johnny, that's trash, out that down!

Everybody also eats like shit, doesn't mean you have to. Are you legitinately such a retard that you think acting like the rest is okay?

The thing with the incel mindset is that they aren't even that concerned with sex and (don't let them fool you) definitely not with love, it's all about "muh validation".
In other words every girl they have sex with (rhetorically of course) is just confirmation to them that they are the FUCKING MAN, they've been validated and they got the girl because they are just that good. (kek) But if the girl also fucked someone else that tells them that they aren't that special after all. These guys are narcissists, they can't handle that.

Same, mate. We'll find new circles. We'll find new girls. Just stop thinking that it's too late. It's not too late till you're dead. Unless there's something seriously wrong with you, you should be looking. Try tinder maybe. I'm too much of a pussy to try.

This is precisely what I was waiting for

but I'm gay

Tinder is horrible brah. There are pretty much two outcomes with a Tinder. Either you get a pussy or you won't. First option is horrible in that you will get pussy, but nothing else. Girls there are trash and vapid whores. You'll get similar chance to get a good gf there as in average brothel. Second is that you'll find none, which will hurt your self-respect and confidence. Both lead to that shitty slippery slope of hating all girls.

I think joining irl hobby communities could be a good idea. Team sport clubs, group hiking, philosophy groups, student groups, etc. Shit, if you are religious, then church groups could be good. But then again, I'm too despondent and lazy for all that.

Yeah, I tried doing exactly that. And guess what. All girls there are on fucking tinder and I managed to get friendzoned or straight up despised by them in weeks.
The worst part is that I still enjoy the hobbies and keep in contact with those people.

Good post.


Probably because you were a creeper who put yourself in the friendzone. Contrary to common cope, it's totally on the guy to get into the friendzone.

You bumbling retard. Men shouldn't have multiple partners either.

Fug. You tried like regular groups which don't inherently attract whores? I did Tinder, got girls from it too, but I just can't anymore. Going on "date" to listen to completely inane faggotry and vapid bullshit, pretend you care only to get a shot, that is just not even remotely respectable. Nevermind you legitimizing whorish behaviour by using it. I even tried escorts, but then again that won't help with a need of a good gf. I however think it's way better option than Tinder and more honorable as well.

Learn how to filter women and spot red flags early. Stop giving every woman who gives you attention the time of day.

If you feel like you don't have enough prospects to feasibly do this, you haven't made it to the level you think you are.

What the fuck would their conversation even be about? Like how do you find yourself in a conversation with your crush and she brings up the fact that she got tag teamed by a nog and an alien?

You should look into what happens to a woman after her first female partner, as well as the psychological damaging it'll do to a woman to be fucked repeatedly and then left. It screws around with their brain chemistry.

I would say both men and woman shouldn't be given the freedom to roam and degrade themselves through multiple sex partners throughout life. There's a reason why enough unprotected sex leads to life saving medication from the diseases you pick up doing it...

My gf had fucked one other guy before she got with me.. am i essentially a cuck?

>first female partner
Meant first male partner. I'm just awake, ignore the grammer/spelling mistakes.

Sorry my version’s sort of fuzzy, I was considering just making my own.

good cope

Haha right? R9kfit has some if the dumbest incel posters

Like you really expect a woman in her prime to wait for your ass to get buff and then fuck you asap

Wow, seek help

Sell that food server cart and dumbells, get your TV and xbox back from the pawn shop and stop lifting.


>there is a reason you catch stds if you have sex with too many people
Except you could have hundreds of partners and never catch an std as long as those partners were clean...

Eh, probably, yeah. Can't really do anything about that though.

Stop being a romantic, sympathetic, societal conditioned retard.

Accept more intimately what everyone here already fucking knows, but mostly are too much of a retarded idealistic coddled child to accept. Human beings don't mate for life. There's not a reality where a human being has sex with one human being and thinks about 0 other people. There isn't. The people who are married, hate it, the other 60-70% get divored, with maybe 5% of actually mentally healthy people finding someone they're genuinely compatible with and having a somewhat happy drama free life.

Women are liabilities, not assets. It's only ever your turn, men are the disposable species with 60% of your ancestors being women, women always are looking for a bigger better deal, their biology is utterly inconducive to one mate, their evolutionary psychology and women's imperative is utterly inconducive to long term relationships, and it's scientifically proven the mating cycle is 7 years.

So? And guess what, you're still a human being who is social, and thrives on companionship, and is to some degree incomplete without it.

So turn your fucking brain on and stop dating like a low iq moron. Discard the idea of marriage entirely, never going to happen, get a vasectomy, never let a women move in with you in your life, hang out with women who genuinely like you, and whom you genuinely like, keep it casual and fun, don't fall for the bullshit sympathetic arguements. Don't ever become entangled with this women.

And only ever get frusterated with a woman twice, no ifs ands or buts, no sympathetic bullshit. If you get frusterated with a women, say she's going out with her friends and not texting you back, and you're frusterated and worried she might be with someone else. Inform her that this will be the last time you'll ever be frusterated with her, and that you're not waning on this, don't make her walk on eggshells, but be sincere about it. Just delete her and never talk to her again after.

>get a vasectomy
sure thing, rabbi shekelstein

What the fuck? How is tinder awful? Just fucking use it to get pussy while you are looking for that perfect gf. How is that bad? Furthermore is your ego so fragile you break down if you get rejected? You just have to go into tinder with a different mindset.

First of all for the most part you wont know if they rejected you, you will just never match with them. Secondly if they do match with you and nothing comes of it, you just have to recognize that alot of the thots on that app are just using it as a way to get attention. Aside from that its like a free pussy vending machine. It does alot of the leg work since it gets the whole physical attraction bit out of the way

>Just fucking use it to get pussy
I already talked about that. If you want to spend your time dating a girl with an IQ of the lobotomized German shepherd dog, then be my guest, but don't try to convince anybody it's fun. It's only fun if you are a retard too. Also sure, let's bang as many whores I can, so when (and IF) I found good clean girl later, I can give her my whole STD collection you fucking idiot. And again, you are enabling whorish behavior. Don't bitch next time some thot cheats on you.
>while you are looking for that perfect gf
Really do hope you don't mean on Tinder.
>Furthermore is your ego so fragile you break down if you get rejected?
Learn to read, never implied that. All I'm saying that for many lads it can't be pretty harmful, even though they doesn't look bad.
>You just have to go into tinder with a different mindset.
>just condition yourself to be a piece of meat or attention-dildo, goy.

>if you are a retard too
The fuck do you think we are here, rocket surgeons? The only rocket I have is in my pants.

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Wow slow down there sonny boy. Do you really expect me to read all that shit when the first word that popped out at me from the text was "evolutionary psychology"? Yeah I didn't think so. You see, from those 2 words alone I can deduce that the chances of you knowing what you're talking about are approximately as low as the chances of you blowtorching your nipples off tonight. Why would I ever take the time to read your obnoxiously lengthy comment on a korean basket weaving forum, that you clearly put a lot of thought into because you thought to yourself "hey this topic really matters, better share this with the Jow Forums bros". Your eagerness to share your perception casts a clear light on your profile as a person. You're young, not even 20. Your third crush was the first that you had the balls to ask out, after the first two had ignored you for years even though you said 'hi' to her that one time in the hallway. But she was already seeing someone, so you decided that women weren't worth it. The seething pain crept through your body and permeated your self. You started using big terms like "inconducive" and "evolutionary psychology" to mask your inherent lack of self worth that you have irredeemably lost in the pit of shadows of your non-existent love life in school. You find solace in viewing yourself as a "lone wolf" and feels an irresistible need to share your viewpoint at any given opportunity in a constant search for self-affirmation and self-persuasion.

I am 23: the post

All women are queens.

Spot the kike.

>hurrr you have date her
Since fucking when? Every tinder "date" ive been on was them coming to my house, under the guise of doing something else, but in reality we are fucking within the first hour. After that i dont have to speak to them again unless i want to hook up again. Also how does using tinder prevent you from using other means to find a girl who is actually gf material?
>muh stds
Use fucking protection brainlet.
>hurrr you are enabling their whorish behavior
Except I met the girls on FUCKING TINDER. They are already doing it.

Of all the people on the planet I respect

I have the least for people who believe they've transcended their evolutionary biology in the 10,000 years of civilization.

You're a retarded monkey floating on a rock, the same as they others, they tend to have the same patterns, like flies, or bees, and a great deal of understanding comes about in the way of understanding their hard wired psychology

As for the other ramblings, I've been showered in positive female attention since literally the second I left the womb. I don't even care to meet you on that level.

Retarded projecting comment, not sure why I replied. 22 btw, and all wrong. Sorry I shit on your retarded idea of love, called your girlfriend a dumb whore, and told you your monkey brain isn't as smart as you think it is. But in reality, there's nothing you can do about it, and you would die beneath my fists.

Semi-related question. But I was just watching some amateur cuckold porn, and then it dawned on my that like 99% of the women in amateur cuckold porn have several tattoos. So it got me to thinking. Is there something about women with tattoos that make them more likely to cuck/want to cuck you?

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How do u find escorts

>he took the bait
Nice reddit spacing btw

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You truly are retarded. No wonder Tinder fits you
That's what I thought. Again, if fucking retards is fun to you, then you are retarded as well.
>Every tinder "date" ive been on was them coming to my house, under the guise of doing something else
Yes, that is another fucking thing I hated.
>Use fucking protection brainlet.
Like it changes a thing, since there is a crap you get from kissing alone.
>Except I met the girls on FUCKING TINDER. They are already doing it.
Yes, you are enabling them. How dense you are?

I went through that and it's been 12 years. Now that I finally want a gf I forgot how to get one.

It's pretty much legal in my country. The process is like this:
>go to one website
>search by tiddie size, hair-color, services provided, location, etc.
>pick a girl you like
>check another website for reviews if there is no fuckery
>send her an email or whatsapp message when she is free
>go there

I'm bit afraid of that tbqh.

Fucking is fucking you god damn mongoloid. You're the one talking about dating the women.

>ugh i hate inviting women over knowing we are going to hook up but letting them tell themselves its for something else
Are you a fag per chance?

>you can get stds from kissing
What? Are you actually a virgin? Aside from that dont kiss nasty bitches with fucking "cold sores" all over their mouths.

>you are the one enabling them
Except not. They are already on tinder brainlet. They have already been enabled

this is pretty based, except the vasectomy bullshit

>an actual real life retard
How did you even managed to post here?
>They have already been enabled
Imagine if you and most of the guys would drop Tinder. They would stop doing it. This is not a rocket physics you drooling cretin. No demand = no thots.
>Aside from that dont kiss nasty bitches with fucking "cold sores" all over their mouths.
Hurr what is a fluid exchange. Good luck with that, you absolute idiot.
>if you are not okay with being a fake lying consumerist faggot, you may be a homosexual
Good goy. Now go back to the mall.

>youre just retarded i have no argument
Thats what i thought faggot
>why dont you and every other guy just stop using the tools available to you
Literally fucking why dumbass? Most guys want sex. Tinder is an easy outlet for that. Also whores totally didnt exist before tinder. You are idiot.
>muh fluid exchange
Again the only stds you can catch from saliva are the ones that are also visible
>this whole last bit
Lmao fucking what? You literally have brain rot or some shit. What are you even going on about?

t:disgusting whore or beta faggot

what sick country do you guys come from where the average man (slightly better looking than you) cant get a virgin gf. only my hyper-beta mates didnt leave high school with virgin gf, why didnt you?

then kill yourself sodomite

>no argument
Yes, I called you a retard. My points are in the text under it.
>Literally fucking why dumbass?
>Literally why would you want a decent society with morals and good women?
Completely mystery. You may be the biggest idiot itt.
>Also whores totally didnt exist before tinder
It's about how many of them are in the society, sniveling moron.
>Again the only stds you can catch from saliva are the ones that are also visible
Check again. Herpes, syphilis and others. And they are not ALWAYS visible, especially in early stages. But you can get them anyway. Point is, if you gonna whore around, you gonna get fucked sooner or later.
>What are you even going on about?
Don't worry about it.

Jej started dating an y/o virgin (5'1" 105 lb) a couple years ago. Literally best decision I made of my life. Been with like 4 roasties. there's a difference.

Would you rather be her only shining knight? Or do you want to be constantly compared to the other dudes she's dated/been with. It doesn't even matter if it's about the sex, it's about the way she looks at you.

When my girlfriend hugs me she squeezes me with all her might and holds on as long as she can, trust me, it's a feeling you can't get anywhere else. it's been 2 years and we've never argued. I'm fine with being her only one and I'm fine with her being the last one I'm with.

Ah theres the incel.
Told you.
Works wonders when you mention them.

have sex


>calling someone a retard is an argument i swear
Nice literal retard logic
>muh decent society
Again because whores didnt exist before tinder right? As i said why should people not use the tools available to them?
>there is more now i swear
Or maybe they are just more visable? Holy fucking shit. Im sure just because tinder exists and people use it every single women will eventually become a whore and you will never be able to find your 10/10 virgin waifu. Fucking pathetic. Grow up.
Only contagious when it flares up
Only contagious from sores you dumbass
Again if you are going to catch it from kissing you should be able to see it. But regardless using this fucking logic is your perfect virgin waifu also never kissed anyone? Otherwise you better watch out for those big bad stds
>dont worry about it
No im genuinely curious what you were trying to imply during your autistic meltdown.

you do realize you can freeze your cum, right?

Ever meet a guy who had a vascetomy? They'll tell you it's the best thing that ever happened to them,

Based and fuhrerpilled

>you can spend money to use your cock the way it was meant to be used
Gonna have to try harder than that

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Post the Megumin version. Thats your answer, op

>calling someone a retard is an argument i swear
Reading comprehension = monkoid. I said the opposite.
>Again because whores didnt exist before tinder right?
Once again, since you missed it because of how retarded you are - it is about the volume of whores. And also about how it is accepted in society.
>Or maybe they are just more visable?
>they are just more "visable" now, goy.
Do you seriously believe this retarded shit?
>only contagious when X dumbass
No. I also like how you are consistently pushing the goalpost here.
>you should be able to see it.
>you should
If there will be some natural catastrophe in the future, I won't be betting on your survivability, dum dum.
>is your perfect virgin waifu also never kissed anyone
Perfect? Yeah. But that doesn't exist, obviously. That also doesn't mean that one should fuck around with every single thot with a mileage of an professional whore, you dumb nigger gorilla.
>No im genuinely curious
I'm sure you are. You are also a complete moron.

>Spending 30k total, exaggerated estimate on vascetomy/cum freezing

>Spend 300k on raising a child to adulthood and having it have a whore for a mother

Going to spare you a derogatory chirp here, actually. But just know I'm thinking it.

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>He wanted to fuck random girls
Who said that? What most guys want is a debt free virgin without tattoos

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>implying I have sex with hoes

>Human beings don't mate for life.
I refuse to accept your world, kike.

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>Weee! My dating choice was superior than yours! My girllfriend is a pristine p-princess!

Yeah good luck with that one, what a SHOCKER on how that's going to turn out for you

I don't fuck a girl if a child with would be a disaster, that's my rule.

How do men have multiple partners if women cant? Seek help

you're so dumb it's unreal

hit me up when you get past the honeymoon stage of an actual relationship and tell me how your perspective has changed

doesn't matter what I say to you, some children have to stick their hand on the burner to learn. Go on then.

Holy based

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watch battle tendency

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you sound bitter

>inbred desert goatfuckers
>forbidding degeneracy
Pick one Achmed.

>realise lifting for women is stupid
>lifting for higher ideals just demotivates me because i'm a fucking failure
>just sort of lifting but idling