The Swede has Cucked

New episode of LWIAY pewdiepie calls out Trump for being in Times 100 most influential people.

He also called himself out for his criticism of the media, saying he doesnt want to go off on them

Pewdiepie is literally completely cucked at this point. He's disavowed his own nationality and doesnt do any redpilled shit anymore. He keeps promoting reddit to his fans despite reddit literally being bought by the DNC and botting fake news all day. Pewdiepie is the type of brainlet to read a r/politics headline and not read any more into it. He doesn't even get a joke as to why Detroit is shit.

His popularity has completely cucked him and he can no longer believe what he did before.


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Other urls found in this thread:

>reeee y felix death-to-all-jews kjelberg not take edgy humour serious

Its time to step aside, poodiepie. Its the dravidian bvlls time to rise and shine. T-series rise and ascend!

if your swedish and you dont mind whats going on in your country or to your people, you're literally suicidal

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He said the Times are not able to acknowledge people who, in their mind at least, are doing something negative.
And judging from the fact that the Times is a mainstream media outlet and has a clearly left-wing bias they see PewDiePie as negative, maybe even as an enemy.

But even if most of the Times 100 is just shilling, even they cannot hide the fact that the President of the United States is one of the most influential people in the world.

If you're Canadian and you don't mind what's going on in your country or to your people, you're literally suicidal

Foreigner doesnt understand America. More news at 10

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no fucking shit he's a kike. Look at that nose. He's an insecure manlet, and know hes basically another stupid tool for the left.

I was hoping he'd help the tide turn the other way, but every video it seems unlikely.

>His popularity has completely cucked
His popularity will fall now that he have showed himself to be a cuck.

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Based schitzo

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not gonna happen. He's gonna keep growing because of normies supporting the forced t-series meme and race to 100 mill. I dont see pewdiepie becoming irrelevant as an e-celeb for awhile. He's gonna start bluepilling people now

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Pewdiepie: "I understand TIME they can't acknowledge people that they FEEL like is doing something negative, at least that's how i interpreted it.
Donald is on it, so."
Context matters

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>being influenced by a faggot who screams at the screen in an autistic rage
Kill yourselves

This is you rn

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Yeah, I’m really going to believe some faggot that doesn’t even post a link. Gtfo shill.

his fans will take that as a critcism of Trump, meaning they'll also hold that opinion that trump shouldnt be recognized for being on Time. This will make his young audience of imporessionable normies also dislike trump.

i dont even watch him for his content, he was ok in 2018 with his book reviews and shit, but i mostly watch him to see him redpill people in videos. He doesnt do that anymore so he's useless

Sems like hes saying that him and trump are perceived by times like someone negative, trump is on it and pewds is not

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he could have pointed out ninja instead as a comparison, sice theyve both had controversy and both are ecelebs. instead he calls out trump.

he may be doing this to get the media off him, but thats dumb because any "dog whistle" pewdiepie does do, they will call him out despite all this bluepilled shit hes done recently.

In my opinion, pewds is done with "edgy humour" (i doubt he didnt believe some of the shit he's seen) he's just gonna promote normie shit now

Pewdiepie didn't say shit about Trump really in that video
you're a kike and leafpilled

>still hopes pewds is secretly based

give it up. he'd promote open borders if he could.

imagine being this far removed from the truth

I just watched it, that's not what he said.

>"They wont acknowledge people that ***they feel*** is doing something negative." (talking about NYT)

he's like 5'9 or something irl, he tries to cope with it a lot.

dont tell me you still believe pewdpie is on our side? when was the last time he's done a good ylyl from /gif/? He doesnt even use this site anymore and if he did he would bring hoards of people here and also get called out by the media

>Pewdiepie is literally completely cucked at this point
>He's disavowed his own nationality

Ninja went on elen last year, the controversy level is a lot less than pewdiepie (more compared to trump in some way) ;)
but since both of us saw in a different way, i can just assume that the half of his fans will gonna interpret my way.
Pewdiepie was always subtle with the pills, his on a hard position.
But it was good comparing him to Tump since his fans know that the negative things the press says is bulshit.

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He's rich, he doesn't care. T-Series has taken over as #1 subbed channel and Pewdiepie no longer has that honor, people won't sub to him simply b/c he's #1 anymore, he'll just be a regular youtube with alot of subs.

check out 3:42, by the end of the vid he is disgusted trump won. he doesnt like trump.

Given that he is here, he probably does care, and he probably is suicidal... We all are, r-right guys?

Who cares. You're fucking foliage.

i hope his fans have that take away, but the majority of his fans are dumb af. Pewdiepie falls for a lot of "internet" propaganda like the whole Net Neatrality bullshit or EU banning memes that went on for a month and then everyone forgot. Like Kony 2012, a lot of stuff he promotes is very unnatural and taken out of proportion.

Also did you see his review of Plato's republic? Damn that video was hard to watch. Like a 13 year old who cant read out loud having to talk to the class about his book report

dont you have to get stabbed by a somali somehwere?

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Pewdiepie is redpilled and sees that Trump is a mindless golem controlled by jews.

Fake news. Black people don't exist

>This will make his young audience of imporessionable normies also dislike trump.
They should dislike Trump. He is a scumbag.

i wish i could leave this place. maybe one day, ill die and be freed for this hellhole

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what will 2020 look like if you keep up your bullshit with normies

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Jews shilling against pweds, the genocide is one day closer.

environment --> genetics --> culture --> politics.

The only solution to the Jewish problem is extermination, that is to say genocide, which the Germans were too nice to do. Those genes are too harmful to everyone else, and they've figured this out.

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the superior Swede/Juden genes. Pewdiepie is /ourkike/

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It should be pretty obvious by now that he's not right-wing at all. The left and press just resents him because they're unable to use him for their own personal causes. He's unwilling to network/shill their brands and it causes them to seethe in anger.

The worst thing you can do to a leftist is to show that you can be successful without being brainwashed by their pipeline. Read Kaczynskii's Manifesto (Industrial Society and It's Future) to see their psychology.

lmao I like this one

You’ve got pluck, but you need to teach your people to start pooing in the john, Rhajhanapar.

this. besides saying women suck and hating that indian wonderwomen bitch, he literally never expresses conservative values. if anything hes far left with his fashion sense and music taste. He is dindu tier for culture, and is just another progressive. He was more edgy when idubbbz was big, now that that stuff is dead, hes just going back to being a cuck. He used edgy memes to attract the Jow Forums audience, nothing more

Fucking faggot Felix destroying Reddit noise to signal ratio bcuz of his garbage echo chamber of fat kiddos.

Who cares, trump is a kike puppet anyways.

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Oh for sure I think about it everyday.

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