Unrealistic standards?

As a 22 year old man who is not a NEET and is relatively successful generally speaking, is it reasonable to expect any female love interests to have been with less than, say, 5-6 men previously? Ive been intimate with 3 women, all of which occuring within several year relationships. Casual sex has always seemed offputting to me. How difficult would it be to meet women with similar mindsets in the middle of the USA? Thoughts?

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Middle of USA is probably better than the coasts, but I'd still operate under the assumption of "30 by 30" meaning she'll have slept with 30 different guys by the times she's 30. Now, if you're dating around your age, you can probably snag some girls with a count between 5-10, but any lower and you're looking at luxury items.
Sorry, my man

Greatly depends on where you live.
I live in a fairly rural, middle class community and there's maybe one girl who has ever had casual sex in my friends circle.

Kids under the age of 30 are having less sex than previous generations, so the odds are in your favor.

Just join a church or something.

>I'd still operate under the assumption of "30 by 30" meaning she'll have slept with 30 different guys by the times she's 30
this is what incels unironically believe

Attached: just a cool normal guy.jpg (1000x562, 86K)

Im in a church, but the single girls my age are real uggos. I will be moving to a bigger city in a year for dental school, so maybe that could work then for sure.

>wants pretty virgin waifu
Every time

>but the single girls my age are real uggos.

You said nothing about them having to be attractive. Attractive people tend to have sex, because they can.

You said you want a woman with a "similar mindset" about how sex is bad.

>"similar mindset" about how sex is bad

Its moreso about how sex is a token of love and understanding, and not something you let Jack from the local general store have whenever he wants because you love the attention teehee.

How much sex have you had?

A whole lot with 3 women. 2 separate 2 year relationships and 1 3 year one.

Ive never been single more than 2-3 months in my adult life.

Then you might understand that "tokens of love and understanding" are not always on the same level.

Maybe. Can you elaborate though, friend?

You shouldn't associate with females who are not virgins they are toxic figuratively and literally. Frankly dating is a stupid concept that means have sex with every Chad to destroy your value. What you want to pursue is courting debt free virgins with no tattoos who you would marry within the year.

I'm gonna assume that the girl you were with for 3 years had more of an emotional attachment than the girls that you were with for two years.

Not that it diminishes the emotional attachment of the other ones - you shouldn't be trying to quantify emotional issues. It's the same thing with casual sex or even relationships that last less than a year - you have to have a bare minimum of an emotional connection with someone to get naked with them and have sex. It's not "just the attention teehee"

Also doesn't matter if it was the three year girl or the two year girls, you know and I know that the emotional connection is at its strongest in the beginning - either 6 months to a year where everything is perfect and she's flawless and everything. Towards the end of the relationship, it wasn't the same spark in your relationship. That doesn't mean that there was absolutely nothing left towards the end.

Same thing with casual sex, there's not nothing there. Again, you have to like someone well enough to get intimate with them.

Nice explanation, thanks.

According to various researches, 30% of young people practically doesnt date nor have sex.

So yeah, in theory every third girl fits your criteria. But in practical terms it means these people stay away from all usual places people go to meet, date and or fuck. So good luck encountering actual virgin woman. Thry are all hidden in basements. Thats why they are still virgins after all.

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Idk where this meme stems from but there are cute virgin girls out there. There’s always been cute quiet who are virgins because no one gives them attention. The only way you’d find them is by taking to them so good luck user

If you want a decent female join the Mormon church

Sounds pretty easy ... the key bit is focusing on the mindset. If you bring up numbers, you're bound to put off most normal people.